
    您輸入的關鍵字: Laurent


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    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    「這本書真是迷人又好笑啊!」 ──卡洛.羅維理(Carlo Rovelli), 迴圈量子重力理論重要創建者,著有《七堂簡單物理課》 法國Dunod出版社與漫畫家暨科普作家 Laurent Schafer 合作,推出《怪奇物理的日常...... more

    Karl Lagerfeld卡爾拉格斐:時尚大帝墨鏡下的溫柔靈魂

    Karl Lagerfeld卡爾拉格斐:時尚大帝墨鏡下的溫柔靈魂

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 355

    的,又是怎樣的故事? 可預期地,傳奇的背後,是一個男人,還有一段故事。這些傳奇和故事環環相扣,現在,法國記者Laurent Allen-Caron帶我們追本溯源,回到舉世無雙的成功的起點,尋找舊日蹤跡,拼湊出卡爾拉格斐的樣貌。 法國亞馬遜...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    看地圖,懂世界 :【方輿】世界地圖叢書最新力作 ▁▃▅▇ 造成一個地球,幾個世界的全球化,到底是什麼?▇▅▃▁ 收錄近90張具高度解說性的地圖與圖表,方便讀者一目了然掌握全球化現象,主要內容包... more

    照顧者達人:照顧者手冊 減輕壓力保有健康

    照顧者達人:照顧者手冊 減輕壓力保有健康

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 428

    高齡社會中每個家庭必讀的一本書 高齡社會中,照顧者與照顧夥伴的議題無分軒輊,照顧者達人是一本少數專為照顧者編撰的書,在書中不只是討論到照顧技巧,更可找到照顧者可用以安頓身、心、社交與靈性的技巧,... more

    當代名導的電影大師課:20位神級導演的第一手訪談,談盡拍電影的正經事和鳥事 (電子書)

    當代名導的電影大師課:20位神級導演的第一手訪談,談盡拍電影的正經事和鳥事 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 285

    ▌一百個導演有一百種拍片方式,他們都是對的 ▌ 丟開電影教科書,國際神導教你拍出好電影,看懂好作品 好不容易進到電影學校,卻發現沒大師來上課? 史柯西斯|北野武|阿莫多瓦|柯恩兄弟|王家衛|大衛‧林... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    ! ★人一生中會做五萬個夢,瞭解夢,才能更瞭解自己! ★本世紀心理學最新研究途徑:符號學、精神分析、象徵全部涵括在內! ★名家推薦,不可錯過! 作者簡介 羅洪.拉頌斯(Laurent Lachance, 1931 ~ ) 法國知名...... more

    怪奇物理的日常大冒險 (電子書)

    怪奇物理的日常大冒險 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 336

    「這本書真是迷人又好笑啊!」 ──卡洛.羅維理(Carlo Rovelli), 迴圈量子重力理論重要創建者,著有《七堂簡單物理課》 法國Dunod出版社與漫畫家暨科普作家 Laurent Schafer 合作,推出《怪奇物理的日常...... more

    時尚伸展台套書:《Fashion Week臺上臺下》+《Karl Lagerfeld卡爾拉格斐》

    時尚伸展台套書:《Fashion Week臺上臺下》+《Karl Lagerfeld卡爾拉格斐》

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 547

    一段故事。這些傳奇和故事環環相扣,現在,法國記者Laurent Allen-Caron帶我們追本溯源,回到舉世無雙的成功的起點,尋找舊日蹤跡,拼湊出卡爾拉格斐的樣貌。 ★法國亞馬遜讀者一致五星評價★ 「非常好看,讓人欲罷不能。一個來自德國北部孩子...... more

    19~20世紀植物圖鑑:從200多幅植物剖析掛畫認識植物學的世界 (電子書)

    19~20世紀植物圖鑑:從200多幅植物剖析掛畫認識植物學的世界 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 693

    優美的古典植物插畫與學術研究的完美結合 科學、藝術、歷史都在這本植物掛畫集交織共舞,精巧的描繪了植物的一生。 ★植物界專家好評推薦 Alvin Tam/Alvin @ 春及殿 Primavera 胖胖... more

    An Introduction to Banach Algebras and Operator Algebras

    An Introduction to Banach Algebras and Operator Algebras

    • 優惠價: 7680

    This book serves as an introduction to Banach algebra theory, operator theory, and C*-algebras. It i... more

    On Arrows: Essays in British Architecture and Its Environment

    On Arrows: Essays in British Architecture and Its Environment

    • 優惠價: 2700

    architectural publications, and 15 years later they had all but disappeared. In On Arrows, Laurent Stalder looks back at the near...... more

    Natural Beauty

    Natural Beauty

    • 優惠價: 1375


    • 優惠價: 9 折, 495

    》、《第七封印》、《情事》、《沒有臉的眼睛》、《女人就是女人》、《隨身變1963》、《逍遙騎士》、《現代啟示錄》、《鐵達尼號》、《花樣年華》、《魔戒》、《追殺比爾2》、《史瑞克2》。 作者簡介 Laurent Jullier 現任教於巴黎三大新...... more

    Pierre Herme Pastries

    Pierre Herme Pastries

    • 優惠價: 2090
    Manhattan Skyline: The City Unfolds

    Manhattan Skyline: The City Unfolds

    • 優惠價: 2280

    the two rivers that surround the island, photographer Laurent Dequick shows us the city unfurling in a spectacular...... more

    Looking at Photographs (Art Essentials)

    Looking at Photographs (Art Essentials)

    • 優惠價: 720

    expert Laurent Jullier discusses themes and concepts that are essential to understanding the medium, including photography as...... more

    Danses Double Jeux Box / Laurent Korcia (2CD)(舞曲&雙重 / 勞倫‧柯西亞 (2CD))

    Danses Double Jeux Box / Laurent Korcia (2CD)(舞曲&雙重 / 勞倫‧柯西亞 (2CD))

    • 優惠價: 609


    Laurent Korcia / Songes(羅倫‧柯西亞 / 小提琴歌曲集)

    Laurent Korcia / Songes(羅倫‧柯西亞 / 小提琴歌曲集)

    • CD , RCA , 出版日期: 2005-03-08
    • 優惠價: 299

    小提琴歌曲集 Songes 羅倫‧柯奇亞(小提琴)Laurent Korcia 路易沙達、喬治‧普魯德馬赫(鋼琴)Jean-Marc Luisada 、Georges Pludermacher 拜契科夫(指揮)科隆廣播交響樂團...... more

    Pierre Hermé Macarons: The Ultimate Recipes from the Master Pâtissier

    Pierre Hermé Macarons: The Ultimate Recipes from the Master Pâtissier

    • 優惠價: 1710

    Including more than 60 elegantly photographed recipes, Pierre Herm? Macaron is the definitive guide ... more

    The de Palma Decade: Redefining Cinema with Doubles, Voyeurs, and Psychic Teens

    The de Palma Decade: Redefining Cinema with Doubles, Voyeurs, and Psychic Teens

    • 優惠價: 1140

    "An in-depth look at acclaimed filmmaker Brian De Palma’s unrivaled creative output from 1972 to 198... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 380

    本書不同於坊間現有介紹科技在生活中應用的介紹性書籍,而是以科學、技術與社會(Science, Technology and Society, STS)三者之間的關係為主軸,即以所謂的STS理論來探討人... more

    Beyond Lamarckism: Plasticity in Darwinian Evolution, 1890-1970

    Beyond Lamarckism: Plasticity in Darwinian Evolution, 1890-1970

    • 優惠價: 10200

    Over the past twenty years, the role of phenotypic plasticity in Darwinian evolution has become a ho... more

    Jean Marc Luisada - Faure: 6 Nocturnes; Violin Sonata / Jean Marc Luisada / Laurent Korcia(路易沙達 鋼琴&柯其亞 小提琴 / 佛瑞:夜曲第1+2+6+7+12+13號、鋼琴與小提琴奏鳴曲第一號)

    Jean Marc Luisada - Faure: 6 Nocturnes; Violin Sonata / Jean Marc Luisada / Laurent Korcia(路易沙達 鋼琴&柯其亞 小提琴 / 佛瑞:夜曲第1+2+6+7+12+13號、鋼琴與小提琴奏鳴曲第一號)

    • 優惠價: 319

    ★路易沙達的演奏充滿著想像、創意與啟發 ★柯其亞是很有群眾魅力的小提琴演奏家。他的演奏是粗曠中帶著纖細、敏感而磅礡 ★他演奏的蕭邦被公認是當今樂壇的最佳演奏之一,比才與佛瑞的鋼琴曲也獲的極高的評價 ★... more

    Dream Machine: A Portrait of Artificial Intelligence

    Dream Machine: A Portrait of Artificial Intelligence

    • 優惠價: 1138

    A graphic novel about the promises and perils of AI. Hugo, a Parisian entrepreneur, has launched his... more

    Essentials of French Cuisine: Over 80 Simple and Timeless Recipes to Cook at Home

    Essentials of French Cuisine: Over 80 Simple and Timeless Recipes to Cook at Home

    • 優惠價: 1710

    , best-selling author Laurent Mariotte shares a collection of French classic recipes. Learn how to whip up starters such Cheese...... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 131

    全球化或許在經濟層面蕩平了這個世界。但是仔細看看,羅朗‧柯恩一達努奇發現了民族主義出現可怕裂縫和黑暗角落,以及新世紀以來地緣政治的新發展。他的這本書將引導我們關注今後我們該何去何從。——理查德‧里維斯... more

    Cosmic Trip: An Abstract Journey

    Cosmic Trip: An Abstract Journey

    • 優惠價: 760

    , the entity known as Laurent Coupet began to draw a cosmic interplanetary communication manual in the form of a comic book...... more

    Le Cordon Bleu Dessert Techniques

    Le Cordon Bleu Dessert Techniques

    • 優惠價: 1330


    • 優惠價: 73 折, 3219

    photographer Laurent Baheux uses the medium of black-and-white photography to capture the intricate details of both the wondrous...... more

    Bescherelle: La Conjugaison Pour Tous

    Bescherelle: La Conjugaison Pour Tous

    • 優惠價: 1138
    Laurent Voulzy / Lys & Love(羅倫佛西 / 百合與愛)

    Laurent Voulzy / Lys & Love(羅倫佛西 / 百合與愛)

    • 優惠價: 429

    ◎ 2011年法國創作才子Laurent Voulzy睽違十年的創作新碟,結合了中世紀音樂與電子音樂,帶大家進入一個未知的時空探險 ◎ 分別在巴黎Chateau de Vincennes的地窖、英國的披頭四專用Abby Road錄音室錄製...... more

    Ukraine: A Warning to the World

    Ukraine: A Warning to the World

    • 優惠價: 760

    Follow the journey of a French entrepreneur whose life becomes entangled with the crisis in Ukraine,... more

    Yves Saint Laurent Catwalk

    Yves Saint Laurent Catwalk

    • 優惠價: 2750

    時裝界的革命先驅Yves Saint Laurent 奢華精品品牌聖羅蘭 (Yves Saint Laurent)由同名設計師Yves Saint Laurent(伊夫?聖羅蘭)和其伴侶Pierre Berg?於1961年創立,為時...... more

    Laurent Korcia / Cinema(勞倫.柯夏 / 心琴繪影- 柯夏的電影情緣)

    Laurent Korcia / Cinema(勞倫.柯夏 / 心琴繪影- 柯夏的電影情緣)

    • 優惠價: 439

    法國小提琴家勞倫.柯夏在從巴黎國立高等音樂院畢業後,接連贏得帕格尼尼、提鮑德、法蘭契斯巴義等國際性大獎,因此已經在樂壇上享譽超過十年以上,過去十年間他為新力BMG、Naive等唱片公司灌錄的專輯,在法... more

    Babar’s Yoga for Elephants

    Babar’s Yoga for Elephants

    • 優惠價: 416

    Well before yoga became fashionable via Sting and Madonna, the beloved elephant king Babar and all t... more

    Jules François Crahay: Rediscovering a Grand Couturier

    Jules François Crahay: Rediscovering a Grand Couturier

    • 優惠價: 2090


    • 優惠價: 87 折, 172

    “好萊塢的浪漫愛情片能當真嗎?如今的公眾輿論推崇現實主義,而浪漫愛情故事只是心靈的香糖,屬于快速消費品,只配放在超市“阿勒甘叢書”專櫃,或是在午後電視節目里播放。在地球上一切富有的家里,人們不再相信偉... more

    Pragmatism and Methodology: Doing Research That Matters with Mixed Methods

    Pragmatism and Methodology: Doing Research That Matters with Mixed Methods

    • 優惠價: 3420

    Taking a pragmatist approach to methods and methodology that fosters meaningful, impactful, and ethi... more

    Pragmatism and Methodology: Doing Research That Matters with Mixed Methods

    Pragmatism and Methodology: Doing Research That Matters with Mixed Methods

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Taking a pragmatist approach to methods and methodology that fosters meaningful, impactful, and ethi... more

    Intelligence in the Modern World: A History

    Intelligence in the Modern World: A History

    • 優惠價: 5400
    Intelligence in the Modern World: A History

    Intelligence in the Modern World: A History

    • 優惠價: 1617


    • 優惠價: 418
    What You Need from the Night

    What You Need from the Night

    • 優惠價: 380
    Benjamin’s Quest for Bravery

    Benjamin’s Quest for Bravery

    • 優惠價: 570

    In "Benjamin’s Quest for Bravery," embark on a heartwarming adventure alongside Benjamin, a timid 6-... more

    Always Hungry!: The Cookbook

    Always Hungry!: The Cookbook

    • 優惠價: 569

    "Laurent’s attention to detail and wholesome choice of ingredients reminds me of some of the greatest Michelin-star...... more

    羅倫佛西 / 貝倫(Laurent Voulzy / Belem)

    羅倫佛西 / 貝倫(Laurent Voulzy / Belem)

    • 優惠價: 459

    Souchon填上法文詞重新詮釋,同時交出原創之作 享譽法國的首席才子Laurent Voulzy,秉持一貫清新格調,有著完美主義的創作態度,雖以簡單的音符堆疊,卻蘊藏著豐沛情感、紮實編曲架構,感受屬於法式浪漫以及曼妙小調給予的深刻悸動。1974年...... more

    Deleuze’s Philosophy of Law

    Deleuze’s Philosophy of Law

    • 優惠價: 1497

    clues dispersed throughout his work and no complete reconstruction of it has ever been produced before. Laurent de Sutter...... more

    Practical Cycling: Equip, Maintain, and Repair Your Bicycle

    Practical Cycling: Equip, Maintain, and Repair Your Bicycle

    • 優惠價: 758

    "Here is a book that will answer (almost) all of a beginning and experienced bicyclist’s questions a... more

    Masks in the Forest

    Masks in the Forest

    • 優惠價: 671

    Don these pop-out masks and plunge into make-believe adventures in an enchanted forest. In an ench... more

    My Wild Family

    My Wild Family

    • 優惠價: 810

    ? Readers of all ages will delight in Laurent Moreau s richly rendered, thought-provoking illustrations, and then they will...... more

    Hair: Fashion and Fantasy

    Hair: Fashion and Fantasy

    • 優惠價: 1328

    This book celebrates the art of hair. From African tribal fashions to today s new creations, each ch... more

    O’Keeffe & Moore

    O’Keeffe & Moore

    • 優惠價: 2090

    "A groundbreaking exhibition, O’Keeffe and Moore compares the work of two iconic modernists: America... more

    Movements of Air: The Photographs from Étienne-Jules Marey’s Wind Tunnels

    Movements of Air: The Photographs from Étienne-Jules Marey’s Wind Tunnels

    • 優惠價: 3000

    air and smoke--and complements them with essays by Georges Didi-Huberman and Laurent Mannoni. Mannoni begins by reflecting...... more

    主動健康 樂享生活:慢性病自我管理(第五版)

    主動健康 樂享生活:慢性病自我管理(第五版)

    • 優惠價: 528
    Montage, Découpage, Mise En Scène: Essays on Film Form

    Montage, Découpage, Mise En Scène: Essays on Film Form

    • 優惠價: 1710

    confusion for many. In this unique volume, film scholars Laurent Le Forestier, Timothy Barnard and Frank Kessler examine in...... more

    Algebraic Curves and Surfaces: A History of Shapes

    Algebraic Curves and Surfaces: A History of Shapes

    • 優惠價: 8399

    This volume collects the lecture notes of the school TiME2019 (Treasures in Mathematical Encounters)... more

    The Birthday Party

    The Birthday Party

    • 優惠價: 760

    seamlessly from one consciousness to the next over the course of a day, Laurent Mauvignier’s The Birthday Party is a deft...... more

    Versailles: A Private Invitation

    Versailles: A Private Invitation

    • 優惠價: 3825

    This comprehensive monograph on Versailles offers unprecedented access to the ch teau and grounds of... more

    Pegasus: The Story of the World’s Most Dangerous Spyware

    Pegasus: The Story of the World’s Most Dangerous Spyware

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 601

    assassination. Some have already suffered these fates. Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud are award-winning journalists who have...... more

    Awaken Your Intuition: The ABCs of Remote Viewing

    Awaken Your Intuition: The ABCs of Remote Viewing

    • 優惠價: 380

    "Awaken Your Intuition" shows you that intuition can be developed with the dedicated practice of rem... more

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