

    您輸入的關鍵字: Paula Ross


    搜尋結果共 29985 筆, 頁數 1 / 500

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選抗老化0.1%A醇極效修護精露30ml(效期2025/4/1)

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選抗老化0.1%A醇極效修護精露30ml(效期2025/4/1)

    • 優惠價: 1406

    (使用方法) 請於早晚清潔、化妝水、去角質之後,取適量塗抹於臉部、頸部與眼周肌膚,之後再擦保濕產品,亦可搭配寶拉珍選RESIST抗老化系列使用(抗老化清瑩無瑕水凝乳或抗老化修護菁華乳),效果將更加顯著... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選10% B3 毛孔調理美 白精萃 20 ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選10% B3 毛孔調理美 白精萃 20 ml

    • 優惠價: 1385

    【產品特色】 首款高濃度10%菸鹼醯胺精萃,10% B3毛孔調理美白精萃混合高保濕與舒緩成分,使用後有感改善粗大毛孔與撫平老化顯徵,如:膚色不均、暗沉、粗糙、細紋、乾燥與泛紅等。 【產品功效】 研究實... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選1%A醇逆齡精華乳30ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選1%A醇逆齡精華乳30ml

    • 優惠價: 2002

    【產品特色】 1%A醇逆齡精華乳是一款結合A醇及多種抗氧化成分的高階款抗老精華乳,透過輕盈好吸收的質地,立即提高肌膚保水度,並改善細紋皺紋、膚色不均等老化痕跡。添加甘草及燕麥萃取等多種舒緩成分,舒緩肌... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選C15抗老淨白強化精萃20ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選C15抗老淨白強化精萃20ml

    • 優惠價: 1605

    (使用方法) 請於化妝水後,每日使用1-2次,每次滴2-3於適合的精華液混合後使用,或先搽上原液後續依需要擦上保溼產品,也可以先使用精華液後,再擦上此項產品。建議於白天要使用係數15以上的防曬產品,可... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選20%B3青春緊緻毛孔精華液20ml (效期2025/05/01)

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選20%B3青春緊緻毛孔精華液20ml (效期2025/05/01)

    • 優惠價: 1605

    【產品特色】 20�青春緊緻毛孔精華液是第一款突破性添加高濃度20%菸鹼醯胺(維他命B3)的精華液;配方完美結合乙醯葡萄糖胺、馬齒莧萃取與維他命C,緊緻失去彈性的毛孔壁,改善膚色不均,平滑粗糙紋理,提... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選C15抗老淨白強化精萃20ml+0.3%A醇+2%補骨脂酚精華乳30ml (效期至2024/11/1)

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選C15抗老淨白強化精萃20ml+0.3%A醇+2%補骨脂酚精華乳30ml (效期至2024/11/1)

    • 優惠價: 3299

    【產品名稱】 C15抗老淨白強化精萃 【產品特色】 蘊含高濃度15%維他命C及多種抗氧化與保濕成分,C15抗老淨白強化精萃透過優異的保養配方,有效改善膚色不均、暗沉蠟黃的問題,還可以強化肌膚對抗紫外線... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選 C25瞬效亮白淡斑精華30ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選 C25瞬效亮白淡斑精華30ml

    • 優惠價: 1811

    ◆品名:PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選 C25瞬效亮白淡斑精華30ml ◆容量:30ml ◆產地:美國 ◆保存期限:2年... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選高效胜肽膠原緊緻精萃20ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選高效胜肽膠原緊緻精萃20ml

    • 優惠價: 1818

    產品特色 高效胜肽膠原緊緻精萃,是一款專為高效撫紋、追求澎潤需求的您所設計的胜肽緊緻精華,號稱15分鐘撫紋精萃,一瓶蘊含肌膚所需的膠原彈潤因子,並採用了獨家胜肽配方與多種胜肽成分,加速肌膚修護效率,有... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸精華液118ml(有效日期2024/11/01)

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸精華液118ml(有效日期2024/11/01)

    • 優惠價: 1008

    使用方法 請於清潔、化妝水之後,倒取約10元硬幣大小的量於化妝棉上,輕輕擦拭全臉,或直接用手塗抹,使用後無需沖洗,後續可搭配寶拉珍選的精華液、或保濕產品。本產品並無防曬功效,白天請再擦上防曬產品,保護... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選抗老 化2%水楊酸緊緻毛孔精露88ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選抗老 化2%水楊酸緊緻毛孔精露88ml

    • 優惠價: 1093

    【使用方式】 請於清潔、化妝水之後,倒取約10元硬幣大小的量於化妝棉上,輕輕擦拭全臉,或直接用手塗抹,使用後無需沖洗,後續可搭配寶拉珍選的精華液、或保濕產品。本產品並無防曬功效,白天請再擦上防曬產品,... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選0.3%A醇+2%補骨脂酚精華乳30ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選0.3%A醇+2%補骨脂酚精華乳30ml

    • 優惠價: 1697

    ◆品名:PAULA S CHOICE寶拉珍選 0.3%A醇+2%補骨脂酚精華乳 ◆容量:30ml ◆產地:美國 ◆保存期限:2年 ◆登陸字號:54995932SERM8015000010... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選抗老化清新潤色防曬乳SP30 60ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選抗老化清新潤色防曬乳SP30 60ml

    • 優惠價: 1108

    (使用方法) 請於保養的最後一道步驟使用,並於接觸陽光前15分鐘大方均勻地擦拭全臉、眼周、及頸部肌膚。若有大量流汗或游泳時,則請使用寶拉珍選全護防水防曬乳SPF50,並請每兩個小時定時補擦 抗老化清新... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸凝膠100ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸凝膠100ml

    • 優惠價: 1008

    【產品特色】 2%水楊酸凝膠是一款有高保濕力的免洗式去角質產品,透過溫和的方式代謝皮膚表面及毛孔內的老廢角質,顯著地提高皮膚的細緻度。採用凝膠劑型,改善粉刺毛孔同時清爽保濕。持續使用,肌膚更加細緻光滑... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選淨無痘清爽洗面凝膠177ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選淨無痘清爽洗面凝膠177ml

    • 優惠價: 533

    (使用方法) 先將臉部和眼睛周圍皮膚用水濡濕,取適量(約5元硬幣)淨無痘清爽洗面凝膠,用指尖輕輕以螺旋狀方式按摩於臉部肌膚,後續使用清水沖洗乾淨即可。 (注意事項) 卸除濃妝或防水型彩妝時,請重複清潔... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸身體乳210ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸身體乳210ml

    • 優惠價: 923

    【產品特色】 有別於以往用過的身體乳,只要使用一次就能明顯感受到2%水楊酸身體乳帶給肌膚的柔嫩細緻。透過輕盈無負擔的乳液質地,清爽保濕、溫和調理頸部以下肌膚的老廢角質,展現前所未有的光滑膚觸。 【產品... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選10%果酸身體乳210ml (效期2024/08/01)

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選10%果酸身體乳210ml (效期2024/08/01)

    • 優惠價: 923

    使用方法 每天沐浴清潔後,取適量10%果酸身體乳於掌心,輕輕塗抹於全身肌膚,如需加強保濕,可再使用其他保濕產品。白天使用時,務必做好防曬。亦可使用於臉部肌膚,但請避開眼周部位。 使用建議 初次使用果酸... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選淨無痘2%水楊酸美體噴露118ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選淨無痘2%水楊酸美體噴露118ml

    • 優惠價: 852

    請噴於問題肌膚處,面積較大之背部,大約須按壓2-3次,建議依據個人皮膚狀態,自行評估按壓次數,或噴於雙手後再擦於問題皮膚處,吸收之後可依需要塗上保濕乳液,請勿直接噴於臉部。 使用提醒 ◎3歲以下嬰幼兒... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸身體乳210ml (3入組)

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸身體乳210ml (3入組)

    • 優惠價: 2760

    (使用方式) 依據個人需求,請於沐浴清潔後,取適量塗抹於身體肌膚,如需加強效果,可於早晚各塗擦一次,建議加強於毛孔、粉刺痘痘、角質堆積部位,並避免接觸眼睛及粘膜處。本產品無防曬功效,白天請搭配SPF2... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選 10%果酸身體乳210ml(3入組)

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選 10%果酸身體乳210ml(3入組)

    • 優惠價: 2750

    品名:寶拉珍選 10%果酸身體乳210ml(3入組) 容量:210mlx3支... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選抗老 化緊緻A醇身體乳118ml (效期2024/08/01)

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選抗老 化緊緻A醇身體乳118ml (效期2024/08/01)

    • 優惠價: 959

    (使用方法) 建議依個人需求,取適量塗擦於全身肌膚,之後以畫圈方式輕輕按摩,可於完成身體去角質後使用,白天使用時,請擦上係數SPF15以上的防曬產品。 (注意事項) *早晚皆適合使用抗老 化緊緻A醇身... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選 2%水楊酸身體乳210ml+2%水楊酸精華液118ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE寶拉珍選 2%水楊酸身體乳210ml+2%水楊酸精華液118ml

    • 優惠價: 1930

    【產品名稱】 2%水楊酸身體乳 【產品特色】 有別於以往用過的身體乳,只要使用一次就能明顯感受到2%水楊酸身體乳帶給肌膚的柔嫩細緻。透過輕盈無負擔的乳液質地,清爽保濕、溫和調理頸部以下肌膚的老廢角質,... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸身體乳210ml+10%果酸身體乳210ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸身體乳210ml+10%果酸身體乳210ml

    • 優惠價: 1840

    (使用方式) 依據個人需求,請於沐浴清潔後,取適量塗抹於身體肌膚,如需加強效果,可於早晚各塗擦一次,建議加強於毛孔、粉刺痘痘、角質堆積部位,並避免接觸眼睛及粘膜處。 本產品無防曬功效,白天請搭配SPF... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸身體乳210ml+淨無痘2%水楊酸美體噴露118ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選2%水楊酸身體乳210ml+淨無痘2%水楊酸美體噴露118ml

    • 優惠價: 1770

    2%水楊酸身體乳(使用方法) 依據個人需求,請於沐浴清潔後,取適量塗抹於身體肌膚,如需加強效果,可於早晚各塗擦一次,建議加強於毛孔、粉刺痘痘、角質堆積部位,並避免接觸眼睛及粘膜處。本產品無防曬功效,白... more

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選5% B3 勻亮身體精華乳118ml

    PAULA’S CHOICE 寶拉珍選5% B3 勻亮身體精華乳118ml

    • 優惠價: 951

    【產品特色】 說到棘手的身體肌膚困擾,大家第一個會想到的曬黑及膚色不均,或是粗糙暗沉的膚觸,都是一般保濕身體乳很難解決的問題。 5% 勻亮身體精華乳蘊含高親膚性成分—菸鹼醯胺、泛醇和仙人掌果萃取,是一... more

    LOEWE PAULA’S IBIZA ECLECTIC 伊比薩島絢麗假日(折衷)淡香水 50ML

    LOEWE PAULA’S IBIZA ECLECTIC 伊比薩島絢麗假日(折衷)淡香水 50ML

    • 優惠價: 2490

    LOEWE PAULA S IBIZA ECLECTIC 伊比薩島絢麗假日(折衷)淡香水 50ML專為漫長、悠閒的夏日和夜晚而設計 展現出伊比薩島民狂放自然的精神和享樂主義的西班牙風情 狂放而享樂的氣... more



    • 優惠價: 2390

    西班牙精品品牌LOEWE 為您獻上明媚熱帶海島風情 散發熱情洋溢的渡假氛圍 香調:木質花香調、海洋清新調 前味:椰子、柑橘、波斯樹脂 中味:漂流木、雞蛋花、水仙 後味:龍涎香、廣藿香、香草 產品資訊... more

    財務管理(Ross/Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications 6e)

    財務管理(Ross/Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications 6e)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 836

    這是一本專門介紹公司理財的核心概念與應用的教科書,尤其強調淨現值乃公司理財的基本概念。本書中每個主題的根源是公司價值,致力於解釋某項決策具有價值的影響力;強調財務經理人身為決策者的角色,以及管理投入與... more

    Robin Thicke / Paula(羅賓西克 / 給寶拉)

    Robin Thicke / Paula(羅賓西克 / 給寶拉)

    • 優惠價: 429

    ★史上唯一擁有兩首全美節奏藍調/嘻哈榜冠軍單曲的白人男歌手 ★2013年以“Blurred Lines 蟬聯全美12週冠軍、稱霸64國iTunes單曲榜No.1,寫下史上數位銷售第二高紀錄 ★新世代靈... more

    Paula Cole / Lo (進口版2LP黑膠唱片)

    Paula Cole / Lo (進口版2LP黑膠唱片)

    • 優惠價: 2169
    Paula Cole / Lo (進口版CD)

    Paula Cole / Lo (進口版CD)

    • 優惠價: 749
    The Erato Story - Bach: Italian Concerto, Chromatic fantasy & fugue, 4 duets ERATO / Scott Ross(珍藏寶典─巴哈:義大利協奏曲、半音幻想曲與賦格、四首二重奏 / 史考特‧羅斯〈大鍵琴〉)

    The Erato Story - Bach: Italian Concerto, Chromatic fantasy & fugue, 4 duets ERATO / Scott Ross(珍藏寶典─巴哈:義大利協奏曲、半音幻想曲與賦格、四首二重奏 / 史考特‧羅斯〈大鍵琴〉)

    • 優惠價: 319

    ERATO廠牌成立於1953年,2003年停止運作,並在2013年重新賦予新生面世。ERATO過去專注在法國音樂與藝人、巴洛克時期的作品,以及擁有當今樂壇大師級藝人的早期錄音,此系列就是重新整理發行1... more

    Rick Ross / Black Market(Deluxe)(瑞克羅斯 / 嘻哈黑市 (歐洲進口豪華版))

    Rick Ross / Black Market(Deluxe)(瑞克羅斯 / 嘻哈黑市 (歐洲進口豪華版))

    • 優惠價: 459

    ★四次葛萊美獎提名認證,街頭霸主空降告示牌饒舌榜亞軍全新專輯 ★有請樂壇群星約翰傳奇、瑪麗布萊姬、納斯、希洛格林全力護航 ★強勢收錄與天后瑪麗亞凱莉對唱曲 Can’t Say No 、攻入告示牌R&B... more

    Bob Ross’ New Joy of Painting

    Bob Ross’ New Joy of Painting

    • 優惠價: 770

    Since 1983, Bob Ross has been television’s favorite artist. His Joy of Painting show captures higher... more

    Absolute Justice League: The World’s Greatest Super-Heroes by Alex Ross & Paul Dini (New Edition)

    Absolute Justice League: The World’s Greatest Super-Heroes by Alex Ross & Paul Dini (New Edition)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 3555

    DC Comics proudly presents a massive slipcase hardcover featuring the Eisner Award-winning team of a... more

    Paula the Koala

    Paula the Koala

    • 優惠價: 986

    Paula the Koala is an adventure filled book with many colorful characters and fun phrases that is a ... more

    Bob Ross: My First Book of ABCs

    Bob Ross: My First Book of ABCs

    • 優惠價: 380

    Brush up on toddlers’ ABCs with Bob Ross and his iconic paintings in this fourth early concept board... more

    Life and Times of Elder Reuben Ross

    Life and Times of Elder Reuben Ross

    • 優惠價: 4945

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1882.... more

    Life and Times of Elder Reuben Ross

    Life and Times of Elder Reuben Ross

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1882.... more

    The Covenanters in Moray and Ross

    The Covenanters in Moray and Ross

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    The Covenanters in Moray and Ross

    The Covenanters in Moray and Ross

    • 優惠價: 2745

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    Ross Poldark: A Novel of Cornwall, 1783-1787

    Ross Poldark: A Novel of Cornwall, 1783-1787

    • 優惠價: 684

    As Seen on Masterpiece(TM) on PBS(R) Book 1 of the beloved Poldark series In the first novel in Wins... more

    Painting with Bob Ross for Kids: With These Simple-To-Follow Lessons, in No Time Kids Will Be Painting Just Like

    Painting with Bob Ross for Kids: With These Simple-To-Follow Lessons, in No Time Kids Will Be Painting Just Like

    • 優惠價: 570

    Young artists can learn to paint just like television’s favorite painter, Bob Ross, with these simpl... more

    Bob Ross and Peapod the Squirrel Play a Game

    Bob Ross and Peapod the Squirrel Play a Game

    • 優惠價: 722

    Play a game of seek-and-find with iconic painter Bob Ross and his friend Peapod the Squirrel in this... more

    Paula Nadelstern’s Kaleidoscope Quilts: An Artist’s Journey Continues

    Paula Nadelstern’s Kaleidoscope Quilts: An Artist’s Journey Continues

    • 優惠價: 1438

    This title allows readers to discover the quilts that have made Paula Nadelstern one of the most res... more

    Breaking the Rules: The Intimate Diary of Ross Terrill

    Breaking the Rules: The Intimate Diary of Ross Terrill

    • 優惠價: 1138

    Illuminating. Shocking. Compelling. Harvard Professor Ross Terrill, a friend of Rupert Murdoch, advi... more

    Bob Ross: My First Book of Numbers

    Bob Ross: My First Book of Numbers

    • 優惠價: 380

    Toddlers will learn their numbers and basic counting skills with Bob Ross and his 13 paints in this ... more

    Reading Paul Howard: The Art of Ross O’Carroll Kelly

    Reading Paul Howard: The Art of Ross O’Carroll Kelly

    • 優惠價: 10200

    Reading Paul Howard: The Art of Ross O’Carroll Kelly offers a thorough examination of narrative devi... more

    Painting with Bob Ross: Learn to Paint in Oil Step by Step!

    Painting with Bob Ross: Learn to Paint in Oil Step by Step!

    • 優惠價: 836

    Painting with Bob Ross--with artwork created by Bob Ross himself using his specially formulated oil ... more

    Flores and Miss Paula

    Flores and Miss Paula

    • 優惠價: 1102

    A Recommended Book From: The Washington Post * Today * Sunset Magazine * Country Living * Good House... more

    Paula Visits Nana

    Paula Visits Nana

    • 優惠價: 494

    Paula visits Nana invites readers of all ages to embark on a heartwarming journey, filled with the m... more

    Paula Visits Nana

    Paula Visits Nana

    • 優惠價: 722

    Paula visits Nana invites readers of all ages to embark on a heartwarming journey, filled with the m... more

    Paula’s Way

    Paula’s Way

    • 優惠價: 530

    An unexpected inheritance is most people’s dream, but not for Paula. Having put bad times behind her... more

    The Convenanters in Moray and Ross

    The Convenanters in Moray and Ross

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    The Convenanters in Moray and Ross

    The Convenanters in Moray and Ross

    • 優惠價: 2745

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    Antarctica Cruising Guide: Sixth Edition: Includes Antarctic Peninsula, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Ross Sea

    Antarctica Cruising Guide: Sixth Edition: Includes Antarctic Peninsula, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Ross Sea

    • 優惠價: 1100

    Now packed with even more breathtaking color photographs, wildlife descriptions, and detailed area m... more

    Ross Winans Vs. The Eastern Railroad Company: Evidence For Complainant. October Term, 1853. Counsel. R. Choate, G.t

    Ross Winans Vs. The Eastern Railroad Company: Evidence For Complainant. October Term, 1853. Counsel. R. Choate, G.t

    • 優惠價: 1702

    Examine a landmark legal case from the 19th century with this detailed account of the evidence prese... more

    Memorial Of John Ross And Others: Delegates From The Cherokee Indians, Complaining Of Injuries Done Them, And Praying

    Memorial Of John Ross And Others: Delegates From The Cherokee Indians, Complaining Of Injuries Done Them, And Praying

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This memorial is an important historical document that provides a firsthand account of the injustice... more

    Petroleum in Canada: By Victor Ross

    Petroleum in Canada: By Victor Ross

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the petroleum industry in Canada. The author explores... more

    The Life and Times of Hon. William P. Ross

    The Life and Times of Hon. William P. Ross

    • 優惠價: 1922

    This book is a historical account of the life of William P. Ross, who served as the Principal Chief ... more

    Alex. Ross’ Personal Appearance Journal, Ed. [and Written] By A. Ross

    Alex. Ross’ Personal Appearance Journal, Ed. [and Written] By A. Ross

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This fascinating journal by perfumer Alexander Ross offers a firsthand account of the challenges and... more

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