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    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    需要《上吧!漫畫達人必修課》!本書整理出新手繪者經常遇上的101個難題,附錄88種漫畫繪製特技,細心地講解看似不起眼,修正後卻能讓人物美感大躍進的細節,讓你立即突破繪圖盲點,漫畫水平鯉魚大翻身! C.C作者群跳脫一般漫畫技法書循規蹈矩的...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    漫畫急救靠這本! 人物怎麼畫長得都一樣?服裝總是變不出新花樣? 本書提供126項人物設定要訣, 協助您創造出獨一無二的超人氣要角! 無論怎麼畫,人物總是長得一樣?服裝變不出新花樣?不知如何以動作呈... more

    超級漫畫百科5000例 Q版篇

    超級漫畫百科5000例 Q版篇

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    大量的臨摹技法,讓你更快學會漫畫技法! 臨摹是快速提高自己繪畫技巧的一大利器,為了能讓大家能利用「臨摹」這個方式來學漫畫,本書特別將各種常用的、經典的案例整合在一起,並畫出每個案例的正面、側面、背... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 379

    《華爾街日報》、《出版者周刊》、《柯克斯評論》一致好評盛讚 後王建民時代洋基隊最強投手──C.C.沙巴西亞, 從頹敗的幽谷中重生,迎回自我榮耀的動人告白 他生涯入選6屆全明星賽,獲選美聯冠軍賽MVP、2屆美聯勝投王、1屆美...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    ~Q版+古風=激萌!~ 從商周~明清,從仙俠~奇幻, 既氣質又激萌的古風Q版人物繪製神髓! 甄嬛、延禧、如懿……後宮佳麗占領大螢幕, 影視音樂、動漫游戲、小說詩詞、漢服COS…… ... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    ~四大經典古風類型一把罩!~ 古風感滿滿的細緻教學, 手把手教你畫出唯美古裝人物的祕技! 古風的熱度一直未曾衰減,從小說到遊戲,再到影視劇, 那份來自千百年之前的俠骨柔情,那份屬於中國文化的絕... more

    上吧!漫畫達人必修課 洋服美少女

    上吧!漫畫達人必修課 洋服美少女

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    ~荷葉邊、蝴蝶結、蕾絲……用夢幻元素創造洋服美少女!~ 5大章節,解構「愛麗絲、伊麗莎白、蘿莉塔」角色洋裝關鍵點, 創造風靡全場的A級美少女! 華麗的洋服是繪製萌系少女插畫時,絕對會接觸到... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    本書是美型人物基礎篇,主要教讀者從基礎學習畫出漂亮漫畫人物的方法。書中詳細分析每個人物結構,還有分解圖以供參考,更有詳細的繪畫步驟練習與圖解說明,帶你一步一步親手體驗學習樂趣!書中是將前輩們的經驗加以... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 219

    漫畫故事是透過漫畫中的人物角色來演繹的,外貌出眾、個性鮮明的人物角色,容易得到觀眾的認可。在漫畫作品中,你就是人物的主宰者。要創造出一部好的漫畫作品,成功的人物造型必不可少,它如同跳躍的精靈,能讓你的... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    俏皮可愛的少女、溫柔賢慧的女孩、風度翩翩的美少年、成熟穩重的老師等等,如此千變萬化的角色,我們要怎樣來抓住他們的徵,把他們表現得活靈活現呢?此書將漫畫中的基本角色類型進行了深入的分析,結合不同的服飾、... more

    新手漫畫技法教程 零基礎古風漫畫入門

    新手漫畫技法教程 零基礎古風漫畫入門

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 276

    古風漫畫入門級教程 打通任督二脈,畫出優雅靈動的古風角色! 《新手漫畫技法教程零基礎古風漫畫入門》為《新手漫畫技法教程》系列圖書之一。 本書的架構可概分為三個層次。首先從「基本概念」開始,... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    在掌握了人物的基礎畫法之後,我們來學習如何賦予人物豐富的情感。情感是從面部表情和肢體動作表現出來的。在本書中,我們分別就面部表情、上半身的動作及全身的動作如何表現人物情緒進行全面講解。除了如何把握人體... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    在畫各種人物時,都要盡量把人物表現得立體生動,但是要 想直接畫出很立體的人物還是很困難。因此,我們要借用立方體來作為輔助形體,試著把人物放進去畫。這本書就是為了把人物立體地畫出來,使人物具有立體感而寫... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    本書第一章講解怎樣為人物選擇適當的服飾,也就是透過人體頭身比例、結構等具體問題來綜合講解人體與服飾的關係。第二章的內容就很重要了,講解的是漫畫服飾的基礎畫法。這一章節講述的都是一些基礎知識,也是畫好服... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    在一個畫面中要怎樣將角色放在什麼位置上,要怎樣選取空間讓角色動起來呢?這些問題是不是困擾你很久了呢?看漫畫的時候就會發現,好的漫畫作品不僅需要人物美型具有吸引力,人物的透視和場景的表現也相當重要。因為... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    ~初學者絕不可錯過的漫畫素描好書~ 只要一本在手,蛻變成漫畫高手! 本書是一本入門級的漫畫繪製綜合技法書, 從零基礎開始,為漫畫愛好者講解各種繪製技法,引領讀者進入夢想大門。 內容全面... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    大家在看了很多漫畫作品後,都會不自覺地感嘆某部漫畫畫得很精彩、很吸引人,讓人百看不厭。但是吸引人的漫畫作品到底優秀在哪裡呢?原因大致分為兩點:第一點就是要有吸引人的故事情節;第二點就是作者要有優秀的繪... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    本書從寫實的人體入手,逐步講解漫畫人物動作造型的知識學習真實的人體結構與動作之後,再靈活的運用到漫畫人物當中,便能畫出動作自然、造型優美的漫畫人物。本書的第一章講解人體的構成元素,主要包括人體的骨骼、... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    在一部漫畫中,一般的主角和主要的配角都是5到8頭身的人物,另外,我們還常常看到5到8頭身的可愛Q版人物,甚至還有2到4頭身的人物,這本書教你畫出各種的人物和可愛Q版人物。怎樣能畫出一個正常5到8頭身的... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 143

    要創造出一幅好的漫畫作品,主要的前提就是要成功的塑造人物,人物刻畫成功將會讓你的作品散發出靚麗的光彩。到底要怎樣成功繪製漫畫人物呢?只要跟著本書好好練習,相信你的繪畫功力一定能夠大大提高哦!也一定可以... more

    漫畫素描─從新手到高手 (電子書)

    漫畫素描─從新手到高手 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 266

    ~初學者絕不可錯過的漫畫素描好書~ 只要一本在手,蛻變成漫畫高手! 本書是一本入門級的漫畫繪製綜合技法書, 從零基礎開始,為漫畫愛好者講解各種繪製技法,引領讀者進入夢想大門。 內容全面... more

    直到盡頭:C.C.沙巴西亞回憶錄 (電子書)

    直到盡頭:C.C.沙巴西亞回憶錄 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 295

    《華爾街日報》、《出版者周刊》、《柯克斯評論》一致好評盛讚 後王建民時代洋基隊最強投手──C.C.沙巴西亞, 從頹敗的幽谷中重生,迎回自我榮耀的動人告白 他生涯入選6屆全明星賽,獲選美聯冠軍賽MVP、2屆美聯勝投王、1屆美...... more

    新手漫畫技法教程 零基礎古風漫畫入門 (電子書)

    新手漫畫技法教程 零基礎古風漫畫入門 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 245

    古風漫畫入門級教程 打通任督二脈,畫出優雅靈動的古風角色! 《新手漫畫技法教程零基礎古風漫畫入門》為《新手漫畫技法教程》系列圖書之一。 本書的架構可概分為三個層次。首先從「基本概念」開始,... more

    The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914-1919 (Esprios Classics)

    The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914-1919 (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1254

    "When the 8th Sherwood Foresters concentrated at Hunmanby, at the end of July, 1914, for their usual... more

    Mrs. Leary’s Cow: A Legend of Chicago

    Mrs. Leary’s Cow: A Legend of Chicago

    • 優惠價: 660

    Mrs. Leary’s Cow: A Legend of Chicago, a classical book, has been considered important throughout th... more

    Going Home

    Going Home

    • 優惠價: 682
    Whispers and Echoes

    Whispers and Echoes

    • 優惠價: 2745
    Whispers and Echoes

    Whispers and Echoes

    • 優惠價: 3845
    The Pendragon Wytch

    The Pendragon Wytch

    • 優惠價: 1350
    Ultimate Economic Conflict Between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional Analysis

    Ultimate Economic Conflict Between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional Analysis

    • 優惠價: 10200

    This book investigates various dimensions of the economic conflicts between the US - and other democ... more

    Thoughts on the Contemplative Life

    Thoughts on the Contemplative Life

    • 優惠價: 329

    Thoughts on the Contemplative Life is a short work by Rev. Mother Mary Immaculata, a Poor Clare Abbe... more

    English PRESS Spellers’ Digest Part 5

    English PRESS Spellers’ Digest Part 5

    • 優惠價: 769

    English PRESS series is prepared as an answer to the missing link between phonetics and spellings. T... more

    English PRESS Spellers’ Digest Part 6

    English PRESS Spellers’ Digest Part 6

    • 優惠價: 769

    English PRESS series is prepared as an answer to the missing link between phonetics and spellings. T... more

    Ultimate Economic Conflict Between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional Analysis

    Ultimate Economic Conflict Between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional Analysis

    • 優惠價: 3177

    This book investigates various dimensions of the economic conflicts between the US - and other democ... more

    Coleridge in William Greswell’s Workbook

    Coleridge in William Greswell’s Workbook

    • 優惠價: 2699

    religious thinker Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). J.C.C. Mays re-evaluates Coleridge’s nineteenth-century reputation...... more

    Shakespeare’s environment

    Shakespeare’s environment

    • 優惠價: 1057

    Shakespeare’s environment, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throug... more

    Shakespeare’s family

    Shakespeare’s family

    • 優惠價: 934

    Shakespeare’s family, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout ... more

    English PRESS Spellers’ Digest 4

    English PRESS Spellers’ Digest 4

    • 優惠價: 769

    English PRESS series is prepared as an answer to the missing link between phonetics and spellings. T... more

    The Pendragon Wytch

    The Pendragon Wytch

    • 優惠價: 990

    As long as I can remember my shadows have whispered to me, speaking in a voice both young and ancien... more

    COLTON’S POCKET DRAGON Book 3: Skylar The Dinosaur

    COLTON’S POCKET DRAGON Book 3: Skylar The Dinosaur

    • 優惠價: 570

    This is the third book in Colton’s Pocket Dragon series. The first book, Dragon Land, was the introd... more

    Shadow Falls: The Beginning: Born at Midnight and Awake at Dawn

    Shadow Falls: The Beginning: Born at Midnight and Awake at Dawn

    • 優惠價: 608

    more, and I love, love, love it!" -Verb Vixen Now available together for the first time, don’t miss books one and two in C...... more

    Storm On The Horizon

    Storm On The Horizon

    • 優惠價: 824

    Chamberlane’s first book after being mentored by Donna Morrissey at the Humber School For Writers is... more

    Born at Midnight

    Born at Midnight

    • 優惠價: 608

    bestselling, young adult paranormal romance series from C. C. Hunter! Born at Midnight will steal your heart and haunt your dreams....... more

    Where the Light Is Brighter

    Where the Light Is Brighter

    • 優惠價: 760

    Where the Light Is Brighter is the touching, bittersweet story of life in a long-term care facility,... more

    Production of activated biocarbons from agricultural biomass

    Production of activated biocarbons from agricultural biomass

    • 優惠價: 2310

    with water vapour at 800 C in a single step. This methodology is, in fact, a technological innovation capable of not...... more

    Quest for Acacia - The Cosmic Diamond Ray: An Epic Coming of Age Fantasy Adventure with Magical Unicorns

    Quest for Acacia - The Cosmic Diamond Ray: An Epic Coming of Age Fantasy Adventure with Magical Unicorns

    • 優惠價: 798

    ★"An Enchanting Journey into Magical and Ethereal Realms"★ ★"Unveiling the True Magic of Self-Discov... more

    Quest for Acacia - The Cosmic Diamond Ray: An Epic Coming of Age Fantasy Adventure with Magical Unicorns

    Quest for Acacia - The Cosmic Diamond Ray: An Epic Coming of Age Fantasy Adventure with Magical Unicorns

    • 優惠價: 1102

    ★"An Enchanting Journey into Magical and Ethereal Realms"★ ★"Unveiling the True Magic of Self-Discov... more

    The Family and Industrial Society

    The Family and Industrial Society

    • 優惠價: 1539

    Originally published in 1983, the origin of this book is to be found in C. C. Harris’s ’Changing conceptions of the...... more

    The Family: An Introduction

    The Family: An Introduction

    • 優惠價: 1539

    Originally published in 1969, this introduction to the social study of the family was designed both ... more

    Beneath the Watcher Tree

    Beneath the Watcher Tree

    • 優惠價: 714
    Blàs: Across the Machair

    Blàs: Across the Machair

    • 優惠價: 659

    As colourful as the machair that surrounds it. Escape to the Scottish Rural Highlands as Stroma and ... more

    Scavenger: The Chest of King Hargor

    Scavenger: The Chest of King Hargor

    • 優惠價: 530

    Scavenger: The Chest of King Hargor is part one of my novella series. It is about a young lord, Rinu... more

    Minnesota and Dacotah In Letters descriptive of a Tour through the North-West in the Autumn of 1856: in large print

    Minnesota and Dacotah In Letters descriptive of a Tour through the North-West in the Autumn of 1856: in large print

    • 優惠價: 3295

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    Minnesota and Dacotah In Letters descriptive of a Tour through the North-West in the Autumn of 1856: in large print

    Minnesota and Dacotah In Letters descriptive of a Tour through the North-West in the Autumn of 1856: in large print

    • 優惠價: 4395

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    Someday I’ll Find You

    Someday I’ll Find You

    • 優惠價: 1264


    As Strong As Death

    As Strong As Death

    • 優惠價: 532

    CAN A WAR FOR FREEDOM EVER BE WON ... AND AT WHAT COST? Amanda Burrow is finally ready to fight the ... more

    Lies She Didn’t Tell

    Lies She Didn’t Tell

    • 優惠價: 659

    LOVE CAN BE DEADLY In 1983 Iain Blair’s car was found abandoned in a ditch next to a main road and h... more

    The Lake Temiscamingue District, Province of Ontario, Canada: A Description of its Soil, Climate, Products, Area, Agricultural Capabilities and Other

    The Lake Temiscamingue District, Province of Ontario, Canada: A Description of its Soil, Climate, Products, Area, Agricultural Capabilities and Other

    • 優惠價: 1482

    A comprehensive guide to the Temiscamingue region of Ontario, Canada, covering its geography, econom... more

    History of Lilieshall

    History of Lilieshall

    • 優惠價: 1647

    In this beautifully written book, Charles Clement Walker provides a vivid and engaging account of th... more

    Dr. Grant’s System of Railing Spiral Stairs, This Hitherto Unsolved Problem Solved; the Solution is Exceedingly Simple; a few Remarks on the Tangent S

    Dr. Grant’s System of Railing Spiral Stairs, This Hitherto Unsolved Problem Solved; the Solution is Exceedingly Simple; a few Remarks on the Tangent S

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Dr. Grant’s System of Railing Spiral Stairs is a practical guide for builders and architects on how ... more

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