
    您輸入的關鍵字: Robert E


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    世界文明史 後篇:從工業革命到現代

    世界文明史 後篇:從工業革命到現代

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 760

    本書作者們認為工業革命在重要性上不亞於拿破崙戰爭。他們相信,了解佛陀、孔子、牛頓、達爾文和愛因斯坦,比能夠細數法蘭西諸王更具有重要意義。相應於如此寬廣的歷史觀,與古斯塔夫‧阿道爾夫和惠靈頓公爵的軍事成... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    介紹新版本總是令人雀躍。為顧及不同讀者(從老師到學生),我們兢兢業業盡心去達成各方皆可滿意的平衡點。 我們期盼對本書前面幾版非常熟悉的讀者也會跟我們一樣,同意本書是一本有價值的語言病理學與聽力學導... more

    教育心理學:理論與實際 第四版

    教育心理學:理論與實際 第四版

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 656

    這本教育心理學英文原版為第12版。讀者手中這本中譯本是中文第四版。在這新版裡,Slavin 做了大幅度的增刪與改變: 1. 他將課文大幅精簡,使意義更清楚。但為了使說明更清楚,他同時也增加了不少新... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 333

    最新課綱版 拿下國中會考英聽高分的密技就在這裡! 3大題型答題策略 + 9回最新命題趨勢模擬測驗 台科大超人氣英文教授和外籍教授,強強聯手 教你會考英聽怎麼練、怎麼聽、怎麼拿高分! 國中教育會考... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    有鑑於兒童發展架構作為工具與偵測發展變化的重要性,第10版將兒童語言發展的面向延伸至學齡前和學齡階段。「語用」越來越受到重視,大多數語言發展的線索就藏在對話的語境中。 如果你將來想成為一名語言治療... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    最終目的是協助學校中的每個成員擔任領導角色,那麼,這本一次完成的資源書將會是您的最佳選擇! 作者Roberts和Pruitt提供必要的知識和技能,讓教師們、父母們、學校行政人員和學生能夠有效率地一起努力, 營造學習社群。《學校是專業的學習社群...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 475

    《幼兒早期語言介入》係針對0到6歲幼兒之口語及非口語溝通,綜合性介紹如何評估及進行介入治療所撰寫。不僅兼具豐富內容與國外權威研究,更提供了在日常居家或課堂中,重點語言使用的功能性方法和實務指導。本書專... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    端午節的故事 全身胖嘟嘟的粽子,肚子裡裝著香菇、蛋黃、瘦肉、花生,穿著竹葉作的衣服。突然來了一艘好大的船,像一條彩色的龍,粽子兄弟要上船旅行去囉! 本書特色 格林希爾[傳承系列]繪本,將中國傳... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    深夜趕路的阿平愈走越害怕,一陣陣不知打哪兒來的腳步聲一直跟著他,「會不會是年獸出現了?」阿平心裡好害怕。 「不要吃我!你們人類最愛吃年獸,我已經老了,不好吃了…」,沒想到年獸竟然這麼害怕人類。一陣... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 380


    • 優惠價: 95 折, 190

    這是一本提供給在學校、工作場所或社區中幫助有重危機行為個案的協助人員的指導手冊。 《危機行為的鑑定與輔導手冊》教導家庭成員、老師和臨床工作者,如何為個案建構一個量身訂做,並兼顧整體性的支持計畫。書... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    中秋節的故事 后羿和嫦娥原本是天上的神仙,看到太陽們在人間作亂,讓人間發生旱災、百姓生活困苦,才來到凡世幫助人們。 被當成英雄愛戴的后羿漸漸忘了原本要幫助人類的好意,只顧享樂,善良的嫦娥好難過... more

    新聞與輿論:羅伯特‧E. 帕克論文選集

    新聞與輿論:羅伯特‧E. 帕克論文選集

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 333

    當代社會學的重要奠基人和芝加哥社會學派的重要創始人羅伯特 ‧ E. 帕克一生著述頗豐,在社群研究、城市研究、新聞與輿論、集體行為、種族關係與文化衝突等眾多學科領域都做出了卓越貢獻。 本書將其論文集《社會》中論述「新聞與輿論」的一組...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    在美麗的皇宮裡,皇帝座位旁邊的蟠龍心中猜想著,下一位皇帝必定是誠實有可靠的重耳。但是皇帝有眾多妃子,其中一個為了讓自己的孩子當上皇帝,而把其他人趕走,重耳只得開始逃亡的生活。在逃亡的日子裡,又餓又累,... more

    Derivatives: Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management

    Derivatives: Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 2660

    credit, and offers readers valuable guidance that cannot be found anywhere else. Robert E. Whaley (Durham, NC) is the T...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 646

    不具備測量或統計的想關知識也能一窺堂奧,是關於測量與評量教學不可多得的一本教材。 作者簡介 Robert L. Linn 科羅拉多大學教授 Norman E. Gronlund 伊利諾大學榮譽教授 譯者簡介 鄒慧英 美國愛荷華州...... more

    Macmillan Literature Collections (Advanced):Adventure Stories

    Macmillan Literature Collections (Advanced):Adventure Stories

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 162

    wilds of colonial Africa * The Adventure of the Hansom Cab, by Robert Louis Stevenson A lieutenant returns from India to...... more

    The Solution-centric Organization

    The Solution-centric Organization

    • 優惠價: 2115

    The Solution-Centric Organization provides a comprehensive framework for moving companies away from ... more

    Romance of the Three Kingdoms

    Romance of the Three Kingdoms

    • 優惠價: 1062

    . Brewitt-Taylor, is based on a shortened and simplified version which appeared in the 1670s. An Introduction to this reprint by Robert...... more

    The Art of Robert E. Mcginnis

    The Art of Robert E. Mcginnis

    • 優惠價: 1328

    A Modern Master Robert E. McGinnis began his career in 1947 as a cartoonist, and produced his first cover illustrations...... more

    Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy

    Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy

    • 優惠價: 1138

    Die Wharton Business School ist die älteste Institution ihrer Art in Amerika und eine der bestangese... more

    Romance of the Three Kingdoms

    Romance of the Three Kingdoms

    • 優惠價: 1138

    . Brewitt-Taylor, is based on a shortened and simplified version which appeared in the 1670s. An Introduction to this reprint by Robert...... more

    Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree

    Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree

    • 優惠價: 722

    Give the gift of holiday spirit with this classic picture book celebrating all the joy a Christmas t... more

    Blood of the Gods (Esprios Classics)

    Blood of the Gods (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Daughter of Erlik Khan (Esprios Classics)

    The Daughter of Erlik Khan (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 874

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Hills of the Dead (Esprios Classics)

    The Hills of the Dead (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 798

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Hawk of the Hills (Esprios Classics)

    Hawk of the Hills (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Lion of Tiberias (Esprios Classics)

    The Lion of Tiberias (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 798

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Kings of the Night (Esprios Classics)

    Kings of the Night (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 798

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Sowers of the Thunder (Esprios Classics)

    The Sowers of the Thunder (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Lord of Samarcand (Esprios Classics)

    Lord of Samarcand (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Valley of the Worm, and The Purple Heart of Erlik (Esprios Classics)

    The Valley of the Worm, and The Purple Heart of Erlik (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Feud Buster, and The Haunted Mountain (Esprios Classics)

    The Feud Buster, and The Haunted Mountain (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 798

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Riot at Cougar Paw, and The Road to Bear Creek (Esprios Classics)

    The Riot at Cougar Paw, and The Road to Bear Creek (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 798

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    No Cowherders Wanted, and Pilgrims to the Pecos (Esprios Classics)

    No Cowherders Wanted, and Pilgrims to the Pecos (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Black Colossus (Esprios Classics)

    Black Colossus (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    , written by American author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine, June 1933. Howard earned $130 for the...... more

    General Ironfist, and Night of Battle (Esprios Classics)

    General Ironfist, and Night of Battle (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Tower of the Elephant (Esprios Classics)

    The Tower of the Elephant (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    the Cimmerian, written by American author Robert E. Howard. It’s set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns...... more

    The Scalp Hunter, and War on Bear Creek (Esprios Classics)

    The Scalp Hunter, and War on Bear Creek (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Apparition in the Prize Ring, In the Forest of Villefere, and Hawks of Outremer (Esprios Classics)

    Apparition in the Prize Ring, In the Forest of Villefere, and Hawks of Outremer (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 874

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Names in the Black Book (Esprios Classics)

    Names in the Black Book (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune, and The Lost Race (Esprios Classics)

    The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune, and The Lost Race (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Kings of the Night (Esprios Classics)

    Kings of the Night (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Riot at Cougar Paw, and The Road to Bear Creek (Esprios Classics)

    The Riot at Cougar Paw, and The Road to Bear Creek (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Fangs of Gold (Esprios Classics)

    Fangs of Gold (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Graveyard Rats (Esprios Classics)

    Graveyard Rats (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Slugger’’s Game, and Vikings of the Gloves (Esprios Classics)

    The Slugger’’s Game, and Vikings of the Gloves (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Circus Fists, and Champ of the Forecastle (Esprios Classics)

    Circus Fists, and Champ of the Forecastle (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Fire of Asshurbanipal (Esprios Classics)

    The Fire of Asshurbanipal (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Texas Fists, and The Bull Dog Breed (Esprios Classics)

    Texas Fists, and The Bull Dog Breed (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Dream Snake, and Other (Esprios Classics)

    The Dream Snake, and Other (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Black Stone, and The Thing on the Roof (Esprios Classics)

    The Black Stone, and The Thing on the Roof (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Fist and Fang, and Sluggers on the Beach (Esprios Classics)

    Fist and Fang, and Sluggers on the Beach (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    The Voice of El-Lil (Esprios Classics)

    The Voice of El-Lil (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Almuric (Esprios Classics)

    Almuric (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 988

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Red Shadows, and Rattle of Bones (Esprios Classics)

    Red Shadows, and Rattle of Bones (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Alleys of Darkness, and Alleys of Peril (Esprios Classics)

    Alleys of Darkness, and Alleys of Peril (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    Wolfshead (Esprios Classics)

    Wolfshead (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western...... more

    McGraw-Hill’s Conquering the GMAT Math and Integrated Reasoning

    McGraw-Hill’s Conquering the GMAT Math and Integrated Reasoning

    • 優惠價: 1406

    Triumph over tough equations, rise above reasoning problems, and get top scores on the GMAT If you r... more

    Thy Rocks and Rills

    Thy Rocks and Rills

    • 優惠價: 678

    Thy Rocks and Rills, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, a... more

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