

    您輸入的關鍵字: Mirroring people


    搜尋結果共 91381 筆, 頁數 4 / 1524

    胖子&達叔 / Party People (CD)

    胖子&達叔 / Party People (CD)

    • CD , 禾廣 , 出版日期: 2018-06-01
    • 優惠價: 160

    全新電子嘻哈團體-胖子&達叔,搭配溫柔女聲Chill Party氛圍,散播愛與和平,詼諧放送。 我們是愛與和平的電子嘻哈兩人團體-胖子&達叔。 專輯封面有個詼諧風趣的塗鴉人物扛著電子琴,是的,畫的就是... more

    【Sayaka紗彌佳】日系People In The City系列長型手提包 -單一款式

    【Sayaka紗彌佳】日系People In The City系列長型手提包 -單一款式

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 187

    エコバッグが主流になった現在、 お酒を買いに行く時くらいは昔のように洒落た袋で 買いに行って欲しいという想いから形にしたのがこのバッグです。 ちょっとしたお出かけにも。 日常使いにも使いやすいサイズに... more



    • 婦幼生活
    • 優惠價: 335

    期待寶寶成為「聰明的小孩」,就不該急於教材式的教育。 讓寶寶盡情玩耍生活週遭中,吸引寶寶目光及感興趣的事物,才是正確之道。 為什麼呢? 因為3歲以前,是培育寶寶好奇心與學習意志力的黃金時期。 1歲6... more

    PEOPLE 1 / GOLD 【初回生産限定盤】(CD+BD)

    PEOPLE 1 / GOLD 【初回生産限定盤】(CD+BD)

    • 優惠價: 899

    【初回生産限定盤】CD+BD [BD] 曲目: 初のツアー 2021年12月20日(月)東京・Spotify O-EAST 1.アイワナビーフリー 2.さよならミュージック 3... more

    PEOPLE 1 / GOLD 【通常盤】

    PEOPLE 1 / GOLD 【通常盤】

    • 優惠價: 339

    【通常盤】CDのみ PEOPLE 1が1st Singleをリリース!!! 東京を拠点に活動する音楽家Deu(Vo, G, B, Other)が、Takeuchi(Dr)、Ito(Vo, G)と共に結... more

    (2盒超值組)韓國PEOPLE&STORE-JAS BEAUTY膠原蛋白保濕修護彈潤光澤萬用護膚棒10g/粉盒(美肌小粉棒,萬用美妝膏,臉部肌膚保養,旅行彩妝神器)

    (2盒超值組)韓國PEOPLE&STORE-JAS BEAUTY膠原蛋白保濕修護彈潤光澤萬用護膚棒10g/粉盒(美肌小粉棒,萬用美妝膏,臉部肌膚保養,旅行彩妝神器)

    • 優惠價: 1811

    ●「保濕、修護、提亮」急救護膚小粉棒,打擊乾燥黯沉、1抹潤彈光澤! ●外圈膠原蛋白集中保濕,內圈脂質修護強化屏障,水潤保濕遠離「肌」荒! ●全膚質適用,小巧便攜用於妝前、妝後、全臉肌膚、嘴唇、下巴、頸... more

    EO Denmark Balloon Mirror 氣球掛鏡 (小)

    EO Denmark Balloon Mirror 氣球掛鏡 (小)

    • 優惠價: 4800

    • 造型童趣優雅,特別適宜擺置於兒童房或起居室 • 細節部分以歐洲橡木與皮革裝飾,顯露極高質感 • 適合與Balloon Mirror 氣球鏡(大)一同陳列 陪伴孩子體驗北歐生活美學 2013 年發跡... more

    喬山 Johnson@Mirror 新概念健身魔鏡|Relax輕適版 IMR-05

    喬山 Johnson@Mirror 新概念健身魔鏡|Relax輕適版 IMR-05

    • 優惠價: 42400

    @Mirror 隨選線上課程,居家鏡享駐家教練 .千堂+專業線上課程不斷持續更新 來自世界級的教練群,陪你一起燃燒體脂 .每週上線Live直播課程,感受即時運動體驗 .下載手機APP除了作為魔鏡遙控器... more

    MIRROR Hafnium可調式造型鋁合金後視鏡-右邊

    MIRROR Hafnium可調式造型鋁合金後視鏡-右邊

    • 休閒生活
    • 優惠價: 400

    【MIRROR】Hafnium可調式造型鋁合金後視鏡-右邊 連接座處可順著手把調整約45度 (此為安裝示意圖,商品內容不包含手把) 上下移動可達約180度 鏡面左右翻轉可達360度 精美造型,既美觀又... more

    The Mighty Sound(英):How God is Preparing People Today with His Sound Through the Shofar

    The Mighty Sound(英):How God is Preparing People Today with His Sound Through the Shofar

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    When I reflect on how God s people have used the ram s horn shofar, I am reminded that it is truly ... more

    【PICONO】Mirror Ladies 鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-25904

    【PICONO】Mirror Ladies 鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-25904

    • 優惠價: 2580

    Mirror Ladies是PICONO第一支女錶,雖是與MIRROR T系列同為鏡面錶款,但在簡約設計的小錶面系列中,多了幾分女性的優雅氣息與精緻感,無論在哪配戴起都不失自我風格。 若您喜愛小巧簡單... more

    【PICONO】Mirror Ladies 鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-25902

    【PICONO】Mirror Ladies 鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-25902

    • 優惠價: 2580

    Mirror Ladies是PICONO第一支女錶,雖是與MIRROR T系列同為鏡面錶款,但在簡約設計的小錶面系列中,多了幾分女性的優雅氣息與精緻感,無論在哪配戴起都不失自我風格。 若您喜愛小巧簡單... more

    【PICONO】Mirror Ladies 鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-25901

    【PICONO】Mirror Ladies 鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-25901

    • 優惠價: 2580

    Mirror Ladies是PICONO第一支女錶,雖是與MIRROR T系列同為鏡面錶款,但在簡約設計的小錶面系列中,多了幾分女性的優雅氣息與精緻感,無論在哪配戴起都不失自我風格。 若您喜愛小巧簡單... more

    【PICONO】Mirror T鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-7104

    【PICONO】Mirror T鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-7104

    • 優惠價: 2680

    顛覆以往單純錶面材質,首次推出金屬錶面外的錶款。將生活日常事物融入錶款中,達到PICONO希望將手錶戴入生活的理想,同時也賦予簡約設計創新感。 PICONO的平價時尚您值得擁有。戴上專屬於自己的Mir... more

    【PICONO】Mirror T鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-7103

    【PICONO】Mirror T鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-7103

    • 優惠價: 2680

    顛覆以往單純錶面材質,首次推出金屬錶面外的錶款。將生活日常事物融入錶款中,達到PICONO希望將手錶戴入生活的理想,同時也賦予簡約設計創新感。 PICONO的平價時尚您值得擁有。戴上專屬於自己的Mir... more

    【PICONO】Mirror T鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-7102

    【PICONO】Mirror T鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-7102

    • 優惠價: 2680

    顛覆以往單純錶面材質,首次推出金屬錶面外的錶款。將生活日常事物融入錶款中,達到PICONO希望將手錶戴入生活的理想,同時也賦予簡約設計創新感。 PICONO的平價時尚您值得擁有。 戴上專屬於自己的Mi... more

    【PICONO】Mirror T鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-7101

    【PICONO】Mirror T鏡面快拆式不鏽鋼網帶手錶 /FX-7101

    • 優惠價: 2680

    顛覆以往單純錶面材質,首次推出金屬錶面外的錶款。將生活日常事物融入錶款中,達到PICONO希望將手錶戴入生活的理想,同時也賦予簡約設計創新感。 PICONO的平價時尚您值得擁有。戴上專屬於自己的Mir... more

    OPPO Mirror 5s 超強防爆鋼化玻璃保護貼 (非滿版)

    OPPO Mirror 5s 超強防爆鋼化玻璃保護貼 (非滿版)

    • 3C
    • 優惠價: 190

    ● 觸摸手感順滑 沒有乾澀感 ● 鋼化玻璃保護貼 高硬度的抗刮能力 ● 防爆保護,即使破碎,依然保持塊狀無碎片 ● 表面使用納米疏油塗層,疏水疏油 ● 有效防止油汙,清潔簡易 適用機種:OPPO Mi... more

    信達光學 Celestron 2吋 XLT高級 菱鏡 2-Inch XLT Diagonal Mirror

    信達光學 Celestron 2吋 XLT高級 菱鏡 2-Inch XLT Diagonal Mirror

    • 優惠價: 3300

    Celestron 2吋 XLT高級菱鏡 2-Inch XLT Diagonal Mirror 可用於各式折射式及折返式望遠鏡的2 菱鏡,附1.25 轉接adaptor. 可同時使用2 及1.25... more

    信達光學 Celestron 2吋 XLT高級 菱鏡 2-Inch XLT Diagonal Mirror

    信達光學 Celestron 2吋 XLT高級 菱鏡 2-Inch XLT Diagonal Mirror

    • 優惠價: 3600

    Celestron 2吋 XLT高級菱鏡 2-Inch XLT Diagonal Mirror 可用於各式折射式及折返式望遠鏡的2 菱鏡,附1.25 轉接adaptor. 可同時使用2 及1.25... more

    International Education And Indigenous Peoples:Canadian Students In Taiwan volume 2

    International Education And Indigenous Peoples:Canadian Students In Taiwan volume 2

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 285

    For over a decade, I have been doing research with Truku, Tkedaya, and Teuda people in Taiwan. I say... more

    International Education And Indigenous Peoples:Canadian Students In Taiwan volume 1

    International Education And Indigenous Peoples:Canadian Students In Taiwan volume 1

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 190

    For over a decade, I have been doing research with Truku, Tkedaya, and Teuda people in Taiwan. I say... more

    Foster The People / Supermodel (Vinyl)(擁抱人群樂團 / 假面名模 (LP黑膠唱片))

    Foster The People / Supermodel (Vinyl)(擁抱人群樂團 / 假面名模 (LP黑膠唱片))

    • 優惠價: 829

    ◎ 葛萊美音樂獎、全英音樂獎、告示牌音樂獎及NME音樂獎等提名肯定,美國潮流搖滾新貴,2014年第二張矚目新作 ◎ Paul Epworth (Adele、Florence + The Machine... more

    義大利 Zerbino Vitage 地墊 40x75 (cm)PEOPLE

    義大利 Zerbino Vitage 地墊 40x75 (cm)PEOPLE

    • 優惠價: 720
    Taiwan Today:It’s People,Places and Pleasure(台灣宏觀電視文宣短片合輯英中文版) [DVD]

    Taiwan Today:It’s People,Places and Pleasure(台灣宏觀電視文宣短片合輯英中文版) [DVD]

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 114

    內容含藝文饗宴、活力台灣、自然之窗及深度遊蹤等... more

    Pearson English Readers Level 4: Mirror Crack’d from Side to Side with MP3 Audio CD/1片

    Pearson English Readers Level 4: Mirror Crack’d from Side to Side with MP3 Audio CD/1片

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 409

    British English/Contemporary When Miss Marple complains of feeling old and helpless, her doctor jo... more

    Cup and Mirror 的旋律

    Cup and Mirror 的旋律

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    人,像一只杯子,或多或少,神都會在?面注入賜福的聖水;同時也在杯中留有空間,讓你有機會與神同工。 人生,像一面明鏡,你笑他就笑,你哭他就哭;要有幸福的人生,你總得先是笑容相迎,高唱生命之頌。 ... more

    Arctic Monkeys / Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not

    Arctic Monkeys / Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not

    • CD , Domino , 出版日期: 2006-01-29
    • 優惠價: 500
    Recognizing and questioning fake news and fake videos against the energy transition. What makes people so susceptible

    Recognizing and questioning fake news and fake videos against the energy transition. What makes people so susceptible

    • 優惠價: 985
    The Wisdom of Leone Levi: One of the last people to know everything about almost everything

    The Wisdom of Leone Levi: One of the last people to know everything about almost everything

    • 優惠價: 950
    The Five-A-Day System: A productivity system created by an ADHD-er for people who feel a lack of motivation but still

    The Five-A-Day System: A productivity system created by an ADHD-er for people who feel a lack of motivation but still

    • 優惠價: 989

    Ever felt like you’re drowning in to-dos? "The Five-A-Day System: A Productivity System Created by a... more

    Giving voice to the suffering of people with HIV/AIDS and HCC

    Giving voice to the suffering of people with HIV/AIDS and HCC

    • 優惠價: 1560

    It is unquestionable that being diagnosed with a chronic illness has many implications. However, the... more

    Depressive symptoms in hospitalised elderly people

    Depressive symptoms in hospitalised elderly people

    • 優惠價: 2340

    Depression is the most prevalent mental disorder in many countries around the world and is associate... more

    What is Holiness?: Being one with God and God’s people

    What is Holiness?: Being one with God and God’s people

    • 優惠價: 1019

    What is Holiness? Is it a title we give to religious leaders or special religious movements? Is it a... more

    Family and institutional relations of young people serving open Mse

    Family and institutional relations of young people serving open Mse

    • 優惠價: 2340

    Adolescents in conflict with the law. What contributes to young people becoming involved in crime? T... more

    The Dragon people of planet Draco

    The Dragon people of planet Draco

    • 優惠價: 1019

    Cristin was swimming and looked up and saw the dragons flying her way she got out and got into her t... more

    Three addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United States

    Three addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United States

    • 優惠價: 720

    Three addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United State... more

    The world of work among young people in Complexo do Alemão

    The world of work among young people in Complexo do Alemão

    • 優惠價: 3660

    This book was developed during my Master’s degree at UERJ/FEBF, under the supervision of professor a... more

    Break Your Wealth Ceiling: How ordinary people can create extraordinary wealth with real estate

    Break Your Wealth Ceiling: How ordinary people can create extraordinary wealth with real estate

    • 優惠價: 758

    In Break Your Wealth Ceiling, Christian Dy explains a strategy for Canadians to grow their wealth be... more

    Physical education for young people and adults

    Physical education for young people and adults

    • 優惠價: 2640

    This book presents a series of considerations on Physical Education for Young People and Adults, a t... more

    Meditation for normal people, ...and other not so Woohoo stuff.: The relatable meditation beginner’s guide, ...for not

    Meditation for normal people, ...and other not so Woohoo stuff.: The relatable meditation beginner’s guide, ...for not

    • 優惠價: 1036

    "Meditation for normal people and other not so Woohoo stuff. - The relatable meditation beginner’s g... more

    Some people call me ARGHHH!

    Some people call me ARGHHH!

    • 優惠價: 659

    This short, but fun little rhyming story book is about ’Mr Spider’. With bright illustrations, it is... more

    Unreasonable choices for reasonable people

    Unreasonable choices for reasonable people

    • 優惠價: 1128

    "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt th... more

    Drug therapy for dependent elderly people

    Drug therapy for dependent elderly people

    • 優惠價: 2700

    Demographic ageing is a phenomenon that has been observed all over the world. Although advanced age ... more

     other people, animals and

    other people, animals and

    • 優惠價: 1374

    Discover the power of health in your hands thanks to "Reiki Energy Healing". This is a Comprehensive... more

    Deaf young people and inclusive music education

    Deaf young people and inclusive music education

    • 優惠價: 1860

    This study was carried out during my undergraduate degree in music education with the intention of u... more

    The Substance: The Story of how Uranium was stolen from Black people

    The Substance: The Story of how Uranium was stolen from Black people

    • 優惠價: 2045

    When in the history of the Earth has the unrighteous ever persistently won?... more

    The place and profile of black people in textbooks

    The place and profile of black people in textbooks

    • 優惠價: 2280

    This work is the result of an analysis of the textbooks used in our Portuguese and History primary a... more

    Letters to Dead People (Dyslexia-friendly Edition, Volume 2): An entertaining look at the achievements of key people in

    Letters to Dead People (Dyslexia-friendly Edition, Volume 2): An entertaining look at the achievements of key people in

    • 優惠價: 769

    Ever wondered what drove the Great and the Good in History? What questions would you ask them if you... more

    Letters to Dead People (Dyslexia-friendly Edition, Volume 1): An entertaining look at the achievements of key people in

    Letters to Dead People (Dyslexia-friendly Edition, Volume 1): An entertaining look at the achievements of key people in

    • 優惠價: 769

    Ever wondered what drove the Great and the Good in History? What questions would you ask them if you... more

    strange & beautiful people

    strange & beautiful people

    • 優惠價: 440

    ""from the author: hey. it’s really special to me that you’re reading this. I just want to tell you ... more

    Source Code: Amateurs hack systems; professionals hack people.

    Source Code: Amateurs hack systems; professionals hack people.

    • 優惠價: 1123

    People change, but some feelings last forever. Renna is accused of hiring a hitman to kill Tony Defo... more

    Educational software as a means of inclusion of people with disabilities

    Educational software as a means of inclusion of people with disabilities

    • 優惠價: 3600

    This work presents a computerized educational material designed to guide in an appropriate way the a... more

    Discrimination against transgender people

    Discrimination against transgender people

    • 優惠價: 4020

    The book aims to make visible the results of a qualitative research about the experiences of discrim... more

    Sociopath: Keys to helping people with aspd (Recovery from codependent and abusive relationships with sociopaths)

    Sociopath: Keys to helping people with aspd (Recovery from codependent and abusive relationships with sociopaths)

    • 優惠價: 758

    Unfortunately, most people are yet to accept that they are trapped in toxic relationships with these... more

    Principles of Value-Centric Management: A framework for managing & leading people from a value-centric POV

    Principles of Value-Centric Management: A framework for managing & leading people from a value-centric POV

    • 優惠價: 1685

    Unlock the potential of your team and transform your approach with Value-Centric Management (VCM). T... more

    My Re-Birthday Book: for adoptees, donor conceived, and people with an NPE, who are misattributed, or who’ve had a DNA

    My Re-Birthday Book: for adoptees, donor conceived, and people with an NPE, who are misattributed, or who’ve had a DNA

    • 優惠價: 1442

    Embark on a journey of self-discovery with the My Re-Birthday Book, a beautifully crafted companion ... more

    Families of people with disabilities and the use of assistive technology

    Families of people with disabilities and the use of assistive technology

    • 優惠價: 2640

    The family plays an important socialising role and is fundamental to the formation of the first emot... more

    The people who looked down on me helped me to smile

    The people who looked down on me helped me to smile

    • 優惠價: 384

    Jah you know that I try to be a good man. I can fall short in so many ways when I’m trying not to. I... more

    Quality of Life and Psychosocial Factors in people with HIV/AIDS

    Quality of Life and Psychosocial Factors in people with HIV/AIDS

    • 優惠價: 2640

    How does it relate to and affect the quality of life and psychosocial factors in people with HIV/AID... more



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