
    您輸入的關鍵字: Personal


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    • 優惠價: 87 折, 465

    這是——本寫給「有智慧的普通人」的書。 20世紀50年代,羅傑斯成名以後在各地作演講,本書即主要根據這些演講和未發表的文章整理而成,體現了羅傑斯的基本思想。 本書包括羅傑斯與各種各樣群體的對話,對人們... more

    Me, Myself, and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being

    Me, Myself, and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being

    • 優惠價: 760

    How does your personality shape your life and what, if anything, can you do about it? Are you hardwired for happiness...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    不要看他的外貌和他身材高大,我不揀選他。 因為耶和華不像人看人: 人是看外貌,耶和華是看內心。 抽絲剝繭的舊約研究, 帶出經文更豐盛的信息! 過去數十年,舊約研究裡一個爭論不休的議... more

    Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth

    Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth

    • 優惠價: 646

    A noted author and Jungian analyst teaches how to use dreams and inner exercises to achieve personal wholeness and a...... more

     Person in the Room

    Person in the Room

    • 優惠價: 1199

    "If anyone knows anything about the web, where it’s been and where it’s going, it’s David Weinberger... more

    Encounterism: The Neglected Joys of Being in Person

    Encounterism: The Neglected Joys of Being in Person

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 497

    A playful, analytical, informed, and poetic exploration of the delight and transformative power of r... more

    不再各說各話:非暴力溝通打造雙贏職場 (電子書)

    不再各說各話:非暴力溝通打造雙贏職場 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 265

    職場上,你的溝通力就等於競爭力 當對方無法同理你,你們的對話就是單方面自說自話,不是溝通職場上,我們往往認為「雇主─員工─客戶」的角色相互對立,想透過彼此間的拉鋸牽制創造個人和企業利益。本書作者宮代卻... more

    Your Personal Horoscope 2024

    Your Personal Horoscope 2024

    • 優惠價: 646

    contains all you need to know about your personal horoscope for the year 2024. Be prepared for the forthcoming year with...... more

    Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration

    Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration

    • 優惠價: 499

    , helps you master the dynamics of energy, personal vibration, and our increasing hypersensitivity in this award-winning...... more



    • 優惠價: 380

    time it’s personal. This edition includes the bonus short story "Not a Drill."...... more

    The Millionaire Master Plan: Your Personalized Path to Financial Success

    The Millionaire Master Plan: Your Personalized Path to Financial Success

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 998

    stand on the spectrum of personal wealth, but more importantly, how they can learn to ascend from their present state to a...... more

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.111:丸山隆平

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.111:丸山隆平

    • 優惠價: 405

    關8-丸山隆平特集 日本傑尼斯偶像男團「關8」2021年發行了團體的新專輯「8BEAT」,歷時2年製作時間的專輯,收錄5人制度後所發行的單曲「朋友啊!」、「Re:LIVE」、「想和你一起看的世界」、「... more

    Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom

    Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom

    • 優惠價: 684

    Dr. William Glasser offers a new psychology that, if practiced, could reverse our widespread inabili... more

    認識福音派信仰 (電子書)

    認識福音派信仰 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 119

    本書準確切入福音派信仰的核心,代表一位傑出基督徒領袖成熟的反省。作者斯托得的透視範圍橫跨教會歷史、它形成的教訓、認信,以及今日普世的教會。他所指出福音派的兩個重點:基督一次而永遠成就的事工,與聖靈活潑... more

    The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present

    The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present

    • 優惠價: 874

    For more than four hundred years, the personal essay has been one of the richest and most vibrant of all literary forms...... more

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.117:増田貴久

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.117:増田貴久

    • 優惠價: 405

    人氣男星的最新戲劇作品 傑尼斯人氣男子偶像團體「NEWS」的成員増田貴久為本誌本期的封面人物,帶來最新日劇作品「吉祥寺魯蛇」(吉祥寺ルーザーズ),故事內容為描述發生在東京知名地區「吉祥寺」的情境喜劇,... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    臺灣口述歷史學會會刊以刊登口述歷史訪問稿件、研究論文為主,兼報導學會會務活動,以及本會團體會員動態。《記錄聲音的歷史》長期接受口述歷史稿件,作者不限本會會員,歡迎各界踴躍投稿。... more

    Relationships & Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience

    Relationships & Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience

    • 優惠價: 834

    In this breakthrough book, Stephen Arroyo discusses the two subjects that people most often want to ... more

    Colors & Numbers: Your Personal Guide to Positive Vibrations in Daily Life

    Colors & Numbers: Your Personal Guide to Positive Vibrations in Daily Life

    • 優惠價: 418

    "Colors and numbers have a lot of significance for us. We each have our own personal number vibrations and personal...... more

    The Words You Should Know to Sound Smart: 1200 Essential Words Every Sophisticated Person Should Be Able to Use

    The Words You Should Know to Sound Smart: 1200 Essential Words Every Sophisticated Person Should Be Able to Use

    • 優惠價: 532

    This book is a tongue-in-cheek guide to words that any well-educated, witty person should be able to drop into cocktail...... more

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.105:大倉忠義

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.105:大倉忠義

    • 優惠價: 405

    長夜漫漫路迢迢 本期《TV GUIDE明星特寫專集》由關8的大倉忠義擔任封面及卷頭專訪人物,專訪聚焦於即將於今年六月公演的舞台劇《長夜漫漫路迢迢》,並由攝影師紀嘉良拍攝獨家寫真。人物專訪分別採訪到上田... more

    First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin

    First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin

    • 優惠價: 608

    ? First Person is an intimate, candid portrait of the man who holds the future of Russia in his grip. An extraordinary...... more

    陶哲軒教你聰明解數學 (電子書)

    陶哲軒教你聰明解數學 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 221

    陶哲軒是華裔數學天才、目前數學界響噹噹的人物,也是極受學生歡迎的UCLA數學教授。本書寫於15歲,多年來對許多數學資優生、數學家和教育工作者帶來很大啟發。15年後陶哲軒30歲,應英國劍橋大學出版社之邀... more

    體感預報 DVD(My Personal Weatherman)

    體感預報 DVD(My Personal Weatherman)

    • 優惠價: 990

    ♥ 色氣滿滿、下載破千萬次的超人氣BL漫畫真人化! ♥ 原作榮獲日本BL AWARD2023漫畫部門冠軍! ♥ 原作榮登日本電子漫畫大賞2023BL部門得獎作品! ♥ 只有更甜!高甜BL日劇《經典杯子... more

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.120:NEWS

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.120:NEWS

    • 優惠價: 396

    NEWS的音樂魅力 簡單而直接,傑尼斯偶像團體NEWS的最新專輯就命名為《音樂》。為什麼會選擇這個標題?對這張作品印象深刻的地方?還有個人獨唱曲的介紹、最新巡迴演唱會的籌備現況、生活中喜歡的音樂…等等... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 900

    我們並不是任由潛意識擺布,也不是全憑無法了解的力量控制,我們其實是「躺在生物屬性之中的神」。透過思想和感覺的具現來創造經驗,本來就是我們天生擁有的能力,沒有一個人是例外!《個人實相的本質》是一部最扎實... more

    The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective

    The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective

    • 優惠價: 874

    storyteller Andy Andrews helps us see how becoming a noticer just might change a person s life forever. The story of Jones...... more

    Really Professional Internet Person

    Really Professional Internet Person

    • 優惠價: 570

    Jenn McAllister offers an insider"s guide to building a successful YouTube channel and an intimate p... more

    Periphery / Periphery II: This Time It’s Personal(無邊幾何樂團 / 二部曲:獨家曝光)

    Periphery / Periphery II: This Time It’s Personal(無邊幾何樂團 / 二部曲:獨家曝光)

    • 優惠價: 379

    ▲眾年輕頭友拍胸脯保證好聽的前衛屌團,第二號必定入手大碟終於搶灘來台 ▲About.com以四顆半高評價表揚,首次擠進美國Indie專輯排行第六名最佳代表作 ▲知名G3!Guthrie Govan、J... more

    The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist’s Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain

    The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist’s Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain

    • 優惠價: 722

    friends. Then he learned a shocking truth that would not only disrupt his personal and professional life, but would lead him...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    讓我們一起學習和好吧! 與人和好,是我們的渴望,也實在願意相信從衝突走向和好,是可能發生的事。 但實際行動起來,很多時候我們還是滿懷疑惑。例如: 何時該忽略對方的過錯? 何時又該據... more

    The Inner Planets: Building Blocks of Personal Reality

    The Inner Planets: Building Blocks of Personal Reality

    • 優惠價: 1348
    The Development of the Personality

    The Development of the Personality

    • 優惠價: 1213

    An exciting series by the founders of The Centre for Psychological Astrology in London. This first v... more

    人際關係,99%從聊天開始: 【內向者必備的不尬聊心法】從搭話技術、創造話題到萬用句型,終結冷場尷尬,和誰都能聊出好交情

    人際關係,99%從聊天開始: 【內向者必備的不尬聊心法】從搭話技術、創造話題到萬用句型,終結冷場尷尬,和誰都能聊出好交情

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 360

    你所焦慮的聊天困擾,這裡有解! \總算能想聊就聊、想停就停,再也不怕要勉強尬聊了!/ ──近10,000名社交苦手實證有效! 跟著全美超人氣對話技巧講師,掌握完美聊天的關鍵鐵則: 開啟對話→引起共鳴→... more

    Every Person in New York

    Every Person in New York

    • 優惠價: 1024

    Jason Polan is on a mission to draw every person in New York, from cab drivers to celebrities. He draws people eating...... more

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.141:Kis-My-Ft2

    TV GUIDE明星特寫專集 VOL.141:Kis-My-Ft2

    • 優惠價: 430
    深刻認識一個人:發現自己與他人的非凡之處 (電子書)

    深刻認識一個人:發現自己與他人的非凡之處 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 297

    ────本書是你給他人和自己的終極禮物──── 在疏離的年代 幫助你真正看見他人,透視自己 締造深刻人際關係 《成為更好的你》《第二座山》作者大衛.布魯克斯 最貼近人心的深刻力作 ★誠品選書、博客... more

    3000 Powerful Questions About Myself: Insightful Questions for Personal Reflection and Self-Discovery

    3000 Powerful Questions About Myself: Insightful Questions for Personal Reflection and Self-Discovery

    • 優惠價: 714
    Some Persons Unknown

    Some Persons Unknown

    • 優惠價: 868

    Some Persons Unknown, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this...... more

    Some Personal Reminiscences of Service in the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac

    Some Personal Reminiscences of Service in the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac

    • 優惠價: 672

    Some Personal Reminiscences of Service in the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, a classical book, has been considered...... more

    Borderline: The Biography of a Personality Disorder

    Borderline: The Biography of a Personality Disorder

    • 優惠價: 1138

    An intimate, compassionate, and expansive portrait of Borderline Personality Disorder that rejects the conventional...... more

    The Joy of the Trinity: One God, Three Persons

    The Joy of the Trinity: One God, Three Persons

    • 優惠價: 684

    It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know. But our God ... more

    Mean Boys: A Personal History

    Mean Boys: A Personal History

    • 優惠價: 1102

    personal essay and cultural critique, Mean Boys investigates exile and return, transgression and forgiveness, and the value of...... more

    Understanding the Enneagram: The Practical Guide to Personality Types

    Understanding the Enneagram: The Practical Guide to Personality Types

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499
    Ruthless Obsession: A Silver Dingo Mystery When Family Is Involved - It’s Personal

    Ruthless Obsession: A Silver Dingo Mystery When Family Is Involved - It’s Personal

    • 優惠價: 934
    The Highly Sensitive Person’s Workbook

    The Highly Sensitive Person’s Workbook

    • 優惠價: 758

    Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? If so, this workbook is for you. Do noise and confusion quickly overwhelm you? Do...... more

    Everyday Enlightenment: The Twelve Gateways to Personal Growth

    Everyday Enlightenment: The Twelve Gateways to Personal Growth

    • 優惠價: 990

    twelve gateways of personal growth to the summit of your potential. Dan Millman makes your ascent accessible by bringing...... more

    Embracing the Cycles of Gratitude: A Personal 30 Day Journey

    Embracing the Cycles of Gratitude: A Personal 30 Day Journey

    • 優惠價: 824

    person has, rather than what a person does not. By turning a negative situation to a positive one, modifies how a person...... more

    Books and Persons (Esprios Classics)

    Books and Persons (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1026

    Enoch Arnold Bennett (27 May 1867 - 27 March 1931) was an English author, best known as a novelist. ... more

    Personal Reminiscences in Book Making (Esprios Classics)

    Personal Reminiscences in Book Making (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 988

    Robert Michael Ballantyne (24 April 1825 - 8 February 1894) was a Scottish author of juvenile fictio... more

    Personal Poems (Esprios Classics)

    Personal Poems (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 874

    John Greenleaf Whittier (December 17, 1807 - September 7, 1892) was an American Quaker poet and advo... more

    Old Portraits and Modern Sketches, Personal Sketches and Tributes, and Historical Papers (Esprios Classics)

    Old Portraits and Modern Sketches, Personal Sketches and Tributes, and Historical Papers (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1216

    John Greenleaf Whittier (December 17, 1807 - September 7, 1892) was an American Quaker poet and advo... more

    Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death

    Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death

    • 優惠價: 836
    Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People

    Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 649

    profiler, unlocks the secrets to the personality disorders that put us all at risk. "I should have known." "How could we have...... more

    Embark Psychedelic Therapy for Depression: A New Approach for the Whole Person

    Embark Psychedelic Therapy for Depression: A New Approach for the Whole Person

    • 優惠價: 2397

    EMBARK Psychedelic Therapy for Depression: A New Approach for the Whole Person represents a critical step forward in...... more

    The Well Within: Unlocking Your Personal Power Through Radical Self-Care

    The Well Within: Unlocking Your Personal Power Through Radical Self-Care

    • 優惠價: 987
    Some eminent Victorians: Personal recollections in the world of art and letters

    Some eminent Victorians: Personal recollections in the world of art and letters

    • 優惠價: 918

    Some eminent Victorians: Personal recollections in the world of art and letters, a classical book, has been considered...... more

    A Soldier’s Life: Being the Personal Reminiscences of Edwin G. Rundle

    A Soldier’s Life: Being the Personal Reminiscences of Edwin G. Rundle

    • 優惠價: 714

    A Soldier’s Life: Being the Personal Reminiscences of Edwin G. Rundle, a classical book, has been considered important...... more

    Healing and Cancer: A Guide to Whole Person Care

    Healing and Cancer: A Guide to Whole Person Care

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Healing and Cancer strives to bring the concepts of healing and whole person care further into health care delivery so...... more

    Understanding Muslim Family Life: Changing Relationships, Personal Life and Inequality

    Understanding Muslim Family Life: Changing Relationships, Personal Life and Inequality

    • 優惠價: 8997

    This book offers an innovative perspective on Muslim family life in British society. Drawing on rece... more



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