

    您輸入的關鍵字: Anna Milbourne


    搜尋結果共 64 筆, 頁數 1 / 2

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:夜晚(3歲以上)Peep Inside Night-Time

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:夜晚(3歲以上)Peep Inside Night-Time

    本商品為硬頁書(Board Book) A very simple non-fiction, lift-the-flap book for small children, packed with ... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:農場(3歲以上) Peep Inside the Farm

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:農場(3歲以上) Peep Inside the Farm

    超人氣遊戲書,趣味互動式設計, 動動小手好奇心大探索,親子互動一起發現世界的驚奇! 每一頁皆有翻頁和挖洞機關,配合繽紛生動的圖畫,讓孩子在動手操作的過程中主動觀察探索,在遊戲式閱讀中學習... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:恐龍(3歲以上)Peep Inside Dinosaurs

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:恐龍(3歲以上)Peep Inside Dinosaurs

    ★ 超人氣遊戲書,堅固硬頁設計以及互動機關,適合小手翻閱 ★ 八成讀者滿五星好評推薦 ★ 動動手眼找一找,親子一起發現恐龍世界大驚奇! 每一頁皆有翻頁和挖洞機關,配合繽紛生動的圖畫,讓孩子在動手... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻童話故事:雪后(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Snow Queen

    偷偷看一下翻翻童話故事:雪后(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Snow Queen

    Anna Milbourne、George Ermos 的巧手在書中呈現出來。 以剪紙表現出的雕花鏤空效果、層層疊疊的視覺饗宴,滿足孩子窺探童話世界的樂趣,再加上書中精緻的小翻頁設計,讓孩子探索不同的書籍天地,愛上閱讀!(文 / 博客來編譯...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 394

    你怕黑嗎?害怕的話,有沒有什麼方法消除你的不安呢? Usborne獨家授權!超精美進口雷射紙雕繪本, 陪孩子一起鼓起勇氣,照亮心中的恐懼! 當太陽下山,黑夜降臨,黑影變得越來越大,越來越大... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    偷偷看一下花園,讓你身在其中,愛上大自然的美好! 從封面開始,你可看到籬笆之間露出的一點景色,讓我們好奇翻過去後,會看到怎樣的事物;而封面上也有一隻小黑貓正穿過籬笆之間的空隙,牠準備要帶領我們去... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:蜂窩(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Beehive

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:蜂窩(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Beehive

    Help instill a love of bees in little children with this little flap book that explores their world.... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    偷偷看一下,哇~夜晚活動好精采! 夜晚不只是乖乖睡覺而已喔,還有許多有趣的事情正在進行喔…… 《偷偷看一下:有趣的夜晚》以晚上為主題,在同類型的互動繪本當中相當少見。 而不同於其他敘寫夜晚的繪... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 394

    ★《我(一點也不)怕黑》系列新作! ★採用超精美雷射紙雕技術,榮獲少年雜誌設計獎最佳兒童設計/插圖書籍銀獎! 媽媽說做個「友善」的人是全世界最重要的事, 甚至比跑得快、或是知道所有的答案... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    偷偷看一下農場,讓孩子食得好滋味。 從封面開始,一輛拖曳機載著一位男孩和小狗,行駛在森林步道中,而有一隻公雞正在樹叢中偷看著他們。在這樣一個有別於都市景觀的畫面當中,我們將被帶領進入充滿著大自然氣... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:地下世界(3歲以上)Peep Inside Under the Ground

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:地下世界(3歲以上)Peep Inside Under the Ground

    • 優惠價: 299

    Have you ever wondered what s under the ground? A fascinating world lies hidden there. In an excitin... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    恐龍有著尖尖的牙齒、大大的腳、恐怖的吼叫聲, 還有……偷偷看一下,一起進入恐龍的世界, 看看你能發現什麼恐龍的祕密吧! 恐龍是一種充滿魅力的古生物,牠們曾經遍布全球,種類繁多、巨大無比,而且個性... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 394

    ★《我(一點也不)怕黑》、《我想對你更友善》系列新作! 「我好無聊喔!」 這句話聽起來是不是很耳熟呢? 你知道嗎?只要發揮想像力, 生活中再不起眼的小東西,都能帶來莫大的樂趣呢! ... more

    寶寶認知硬頁書:一年4季(附音檔)Little Board Books The Seasons

    寶寶認知硬頁書:一年4季(附音檔)Little Board Books The Seasons

    This little book introduces the seasons in a simple, toddler-friendly way, to help them learn about ... more

    《偷偷看一下》Peep Inside知識探索遊戲書(4本合售)

    《偷偷看一下》Peep Inside知識探索遊戲書(4本合售)

    • 優惠價: 1758

    超人氣遊戲書,趣味互動式設計, 深入叢林、觀察樹木、潛入海洋、飛上太空, 動動小手好奇心大探索,親子互動一起發現世界的驚奇! 每一頁皆有翻頁和挖洞機關,配合繽紛生動的圖畫,讓孩子在動手操作的過... more

    《偷偷看一下》經典童話4冊互動遊戲套書 Peep Inside a Fairy Tale box set x4 boxed set

    《偷偷看一下》經典童話4冊互動遊戲套書 Peep Inside a Fairy Tale box set x4 boxed set

    • 優惠價: 599

    ★Peep Inside暢銷翻翻書系4冊童話套書 ★互動機關 X 層疊鏤空雕刻 這套文字簡潔、插圖明亮的童話套書,以絕美的鏤空雕刻設計,重新詮釋《睡美人》、《小紅帽》、《美女與野獸》、《灰姑娘... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:動物園(3歲以上)Peep Inside The Zoo

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:動物園(3歲以上)Peep Inside The Zoo

    • 優惠價: 299

    本商品為硬頁書(Board Book) Peep under leaves and behind doors to see the animals in the zoo in this delig... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:動物的家(3歲以上)Peep Inside Animal Homes

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:動物的家(3歲以上)Peep Inside Animal Homes

    • 優惠價: 299

    Peep into nests and inside burrows to see baby animals and where they live in this flap book for you... more

    Peep Inside The Sea

    Peep Inside The Sea

    • 優惠價: 299

    Peep under chunky flaps and through holes in the pages to discover hungry sharks, giant whales, deep... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:太空(3歲以上)Peep Inside Space

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:太空(3歲以上)Peep Inside Space

    • 優惠價: 299

    If you peep into the night sky and see the Moon and twinkling stars, you’re peeping right out into s... more

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale The Nutcracker

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale The Nutcracker

    • 優惠價: 399

    The classic story, brought right up to date for a modern audience with beautiful illustrations and f... more

    Doll’s house sticker book

    Doll’s house sticker book

    • 優惠價: 329

    *A gorgeous sticker book with beautifully decorated rooms just waiting to be filled with furniture a... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    偷偷看一下花園,讓你身在其中,愛上大自然的美好! 從封面開始,你可看到籬笆之間露出的一點景色,讓我們好奇翻過去後,會看到怎樣的事物;而封面上也有一隻小黑貓正穿過籬笆之間的空隙,牠準備要帶領我們去好... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻童話故事:白雪公主(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    偷偷看一下翻翻童話故事:白雪公主(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    • 優惠價: 399

    The classic fairy tale, brought right up to date for a modern audience with beautiful illustrations ... more

    寶寶認知硬頁書:一星期7天(附音檔)Little Board Books: Days of the week

    寶寶認知硬頁書:一星期7天(附音檔)Little Board Books: Days of the week

    • 優惠價: 199

    In a sing-song story, Panda goes through the days of her week, saying what she does each day. Monday... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    這本趣味十足的圖畫創作書, 以深入淺出的講解步驟、豐富多樣的單元設計, 為想要學畫畫的人蒐集了許多繪畫的必要技巧。 只要確實的一步一步跟著書中的實例操作, 就可以創造出極具想像力的作品。 由淺入深的引... more

    翻翻探索遊戲書:樹木 Peep Inside a Tree

    翻翻探索遊戲書:樹木 Peep Inside a Tree

    • 優惠價: 439

    超人氣遊戲書,趣味互動式設計, 動動小手好奇心大探索,親子互動一起發現世界的驚奇! 每一頁皆有翻頁和挖洞機關,配合繽紛生動的圖畫,讓孩子在動手操作的過程中主動觀察探索,在遊戲式閱讀中學習到... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:城堡(2歲以上)Peep Inside the castle

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:城堡(2歲以上)Peep Inside the castle

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 263

    This simple non-fiction book for very young children is filled with facts about life in a castle. Li... more

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Little Red Riding Hood

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Little Red Riding Hood

    • 優惠價: 549

    本商品為硬頁書(Board Book) Journey into the woods with Little Red Riding Hood, peeping through the trees,... more

    Pop-Up Seasons

    Pop-Up Seasons

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 362

    From a nestful of spring chicks and a summer meadow, to the whirling leaves of autumn and a snowy fo... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:蟲的家(3歲以上)Peep Inside: Bug Homes

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:蟲的家(3歲以上)Peep Inside: Bug Homes

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 263

    find out how some build their own homes. A new book in the delightful, popular series written by Anna Milbourne introducing...... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:叢林(3歲以上) Peep Inside the Jungle

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:叢林(3歲以上) Peep Inside the Jungle

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 263

    超人氣遊戲套書,趣味互動式設計, 動動小手好奇心大探索,親子互動一起發現世界的驚奇! 每一頁皆有翻頁和挖洞機關,配合繽紛生動的圖畫,讓孩子在動手操作的過程中主動觀察探索,在遊戲式閱讀中學習... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:森林(3歲以上)Peep Inside: The Forest

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:森林(3歲以上)Peep Inside: The Forest

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 263

    本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book) Peep into the forest to discover twittering birds and busy bugs, sleepy bears... more

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Beauty & the Beast

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Beauty & the Beast

    • 優惠價: 549

    本商品為硬頁書(Board Book) A beautiful retelling of the classic fairy tale, with fabulous illustrations ... more

    翻翻探索遊戲書:海岸 Peep Inside the Seashore

    翻翻探索遊戲書:海岸 Peep Inside the Seashore

    • 優惠價: 299

    超人氣遊戲書,趣味互動式設計, 動動小手好奇心大探索,親子互動一起發現世界的驚奇! 每一頁皆有翻頁和挖洞機關,配合繽紛生動的圖畫,讓孩子在動手操作的過程中主動觀察探索,在遊戲式閱讀中學習... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:雪地與極地(3歲以上)Peep Inside Snowy Places

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:雪地與極地(3歲以上)Peep Inside Snowy Places

    • 優惠價: 299

    Peep under flaps and through holes to explore the snowiest places on Earth in this little wintry boo... more

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Princess & the Pea

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Princess & the Pea

    • 優惠價: 549

    Peep through the beautifully laser-cut pages and see the classic fairy tale tale magically brought t... more

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Cinderella

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Cinderella

    • 優惠價: 379

    本商品為硬頁書(Board Book) Little children can peep through the laser-cut pages of this magical book and ... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻童話故事:傑克與豌豆(3歲以上)Peep Inside A Fairy Tale: Jack And The Beanstalk

    偷偷看一下翻翻童話故事:傑克與豌豆(3歲以上)Peep Inside A Fairy Tale: Jack And The Beanstalk

    • 優惠價: 349

    本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book) Peep through the beautifully laser-cut pages to see Jack in his cottage, clim... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:珊瑚礁(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Coral Reef

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:珊瑚礁(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Coral Reef

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 263

    Peep through holes and under flaps to discover the wonders of a coral reef. Find teeny-tiny camouf... more

    立體互動機關書:動物(5歲以上,附音檔) Pop-Up Animals

    立體互動機關書:動物(5歲以上,附音檔) Pop-Up Animals

    • 優惠價: 399

    ★小小動物迷看過來!手眼並用探訪5種動物的家 這本精美的立體書,帶小讀者前進世界各地五種不同動物的家:小手翻一翻,找找老虎在哪裡?再看看頑皮的猴子盪鞦韆、熊貓玩耍、烏龜穿梭珊瑚礁,高大的長頸鹿從... more

    翻翻遊戲硬頁書:花園 Little Lift And Look: Garden

    翻翻遊戲硬頁書:花園 Little Lift And Look: Garden

    • 優惠價: 199

    跟著好奇的小老鼠來趟花園探險吧!掀開葉子和花瓣,找一找裡面藏著哪些小生物:有蝴蝶、蜻蜓、青蛙、鳥類和蝸牛,還有哪些花園好朋友? Follow an inquisitive little mous... more

    寶寶認知硬頁書:一年12個月(附音檔) Little Board Books Months of the Year

    寶寶認知硬頁書:一年12個月(附音檔) Little Board Books Months of the Year

    • 優惠價: 199

    Inspired by Sarah Coleridge s familiar poem January brings the snow , this little book describes ea... more

    翻翻遊戲硬頁書:樹林 Little Lift And Look In The Woods

    翻翻遊戲硬頁書:樹林 Little Lift And Look In The Woods

    • 優惠價: 199

    跟著蹦蹦跳跳的小松鼠穿過樹林,埋橡實到地底。翻一翻找一找,沿途會發現一隻愛睏的貓頭鷹、勤奮挖地道的鼴鼠和一群鹿,最後小松鼠踏上歸途,回到溫暖的巢穴與兄弟姐妹們依偎在一起。 This book w... more

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Sleeping Beauty

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Sleeping Beauty

    • 優惠價: 549

    本商品為硬頁書(Board Book) Little children will love this magical retelling of the classic fairy tale, wi... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻童話故事:小美人魚(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Fairy Tale The Little Mermaid

    偷偷看一下翻翻童話故事:小美人魚(3歲以上)Peep Inside a Fairy Tale The Little Mermaid

    • 優惠價: 379

    本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book) A new addition to the successful series, this beautiful retelling of this wel... more

    翻翻遊戲硬頁書:叢林 Little lift and look Jungle

    翻翻遊戲硬頁書:叢林 Little lift and look Jungle

    • 優惠價: 199

    跟著小猴子穿梭在叢林裡,找一找樹葉和樹枝裡面藏著哪些熱帶生物?除了昏昏欲睡的美洲豹、飢餓的巨嘴鳥、慢條斯理的樹懶,還有哪些叢林好朋友? Follow a little monkey around... more

    立體互動機關書:大自然(5歲以上,附音檔)Pop-Up Nature

    立體互動機關書:大自然(5歲以上,附音檔)Pop-Up Nature

    • 優惠價: 399

    Take a closer look at nature in this wonderful pop-up book, which brings a nature walk to life - spr... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:鳥巢(3歲以上)Peep inside a bird’s nest

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:鳥巢(3歲以上)Peep inside a bird’s nest

    Peep inside a bird s nest to see her precious eggs nestled there. Lift a flap to see them hatch, and... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 360

    用一枝畫筆,開啟藝術殿堂 這本趣味十足的圖畫創作書, 以深入淺出的講解步驟、豐富多樣的單元設計, 為想要學畫畫的人蒐集了許多繪畫的必要技巧。 只要確實的一步一步跟著書中的實例操作, ... more

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale The Elves and the Shoemaker

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale The Elves and the Shoemaker

    • 優惠價: 379

    In a magical new version of this beloved fairy tale, you can peep through the laser-cut holes in the... more

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Aladdin

    Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Aladdin

    • 優惠價: 399

    Enter the fairytale world of genies and magic in this delightful new addition to the Peep Inside a F... more

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:海洋(3歲以上)Peep Inside the Ocean

    偷偷看一下翻翻書:海洋(3歲以上)Peep Inside the Ocean

    • 優惠價: 299
    Big book of things to spot

    Big book of things to spot

    • 優惠價: 549

    This puzzle book consists of four titles in one volume, including 1001 Things to Spot on the Farm ,... more

    I’m Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy

    I’m Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy

    • 優惠價: 499
    Peep Inside Christmas

    Peep Inside Christmas

    • 優惠價: 439

    The elves are busy in Santa s workshop on Christmas Eve. Lift flaps and peep through holes to explor... more

    Little Lift and Look Spiky Dinosaur

    Little Lift and Look Spiky Dinosaur

    • 優惠價: 329

    Lift the flaps to look for the spiky dinosaur, and follow it around the forest to meet all kinds of ... more

    Little lift and look Spotty Frog

    Little lift and look Spotty Frog

    • 優惠價: 329

    Babies will love lifting the chunky, shaped flaps to find the spotty frog and follow her around the ... more

    Little lift and look Bugs

    Little lift and look Bugs

    • 優惠價: 329

    Follow a spotty ladybird as she explores outdoors, and lift petals and leaves to meet lots of other ... more

    Little lift and look Under the Sea

    Little lift and look Under the Sea

    • 優惠價: 329

    Who can you find under the sea? Follow a little turtle through a coral reef and lift seaweed, sea gr... more



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