
    您輸入的關鍵字: louvre


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    • 優惠價: 79 折, 355

    獨特幽默感,再加上懸疑詭異的劇情,全彩大開本的《岸邊露伴在羅浮》保證讓讀者看得大呼過癮! 關於【BD Louvre 當羅浮宮遇見漫畫】系列 誰會想到,羅浮宮竟然會舉辦漫畫原畫展覽,並出版一系列的漫畫創作? 此系列創作計劃從2005...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 632

    行了從大羅浮宮計劃以來最大規模的改建工程。而在過去十年發展裡,成立了兩間分館,博取最多媒體版面的新聞──一間是「羅浮宮朗斯分館」(Louvre-Lens),2012年開幕;另一間,位於阿拉伯聯合大公國的「阿布達比羅浮宮」(Louvre Abu...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 355

    「在這裡,我們希望讓你重新感受生命承諾過的幸福,和人生原有的燦爛光芒。不論多渺小或多不起眼的小東西,都曾經活過⋯⋯你一路上所見的,便是為這些在作品上歇息的靈魂所演奏的安魂曲。」──摘自《羅浮宮守護者》... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 510

    ★松本大洋中文版最新夢幻之作!貓×松本大洋×羅浮宮美術館!童話般不可思議的世界! ★本書為松本大洋應法國羅浮宮博物館漫畫計畫「當羅浮宮遇上漫畫(BD Louvre)」邀請所繪! ★【大洋原色版】收錄松本大洋原始彩頁+黑白內頁 ★台灣版由...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 379

    法國羅浮宮BD LOUVRE和台灣漫畫的首次合作交流! 2015年11月底在北師美術館舉行 「LOUVRE 9 打開 羅浮九號」漫畫原作展覽! 七位首屈一指的台灣漫畫家精心繪製七篇風格迥異的羅浮宮短篇漫畫,作者群實力堅強,包括...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1080

    漫畫(BD Louvre)」邀請所繪! ★台灣版由旅日動漫達人馬世儀翻譯、漫畫家力本嘔心瀝血書法手寫字! 沒有人知道,羅浮宮美術館的閣樓頂其實住著一群貓…… 一天,一隻雙眼異色的小白貓為了看畫、冒險闖入了人類的視界。 牠聽得見名畫...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1620

    世上最大的羅浮宮博物館,也是最具活力的宮殿之一,它的建築提供一種穿越時光的旅程,它的藝廊展現的作品足以喚起廣大的人性迴響,從讚嘆與驚嘆,到好奇、渴望以及憤怒。豐富而多元的收藏品項我們訴說各朝各代,闡述... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    大辣「當羅浮宮遇見漫畫」BD Louvre系列第八彈! 「感覺像走在一本巨大的漫畫裡頭。」 漫畫家×藝術作品×參觀者 另一種凝視羅浮宮的角度 兩百多年歷史的羅浮宮,橫跨六千年,穿越古代至今,裡面的館藏左品大約400,000件,更是...... more

    羅浮宮800年:世界第一博物館神祕複雜的身世、收藏、建築、歷史全故事 (電子書)

    羅浮宮800年:世界第一博物館神祕複雜的身世、收藏、建築、歷史全故事 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 476

    行了從大羅浮宮計劃以來最大規模的改建工程。而在過去十年發展裡,成立了兩間分館,博取最多媒體版面的新聞──一間是「羅浮宮朗斯分館」(Louvre-Lens),2012年開幕;另一間,位於阿拉伯聯合大公國的「阿布達比羅浮宮」(Louvre Abu...... more

    羅浮宮藝廊之旅 DVD(Gallery Tours-Le Louvre)

    羅浮宮藝廊之旅 DVD(Gallery Tours-Le Louvre)

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 84

    《Off the Fence》為荷蘭知名紀實影片商所推出的知識教育節目品牌,作品常被Discovery、NHK、Animal Planet、BBC、National Geographic、Arte、Z... more

    羅浮宮戰役 (DVD)(Battles Of The Louvre DVD)

    羅浮宮戰役 (DVD)(Battles Of The Louvre DVD)

    • DVD , 那禾 , 出版日期: 2017-03-31
    • 優惠價: 350

    今日的羅浮宮在世人眼中是世界四大博物館之一,但它歷經了數百年的政治與歷史因素方才蛻變成當今世上最聞名的博物館。八世紀以前,它的存在原是在為了防禦而建的堡壘,到了十四世紀至十七世紀年間,各代國王逐步將它... more

    羅浮宮的火鳥 向布列茲致敬-法國羅浮宮博物館音樂會 (藍光BD)(Pierre Boulez - Live at the Louvre)

    羅浮宮的火鳥 向布列茲致敬-法國羅浮宮博物館音樂會 (藍光BD)(Pierre Boulez - Live at the Louvre)

    • 優惠價: 750

    : Feu d’artifice op. 4 2008年12月2日於羅浮宮博物館演出 Concert ?lmed at the Musee du Louvre, Paris, 2 December 2008 羅浮宮的火鳥 向布列茲致敬-法國羅浮宮...... more

    羅浮宮守護者 (電子書)

    羅浮宮守護者 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 315

    「在這裡,我們希望讓你重新感受生命承諾過的幸福,和人生原有的燦爛光芒。不論多渺小或多不起眼的小東西,都曾經活過⋯⋯你一路上所見的,便是為這些在作品上歇息的靈魂所演奏的安魂曲。」──摘自《羅浮宮守護者》... more

    羅浮宮的火鳥 向布列茲致敬-法國羅浮宮博物館音樂會 DVD(Pierre Boulez - Live at the Louvre)

    羅浮宮的火鳥 向布列茲致敬-法國羅浮宮博物館音樂會 DVD(Pierre Boulez - Live at the Louvre)

    • 優惠價: 550

    the Musee du Louvre, Paris, 2 December 2008 羅浮宮的火鳥 向布列茲致敬-法國羅浮宮博物館音樂會 徐鵬博 文 向布列茲致敬 布列茲在1952年第一次與《火鳥》的創作者史特拉汶斯基會面,兩位作曲家的相遇...... more

    莫札特: 歌劇《龐特王 - 密特里達提》/ 麥可.施佩爾斯〈男高音〉/ 莎賓黛薇兒〈女高音〉/ 德蕾西〈女高音〉/ 明考夫斯基〈指揮〉/ 羅浮宮音樂家合奏團 歐洲進口盤 (3CD)( Louvre (3CD))

    莫札特: 歌劇《龐特王 - 密特里達提》/ 麥可.施佩爾斯〈男高音〉/ 莎賓黛薇兒〈女高音〉/ 德蕾西〈女高音〉/ 明考夫斯基〈指揮〉/ 羅浮宮音樂家合奏團 歐洲進口盤 (3CD)( Louvre (3CD))

    • 優惠價: 889

    莫札特14歲時為在米蘭的演出而創作了歌劇《龐特王 - 密特里達提》,這是齣以古羅馬時期為背景的三幕歌劇,以其鮮明對比的人物角色,以及一系列壯觀的詠嘆調為其特色。故事的中心人物就是密特里達提:本都國王、... more

    Charpentier: Te Deum / Marc Minkowski & Les Musiciens du Louvre(夏邦泰:頌歌 / 明考夫斯基 (指揮) 羅浮宮音樂家樂團)

    Charpentier: Te Deum / Marc Minkowski & Les Musiciens du Louvre(夏邦泰:頌歌 / 明考夫斯基 (指揮) 羅浮宮音樂家樂團)

    • CD , Archiv , 出版日期: 1997-09-01
    • 優惠價: 449
    巴哈:約翰受難曲 / 明考夫斯基〈指揮〉羅浮宮音樂家合奏團 (2CD)(Bach Johannes-Passion / Les Musiciens du Louvre - Marc Minkowski 2CD)

    巴哈:約翰受難曲 / 明考夫斯基〈指揮〉羅浮宮音樂家合奏團 (2CD)(Bach Johannes-Passion / Les Musiciens du Louvre - Marc Minkowski 2CD)

    • 優惠價: 589

    1982年,只有十九歲的法國指揮明考夫斯基創辦了羅浮宮音樂家合奏團。雖然他的指揮曲目廣及莫札特、博耶爾迪厄、奧芬巴哈、馬斯奈到二十世紀曲目,巴洛克音樂一直是他的曲目重心。不過,這張《約翰受難曲》卻是他... more

    穿越羅浮宮 (電子書)

    穿越羅浮宮 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 336

    大辣「當羅浮宮遇見漫畫」BD Louvre系列第八彈! 「感覺像走在一本巨大的漫畫裡頭。」 漫畫家×藝術作品×參觀者 另一種凝視羅浮宮的角度 兩百多年歷史的羅浮宮,橫跨六千年,穿越古代至今,裡面的館藏左品大約400,000件,更是...... more

    Murphy Learns about the Louvre

    Murphy Learns about the Louvre

    • 優惠價: 836

    Murphy’s history teacher decided to tell the class a few facts about the famous Louvre Museum. They were told about its...... more

    At the Louvre

    At the Louvre

    • 優惠價: 1900

    An exclusive look into the preparations behind the Naples in Paris exhibition at the Louvre, beautifully captured by...... more

    這幅畫好爛!史上最酸羅浮宮看畫指南 (電子書)

    這幅畫好爛!史上最酸羅浮宮看畫指南 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 279

    看不懂藝術又怎樣?最重要的是要笑得開心! 跟著法國藝術酸民,來一場超有趣、超有梗的羅浮宮繪畫之旅! 【怎麼會有這些荒謬到不行的油畫?!】 你眼前的就是羅浮宮,千真萬確的文化殿堂。但不知怎麼回事... more

    羅浮7夢 (電子書)

    羅浮7夢 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 336

    法國羅浮宮BD LOUVRE和台灣漫畫的首次合作交流! 2015年11月底在北師美術館舉行 「LOUVRE 9 打開 羅浮九號」漫畫原作展覽! 七位首屈一指的台灣漫畫家精心繪製七篇風格迥異的羅浮宮短篇漫畫,作者群實力堅強,包括...... more

    Rohan at the Louvre

    Rohan at the Louvre

    • 優惠價: 950

    painting was saved from destruction by a curator of the Louvre. A decade later, Rohan visits Paris and asks the museum to...... more

    The Louvre: All the Paintings

    The Louvre: All the Paintings

    • 優惠價: 2850

    Immerse yourself in the wonder and dazzling display of 3,000 paintings in the permanent collection of the Louvre with...... more

    Made In France: Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Palace Of Versailles & Louvre Museum

    Made In France: Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Palace Of Versailles & Louvre Museum

    • 優惠價: 1647

    of revolution. Book 4 - The Louvre: A Timeless Masterpiece (12th-21st Century) ����️ Journey through the Louvre Museum...... more

    Le musée du Louvre, tome 1

    Le musée du Louvre, tome 1

    • 優惠價: 863

    Le musée du Louvre, tome 1, un livre classique, a été considéré comme important tout au long de l’histoire humaine, et...... more

    Le musée du Louvre, tome 2

    Le musée du Louvre, tome 2

    • 優惠價: 866

    Le musée du Louvre, tome 2, un livre classique, a été considéré comme important tout au long de l’histoire humaine, et...... more

    The Galleries of the Louvre: A Concise Guide and Critical Catalogue

    The Galleries of the Louvre: A Concise Guide and Critical Catalogue

    • 優惠價: 1317

    O’Shea’s guide to the Louvre Museum in Paris is an indispensable resource for art lovers. With detailed descriptions...... more

    The art of the Louvre: Containing a Brief History of the Palace and of its Collection of Paintings, as Well as

    The art of the Louvre: Containing a Brief History of the Palace and of its Collection of Paintings, as Well as

    • 優惠價: 2197

    Discover the magnificent art collection of the Louvre Museum with this lavishly illustrated guide. Written by art...... more

    Histoire de L’Imprimerie Royale du Louvre

    Histoire de L’Imprimerie Royale du Louvre

    • 優惠價: 1317

    Explore the rich history of one of the world’s most prestigious printing houses with this fascinatin... more

    Histoire de L’Imprimerie Royale du Louvre

    Histoire de L’Imprimerie Royale du Louvre

    • 優惠價: 1922

    Explore the rich history of one of the world’s most prestigious printing houses with this fascinatin... more

    The Louvre Museum: Mussulman Art: 1

    The Louvre Museum: Mussulman Art: 1

    • 優惠價: 987

    This illustrated guide to the Louvre’s collection of Islamic art is an indispensable resource for art historians...... more

    The art of the Louvre: Containing a Brief History of the Palace and of its Collection of Paintings, as Well as

    The art of the Louvre: Containing a Brief History of the Palace and of its Collection of Paintings, as Well as

    • 優惠價: 1537

    Discover the magnificent art collection of the Louvre Museum with this lavishly illustrated guide. Written by art...... more

    The Louvre Museum: Mussulman Art: 1

    The Louvre Museum: Mussulman Art: 1

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This illustrated guide to the Louvre’s collection of Islamic art is an indispensable resource for art historians...... more

    The Galleries of the Louvre: A Concise Guide and Critical Catalogue

    The Galleries of the Louvre: A Concise Guide and Critical Catalogue

    • 優惠價: 1922

    O’Shea’s guide to the Louvre Museum in Paris is an indispensable resource for art lovers. With detailed descriptions...... more

    Transforming the Dead in Graeco-Roman Egypt: The Spells of P. Louvre N. 3122 and P. Berlin P. 3162

    Transforming the Dead in Graeco-Roman Egypt: The Spells of P. Louvre N. 3122 and P. Berlin P. 3162

    • 優惠價: 5175

    of the most important are P. Louvre N. 3122 and P. Berlin P. 3162, both written in hieratic and dating to the 1st century...... more

    Maximes Et Réflexions Morales Du Duc De La Rochefoucauld: D’après L’édition Du Louvre,

    Maximes Et Réflexions Morales Du Duc De La Rochefoucauld: D’après L’édition Du Louvre,

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Maximes Et Réflexions Morales Du Duc De La Rochefoucauld: D’après L’édition Du Louvre,

    Maximes Et Réflexions Morales Du Duc De La Rochefoucauld: D’après L’édition Du Louvre,

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    The Louvre, Paris

    The Louvre, Paris

    • 優惠價: 877

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    The Louvre, Paris

    The Louvre, Paris

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Guide Through the Galleries of Paintings of the Imperial Museum of the Louvre

    Guide Through the Galleries of Paintings of the Imperial Museum of the Louvre

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2022-10-27
    • 優惠價: 1812

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Guide Through the Galleries of Paintings of the Imperial Museum of the Louvre

    Guide Through the Galleries of Paintings of the Imperial Museum of the Louvre

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2022-10-27
    • 優惠價: 2472

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Paintings of the Louvre, Italian and Spanish

    Paintings of the Louvre, Italian and Spanish

    • 優惠價: 1317

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    The Louvre; Or, Biography of a Museum

    The Louvre; Or, Biography of a Museum

    • 優惠價: 2032

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Paintings of the Louvre, Italian and Spanish

    Paintings of the Louvre, Italian and Spanish

    • 優惠價: 1922

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Histoire du Départment de a Sculpture Moderne au Musée du Louvre

    Histoire du Départment de a Sculpture Moderne au Musée du Louvre

    • 優惠價: 1867

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    The Louvre; a Complete and Concise Handbook to all the Collections of the Museum

    The Louvre; a Complete and Concise Handbook to all the Collections of the Museum

    • 優惠價: 2032

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Notes On the Principal Pictures in the Louvre Gallery at Paris. (Notes On Foreign Picture Galleries)

    Notes On the Principal Pictures in the Louvre Gallery at Paris. (Notes On Foreign Picture Galleries)

    • 優惠價: 1317

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Histoire du Départment de a Sculpture Moderne au Musée du Louvre

    Histoire du Départment de a Sculpture Moderne au Musée du Louvre

    • 優惠價: 1262

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    The Louvre; Or, Biography of a Museum

    The Louvre; Or, Biography of a Museum

    • 優惠價: 1372

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    The Louvre; a Complete and Concise Handbook to all the Collections of the Museum

    The Louvre; a Complete and Concise Handbook to all the Collections of the Museum

    • 優惠價: 1372

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Notes On the Principal Pictures in the Louvre Gallery at Paris. (Notes On Foreign Picture Galleries)

    Notes On the Principal Pictures in the Louvre Gallery at Paris. (Notes On Foreign Picture Galleries)

    • 優惠價: 1922

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    The Louvre: The Many Lives of the World’’s Most Famous Museum

    The Louvre: The Many Lives of the World’’s Most Famous Museum

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2022-04-19
    • 優惠價: 760
    The Masterpieces of Painting in the Louvre

    The Masterpieces of Painting in the Louvre

    • 優惠價: 1152
    The Little Louvre;: or, the Boys’’ and Girls’’ Gallery of Pictures

    The Little Louvre;: or, the Boys’’ and Girls’’ Gallery of Pictures

    • 優惠價: 1482
    Art Treasures of the Louvre;

    Art Treasures of the Louvre;

    • 優惠價: 1042
    Art Treasures of the Louvre;

    Art Treasures of the Louvre;

    • 優惠價: 1757
    The Masterpieces of Painting in the Louvre

    The Masterpieces of Painting in the Louvre

    • 優惠價: 1812
    Greek Vases: Historical and Descriptive: With Some Brief Notices of Vases in the Museum of the Louvre and a Selection

    Greek Vases: Historical and Descriptive: With Some Brief Notices of Vases in the Museum of the Louvre and a Selection

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2021-09-09
    • 優惠價: 1152
    Greek Vases: Historical and Descriptive: With Some Brief Notices of Vases in the Museum of the Louvre and a Selection

    Greek Vases: Historical and Descriptive: With Some Brief Notices of Vases in the Museum of the Louvre and a Selection

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2021-09-09
    • 優惠價: 1812



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