
    您輸入的關鍵字: 洛克


    搜尋結果共 5020 筆, 頁數 13 / 84



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 606

    第二次世界大戰期間,德軍閃電戰空襲倫敦。為了使敵軍看不清地面目標從而減少損失,倫敦開始實行夜間燈火管制。然而茫茫黑夜抑制不了一顆顆躁動的心靈,面對死亡的威脅,大家都各有算盤。珍惜小命的貴族、無所事事的... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 219

    《教育漫話》是英國哲學家約翰·洛克的代表作,在書中談論了健康教育、道德教育和知識技能教育,是比較全面的。洛克尤其強調德行和教養,提出了很多方法和建議。洛克的教育思想對後世的學者產生了深刻的影響,雖然受時代限制,但總體來說仍然富有教益,值得...... more

    The Bach Album / Concertos for oboe and oboe d’amore / Diana Doherty (CD+DVD)(巴哈的雙簧管協奏曲~罕見的以單弦絃樂器演奏 (CD+DVD))

    The Bach Album / Concertos for oboe and oboe d’amore / Diana Doherty (CD+DVD)(巴哈的雙簧管協奏曲~罕見的以單弦絃樂器演奏 (CD+DVD))

    • 優惠價: 580

    這是一份特別的錄音企劃,由澳洲最著名的雙簧管大師Diana Doherty帶領著使用單弦絃樂器的樂團,演出了巴哈的雙簧管協奏曲.這個特別的樂團除了採用單弦絃樂器之外,統一換上羊腸線與巴洛克的弓.拉奏出相當特別的聲響與音樂的斷句.加上...... more

    For Emperor and Pope~ music for Renaissance court / The Song Company(人聲無伴奏演唱北歐洲文藝復興時期宮廷曲目)

    For Emperor and Pope~ music for Renaissance court / The Song Company(人聲無伴奏演唱北歐洲文藝復興時期宮廷曲目)

    • 優惠價: 580

    本專輯以無伴奏人聲合唱的方式(A Cappella)演唱了多首文藝復興時期在北歐洲(主要在現今荷蘭的Flemish),這些作品包含了Heinrich Isaac, Orlando di Lasso, ... more

    Bach violin concertos / Richard Tognetti(巴哈演奏天才~托內提 / 巴哈小提琴協奏曲)

    Bach violin concertos / Richard Tognetti(巴哈演奏天才~托內提 / 巴哈小提琴協奏曲)

    • 優惠價: 580

    Richard Tognetti是一位演奏巴哈的專家.目前已經錄製完成巴哈小提琴音樂的全集.並且靠著巴哈的多份錄音,連續三年包辦了澳洲最大唱片獎Australian Recording Industr... more

    Kings and Connoisseurs: Collecting Art in Seventeenth-Century Europe

    Kings and Connoisseurs: Collecting Art in Seventeenth-Century Europe

    • 優惠價: 2200

    A vivid and exciting account of royal collectors, art dealers, connoisseurs, and the rise of old mas... more

    Gold, Silver, and Bronze: Metal Sculpture of the Roman Baroque

    Gold, Silver, and Bronze: Metal Sculpture of the Roman Baroque

    • 優惠價: 2200

    An in-depth look at the exquisite metal sculpture of the Roman baroque Roman baroque sculpture is us... more

    Nicolas Poussin

    Nicolas Poussin

    • 優惠價: 4400

    A landmark account of the work, thought, and life of the seventeenth-century French painter In this ... more

    Haydn organ concertos / Ton Koopman, Catherine Manson(巴洛克音樂大師庫普曼演出海頓管風琴協奏曲 / 庫普曼)

    Haydn organ concertos / Ton Koopman, Catherine Manson(巴洛克音樂大師庫普曼演出海頓管風琴協奏曲 / 庫普曼)

    • 優惠價: 580

    這是巴洛克大師級指揮家與管風琴家Ton Koopman珍貴的演出海頓管風琴協奏曲錄音。片中大師親自身兼指揮以及彈奏管風琴,並且與擁有良好默契的古小提琴演奏權威Catherine Manson聯演,呈現出巴洛克音樂的經典之作。也因這份錄音的...... more

    Bach Goldberg variations / Alexander Gurning(比利時鋼琴名家古寧演奏郭德堡變奏曲 / 古寧)

    Bach Goldberg variations / Alexander Gurning(比利時鋼琴名家古寧演奏郭德堡變奏曲 / 古寧)

    • CD , Avanti , 出版日期: 2016-03-04
    • 優惠價: 880

    鋼琴女皇阿格麗希在2004年時為了挖掘鋼琴明日之星,特別與EMI合作發行了一系列Martha Argerich Presents的唱片,每張專輯都是阿格麗希強力背書的一流鋼琴家。而Alexander ... more

    Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1 / Luc Beausejour (2CD)(巴哈:平均律第一冊 / 路克‧布賽若(大鍵琴) (2CD))

    Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1 / Luc Beausejour (2CD)(巴哈:平均律第一冊 / 路克‧布賽若(大鍵琴) (2CD))

    • CD , Naxos , 出版日期: 2015-08-07
    • 優惠價: 609

    ,絲毫不受到時間洪流的影響而被時代所遺忘。 來自加拿大魁北克地區的路克‧布賽若,是現今樂壇備受推崇的大鍵琴暨管風琴演奏家,目前已經在NAXOS錄製過德國巴洛克作曲家費雪及法國的佛克萊等大鍵琴作品,皆有不錯的評價。這份2CD錄音收錄巴哈平均律鍵盤...... more

    Bach:Matthaus Passion / Jan Willem de Vriend (2 SACD Hybrid)(弗萊恩德指揮馬太受難曲~孟德爾頌版本 (2 SACD Hybrid))

    Bach:Matthaus Passion / Jan Willem de Vriend (2 SACD Hybrid)(弗萊恩德指揮馬太受難曲~孟德爾頌版本 (2 SACD Hybrid))

    • 優惠價: 980

    Jan Willem de Vriend與其所職掌的荷蘭交響樂團可以說是Challenge唱片公司的鎮店之寶.他所錄製的一系列唱片都是最為暢銷的名盤.這一份巴哈的馬太受難曲演出為2014年四月的現場演... more

    惡魔預知死亡(紐約犯罪風景塗繪全新設計版) (電子書)

    惡魔預知死亡(紐約犯罪風景塗繪全新設計版) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 322

    愛倫坡終身大師獎得主、紐約犯罪風景的行吟詩人——勞倫斯‧卜洛克 冷硬派偵探系列代表作 我替死者悲哀,但我也為凶手悲哀 我有同樣的機會,變成他們其中之一…… 朱天心x朱天文x李桐豪x唐諾x冬陽x張國立x陳雪x個人意見 陳祺勳x臥斧x傅月庵x...... more

    一長串的死者(紐約犯罪風景塗繪全新設計版) (電子書)

    一長串的死者(紐約犯罪風景塗繪全新設計版) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 329

    愛倫坡終身大師獎得主、紐約犯罪風景的行吟詩人——勞倫斯‧卜洛克 冷硬派偵探系列代表作 要是真有個殺手,幾乎可以確定,一定是我們之中的一個。 朱天心x朱天文x李桐豪x唐諾x冬陽x張國立x陳雪x個人意見 陳祺勳x臥斧x傅月庵x劉梓潔x駱以軍x...... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 260

    冷清破敗的紐約街頭,遊蕩著一夥專挑女人下手的罪犯。 毒梟的妻子遭到綁架,巨額贖金只換回塊塊碎屍。 私家偵探馬修,與應召女郎交往,與街頭混混為友。 在接受追凶委託後,他咬住每一絲微小的可能性展開排查。... more

    The Descendants from the East

    The Descendants from the East

    • 優惠價: 879

    William Blake’s works incorporate Eastern elements to challenge Western art, as seen in "The Spiritu... more

    衣櫃裡的賊 (電子書)

    衣櫃裡的賊 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    本書的主角柏納德是個入獄過兩次的賊,他的牙醫慫恿他去偷前妻的珠寶。在偷東西的過程中這名女子提前返家,柏納德來不及逃跑並且陰錯陽差被屋子的女主人鎖在衣櫃內。他親耳聽見命案的發生……為了證明自己的清白,他... more

    畫風像蒙德里安的賊 (電子書)

    畫風像蒙德里安的賊 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 280

    某天晚上羅登拔應顧客翁德東克之邀,到他家為他的藏書估價,好不容易有個正當理由進入警備森嚴的「查理曼大帝」大樓,自然不能空手而回,這晚除了應得的估價酬勞外,還多了些其他的珍寶。 隔天,他的伙伴卡洛琳... more



    • 優惠價: 1152

    Discover the life and art of French painter Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin in this fascinating biograp... more

    An Explanation of Several of Mr. Hogarth’s Prints

    An Explanation of Several of Mr. Hogarth’s Prints

    • 優惠價: 987

    This book provides a detailed analysis of several prints by William Hogarth, an influential 18th cen... more

    Rembrandt: A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter

    Rembrandt: A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter

    • 優惠價: 987

    Rembrandt van Rijn was one of the most famous painters in European history. In this book, noted art ... more

    A Catalogue Of The Collection Of Pictures & Belonging To King James Ii

    A Catalogue Of The Collection Of Pictures & Belonging To King James Ii

    • 優惠價: 1152

    This catalogue provides a rare glimpse into the art collection of King James II. With detailed descr... more

    The Works Of Anthony Raphael: First Painter To His Catholic Majesty Charles Iii

    The Works Of Anthony Raphael: First Painter To His Catholic Majesty Charles Iii

    • 優惠價: 1317

    This rare volume features the work of one of the most celebrated painters of the 18th century, Anton... more

    Teniers The Younger

    Teniers The Younger

    • 優惠價: 767

    Teniers the Younger is a monograph on the Flemish painter David Teniers (1610-1690). The book contai... more

    Some Anecdotes Of The Life Of Julio Bonasoni: A Bolognese Artist ... Accompanied By A Catalogue Of The Engravings ... Of The Works That ... Composer .

    Some Anecdotes Of The Life Of Julio Bonasoni: A Bolognese Artist ... Accompanied By A Catalogue Of The Engravings ... Of The Works That ... Composer .

    • 優惠價: 987

    This fascinating biography provides a glimpse into the life of Julio Bonasoni, a renowned Bolognese ... more

    Historic Ornament: Treatise On Decorative Art and Architectural Ornament; Volume 2

    Historic Ornament: Treatise On Decorative Art and Architectural Ornament; Volume 2

    • 優惠價: 2142

    This stunning book showcases some of the most beautiful and intricate examples of decorative art and... more



    • 優惠價: 1647

    Paul G. Konody’s Chardin is a fascinating exploration of the life and work of Jean-Baptiste-Simeon C... more



    • 優惠價: 1482

    This beautifully illustrated volume is a tribute to the Dutch artist Gabriel Metsu and his place in ... more

    The Equestrian Statue of George III

    The Equestrian Statue of George III

    • 優惠價: 1482

    An illuminating and expert study of the equestrian statue of King George III, this book is a must-re... more

    Memoirs of Painting; Volume I

    Memoirs of Painting; Volume I

    • 優惠價: 2032

    William Buchanan’s Memoirs of Painting offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of 18th century B... more

    The History and Pedigree of the Portrait of Prince Charles, Afterwards Charles I., Painted by Velasquez in 1623 [By J. Snare]

    The History and Pedigree of the Portrait of Prince Charles, Afterwards Charles I., Painted by Velasquez in 1623 [By J. Snare]

    • 優惠價: 1812

    In this absorbing book, John Snare tells the remarkable story of his own quest to uncover the histor... more

    Carlo Dolci

    Carlo Dolci

    • 優惠價: 1647

    A detailed examination of the life and works of Carlo Dolci, one of the most famous painters of the ... more

    Adriaen Brouwer En De Ontwikkeling Zijner Kunst

    Adriaen Brouwer En De Ontwikkeling Zijner Kunst

    • 優惠價: 1757

    Adriaen Brouwer was a Flemish painter known for his depictions of peasants, soldiers, and other ordi... more

    Franz Hals

    Franz Hals

    • 優惠價: 877

    This beautifully illustrated art book features the work of Franz Hals, one of the greatest portrait ... more

    Adriaen Brouwer En De Ontwikkeling Zijner Kunst

    Adriaen Brouwer En De Ontwikkeling Zijner Kunst

    • 優惠價: 1042

    Adriaen Brouwer was a Flemish painter known for his depictions of peasants, soldiers, and other ordi... more

    An Account of the Lives and Works of the Most Eminent Spanish Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Tr. [By U. Price] From the Musæum Pictorium

    An Account of the Lives and Works of the Most Eminent Spanish Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Tr. [By U. Price] From the Musæum Pictorium

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-07-18
    • 優惠價: 1042

    This classic art history text provides a thorough examination of the most important Spanish painters... more

    Oxonia Illustrata: Of Het Verheerlykt Oxford, Vervattende De Gezichten Der Zelve Stad, Met Haare Gebouwen, Lust-huizen, En Andere Omlegge

    Oxonia Illustrata: Of Het Verheerlykt Oxford, Vervattende De Gezichten Der Zelve Stad, Met Haare Gebouwen, Lust-huizen, En Andere Omlegge

    • 優惠價: 877

    This stunning volume showcases the beauty and architectural marvels of Oxford, England through intri... more



    • 優惠價: 1812

    Discover the life and art of French painter Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin in this fascinating biograp... more

    An Explanation of Several of Mr. Hogarth’s Prints

    An Explanation of Several of Mr. Hogarth’s Prints

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This book provides a detailed analysis of several prints by William Hogarth, an influential 18th cen... more

    Franz Hals

    Franz Hals

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This beautifully illustrated art book features the work of Franz Hals, one of the greatest portrait ... more

    The Work of Rembrandt, Reproduced in Over Five Hundred Illustrations; With a Biographical Introduction, Abridged From Adolf Rosenberg

    The Work of Rembrandt, Reproduced in Over Five Hundred Illustrations; With a Biographical Introduction, Abridged From Adolf Rosenberg

    • 優惠價: 2252

    This stunning volume features over five hundred illustrations of the most iconic works of Rembrandt.... more

    The French Pastellists of the Eighteenth Century: Their Lives, Their Times, Their art and Their Significance

    The French Pastellists of the Eighteenth Century: Their Lives, Their Times, Their art and Their Significance

    • 優惠價: 1427

    The French Pastellists of the Eighteenth Century is a detailed study of the lives, art, and signific... more

    Historic Ornament: Treatise On Decorative Art and Architectural Ornament; Volume 2

    Historic Ornament: Treatise On Decorative Art and Architectural Ornament; Volume 2

    • 優惠價: 1427

    This stunning book showcases some of the most beautiful and intricate examples of decorative art and... more



    • 優惠價: 767

    This beautifully illustrated volume is a tribute to the Dutch artist Gabriel Metsu and his place in ... more

    Carlo Dolci

    Carlo Dolci

    • 優惠價: 877

    A detailed examination of the life and works of Carlo Dolci, one of the most famous painters of the ... more

    The History and Pedigree of the Portrait of Prince Charles, Afterwards Charles I., Painted by Velasquez in 1623 [By J. Snare]

    The History and Pedigree of the Portrait of Prince Charles, Afterwards Charles I., Painted by Velasquez in 1623 [By J. Snare]

    • 優惠價: 1152

    In this absorbing book, John Snare tells the remarkable story of his own quest to uncover the histor... more

    A Catalogue Of The Collection Of Pictures & Belonging To King James Ii

    A Catalogue Of The Collection Of Pictures & Belonging To King James Ii

    • 優惠價: 1812

    This catalogue provides a rare glimpse into the art collection of King James II. With detailed descr... more

    Rembrandt: A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter

    Rembrandt: A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter

    • 優惠價: 1702

    Rembrandt van Rijn was one of the most famous painters in European history. In this book, noted art ... more

    The Work of Rembrandt, Reproduced in Over Five Hundred Illustrations; With a Biographical Introduction, Abridged From Adolf Rosenberg

    The Work of Rembrandt, Reproduced in Over Five Hundred Illustrations; With a Biographical Introduction, Abridged From Adolf Rosenberg

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This stunning volume features over five hundred illustrations of the most iconic works of Rembrandt.... more

    Margarethe Verflassen: A Picture From the Catholic Church

    Margarethe Verflassen: A Picture From the Catholic Church

    • 優惠價: 1262

    Margarethe Verflassen A Picture from the Catholic Church is a fascinating study of a little-known pa... more



    • 優惠價: 877

    Paul G. Konody’s Chardin is a fascinating exploration of the life and work of Jean-Baptiste-Simeon C... more

    The Equestrian Statue of George III

    The Equestrian Statue of George III

    • 優惠價: 767

    An illuminating and expert study of the equestrian statue of King George III, this book is a must-re... more

    Memoirs of Painting; Volume I

    Memoirs of Painting; Volume I

    • 優惠價: 1372

    William Buchanan’s Memoirs of Painting offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of 18th century B... more

    Teniers The Younger

    Teniers The Younger

    • 優惠價: 1482

    Teniers the Younger is a monograph on the Flemish painter David Teniers (1610-1690). The book contai... more

    The Works Of Anthony Raphael: First Painter To His Catholic Majesty Charles Iii

    The Works Of Anthony Raphael: First Painter To His Catholic Majesty Charles Iii

    • 優惠價: 1922

    This rare volume features the work of one of the most celebrated painters of the 18th century, Anton... more

    The French Pastellists of the Eighteenth Century: Their Lives, Their Times, Their art and Their Significance

    The French Pastellists of the Eighteenth Century: Their Lives, Their Times, Their art and Their Significance

    • 優惠價: 2142

    The French Pastellists of the Eighteenth Century is a detailed study of the lives, art, and signific... more

    Some Anecdotes Of The Life Of Julio Bonasoni: A Bolognese Artist ... Accompanied By A Catalogue Of The Engravings ... Of The Works That ... Composer .

    Some Anecdotes Of The Life Of Julio Bonasoni: A Bolognese Artist ... Accompanied By A Catalogue Of The Engravings ... Of The Works That ... Composer .

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This fascinating biography provides a glimpse into the life of Julio Bonasoni, a renowned Bolognese ... more

    Vermeer of Delft: Dutch School

    Vermeer of Delft: Dutch School

    • 優惠價: 1482

    Johannes Vermeer was a 17th-century Dutch painter who is considered one of the greatest artists of a... more

    An Account of the Lives and Works of the Most Eminent Spanish Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Tr. [By U. Price] From the Musæum Pictorium

    An Account of the Lives and Works of the Most Eminent Spanish Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Tr. [By U. Price] From the Musæum Pictorium

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-07-18
    • 優惠價: 1757

    This classic art history text provides a thorough examination of the most important Spanish painters... more

    Oxonia Illustrata: Of Het Verheerlykt Oxford, Vervattende De Gezichten Der Zelve Stad, Met Haare Gebouwen, Lust-huizen, En Andere Omlegge

    Oxonia Illustrata: Of Het Verheerlykt Oxford, Vervattende De Gezichten Der Zelve Stad, Met Haare Gebouwen, Lust-huizen, En Andere Omlegge

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This stunning volume showcases the beauty and architectural marvels of Oxford, England through intri... more

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