
    您輸入的關鍵字: Chien


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    Thomas Chien ─ 味覺的旅途

    Thomas Chien ─ 味覺的旅途

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 711

    合作的法餐主廚。走在料理的這一條路,穿越無數考驗,簡天才成為了料理界知名的「法餐南霸天」。 《Thomas Chien─味覺的旅途》涵蓋了簡天才醞釀三十多年的廚藝哲學,深刻記錄他走在廚藝路途中的重要體會。跟著簡天才的視角,看見他如何是從南台灣的...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 379

    韓式花藝30款&韓國旅遊&手作韓食 以男性的率真與俐落,結合風行潮流的韓式設計,讓花花草草有了更時尚的新風貌。 隨著韓流明星與韓劇的風行,花藝界也吹起了一股韓式花藝風潮。麗緻花藝設計的Jame... more

    實境式 照單全收!圖解單字不用背【QR碼行動學習版】:一眼看懂單字差異,學會道地英文!讓生活中的人事時地物成為你的英文老師!(附QR碼線上音檔)

    實境式 照單全收!圖解單字不用背【QR碼行動學習版】:一眼看懂單字差異,學會道地英文!讓生活中的人事時地物成為你的英文老師!(附QR碼線上音檔)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 315

    用本書記單字變得「更簡單」又「更有效率」了~ 最新QR碼設計,只要手機一掃,任何地方都能學! sofa、couch、lounge 都是「沙發」,但長相一樣嗎? 你知道你說出口之後,老外腦海中浮現的是哪... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 379

    用6年的旅居日本時光,和你一起慢慢創造深度旅遊的回憶 體驗被兔兔圍繞、櫻花沐浴的超療癒撫慰, 欣賞祭典煙火在天空綻放,用傳統舞蹈、啤酒、攤食市集烙印的難忘夏季, 擁抱最美麗的瀨戶內海藍和大豆島橄欖綠,... more



    幼教專家、幼兒園園長、醫師一致推薦 給家長的最佳幼兒品格素養培養指南 ★法國暢銷幼兒情緒繪本最新系列, 幫助孩子建立品格素養★ 引導正向思考,增進人際關係! 可愛故事+自我覺察=快樂長大! 加斯頓的鬃... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    直視失去,與傷痛和解 重新發現愛依然存在 陪伴自己走過哀傷,找回最珍貴的生命禮物 懷孕五個月時失去腹中寶寶,陷入巨大悲傷的漩渦。 愈掙扎,愈瀕臨窒息。 「為什麼是我?」 「我做錯了什麼... more

    實境式 照單全收!圖解單字不用背【QR碼行動學習版】:一眼看懂單字差異,學會道地英文!讓生活中的人事時地物成為你的英文老師!(附音檔) (電子書)

    實境式 照單全收!圖解單字不用背【QR碼行動學習版】:一眼看懂單字差異,學會道地英文!讓生活中的人事時地物成為你的英文老師!(附音檔) (電子書)

    用本書記單字變得「更簡單」又「更有效率」了~ 最新QR碼設計,只要手機一掃,任何地方都能學! sofa、couch、lounge 都是「沙發」,但長相一樣嗎? 你知道你說出口之後,老外腦海中浮現的是哪... more

    秘密花園 (25K彩圖經典文學改寫英漢對照+1CD)

    秘密花園 (25K彩圖經典文學改寫英漢對照+1CD)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 207

    學習測驗,評量自我實力。 作者簡介 Andrew Chien 1976年生於台灣,美國加州蒙特瑞國際研究學院(Monterey Institute of International Studies)國際研究學士、中英翻譯碩士。曾任餐具...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 221

    法國暢銷幼兒情緒繪本最新系列,幫助孩子建立品格素養 引導正向思考,增進人際關係! 加斯頓的鬃毛會隨著心情改變顏色, 而且他和你一樣,玩遊戲的時候不喜歡輸的感覺…… 快來跟加斯頓一起面對挑戰, 享受開心... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 221

    法國暢銷幼兒情緒繪本最新系列,幫助孩子建立品格素養 引導正向思考,增進人際關係! 加斯頓的鬃毛會隨著心情改變顏色, 而且他和你一樣,有時候不想讓朋友碰他的玩具…… 快來跟加斯頓一起練習分享, 學習和朋... more

    海蒂:阿爾卑斯山的小女孩 Heidi【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+MP3)

    海蒂:阿爾卑斯山的小女孩 Heidi【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+MP3)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 234

    《海蒂》是瑞士女小說家的作品,常常被搬演上各種舞台,也多次被改編成動畫、影視,其中最知名的就是卡通《小天使》。 海蒂是一位孤兒,在五歲時被帶到瑞士阿爾卑斯山上和爺爺同住。她開朗勇敢的個性,很快就... more

    日本,慢慢旅:遇見山城、花季、島嶼、海味、街景日常,2190X四季風物詩 (電子書)

    日本,慢慢旅:遇見山城、花季、島嶼、海味、街景日常,2190X四季風物詩 (電子書)

    用6年的旅居日本時光,和你一起慢慢創造深度旅遊的回憶 體驗被兔兔圍繞、櫻花沐浴的超療癒撫慰, 欣賞祭典煙火在天空綻放,用傳統舞蹈、啤酒、攤食市集烙印的難忘夏季, 擁抱最美麗的瀨戶內海藍和大豆島橄欖綠,... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 221

    法國暢銷幼兒情緒繪本最新系列,幫助孩子建立品格素養 引導正向思考,增進人際關係! 加斯頓的鬃毛會隨著心情改變顏色, 而且他和你一樣,難免會有和朋友鬧不愉快的時候…… 快來跟加斯頓一起學習寬容待人, 建... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 221

    法國暢銷幼兒情緒繪本最新系列,幫助孩子建立品格素養 引導正向思考,增進人際關係! 加斯頓的鬃毛會隨著心情改變顏色 而且他和你一樣,有時候一不小心就會忘記說「謝謝」…… 快來跟加斯頓一起瞭解道謝的心意 ... more

    My Blue Is Happy

    My Blue Is Happy

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499

    What is your blue like? A lyrical ode to colors -- and the unique ways we experience them -- follows... more

    失去之後 (電子書)

    失去之後 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 210

    直視失去,與傷痛和解 重新發現愛依然存在 陪伴自己走過哀傷,找回最珍貴的生命禮物 懷孕五個月時失去腹中寶寶,陷入巨大悲傷的漩渦。 愈掙扎,愈瀕臨窒息。 「為什麼是我?」 「我做錯了什麼... more

    Year of Knots: Modern Projects, Inspiration, and Creative Reinvention

    Year of Knots: Modern Projects, Inspiration, and Creative Reinvention

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 762

    Windy Chien brings her gift for storytelling, her passion for her craft, and her straightforward teaching style to this...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1140

    本書介紹臺灣61種樹木生長習性、木材利用、種子採集、種子發芽、種子休眠、種子儲藏和苗圃育苗作業等方法,用英文書寫,內容淺顯易懂,提供國內外相關領域的林業、園藝人員使用,具實用價值。另外2章,敘述台灣林... more

    Window on USA : Listening and Speaking Plus

    Window on USA : Listening and Speaking Plus

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 423

    Window on USA:Listening and Speaking Plus是一本針對大專學生聽力及口說學習而設計的英語教科書,本書以學生赴美求學為根本,來進行內容的編寫; 課程內容包含:相... more

    Machine Learning-Based Modelling in Atomic Layer Deposition Processes

    Machine Learning-Based Modelling in Atomic Layer Deposition Processes

    • 優惠價: 12000

    This book describes the application of machine learning modelling approaches in atomic layer deposit... more

    Optoelectronics and Spintronics in Smart Thin Films

    Optoelectronics and Spintronics in Smart Thin Films

    • 優惠價: 9600

    Optoelectronics and Spintronics in Smart Thin Films presents a comprehensive overview of this emergi... more

    Thin Films, Atomic Layer Deposition, and 3D Printing: Demystifying the Concepts and Their Relevance in Industry 4.0

    Thin Films, Atomic Layer Deposition, and 3D Printing: Demystifying the Concepts and Their Relevance in Industry 4.0

    • 優惠價: 7975

    It explains concept of thin films, atomic layers deposition, and the fourth industrial revolution (4... more

    Drying and Valorisation of Food Processing Waste

    Drying and Valorisation of Food Processing Waste

    • 優惠價: 6875

    Drying and Valorisation of Food Processing Waste is a comprehensive guide that delves into the cruci... more

    Lectures on Surgical Anatomy

    Lectures on Surgical Anatomy

    • 優惠價: 1262

    In this seminal text, John Chiene shares his intimate knowledge of the human body, providing insights into the complex...... more

    Lectures on Surgical Anatomy

    Lectures on Surgical Anatomy

    • 優惠價: 1867

    In this seminal text, John Chiene shares his intimate knowledge of the human body, providing insights into the complex...... more

    Law and Politics on Export Restrictions

    Law and Politics on Export Restrictions

    • 優惠價: 2099
    Misfortune Cookie: A Noodle Shop Mystery

    Misfortune Cookie: A Noodle Shop Mystery

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 277

    chilly night combination!"--PopSugar In Vivien Chien’s Misfortune Cookie, Lana Lee returns for another delectable cozy set in...... more

    Love in the Moment

    Love in the Moment

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    Leland Lee is an internationally renowned artist who has held exhibitions in more than a dozen count... more

    Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses

    Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses

    • 優惠價: 8100

    The first book of its kind, Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses, uses a uniq... more

    Chalcogenide: Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Composites

    Chalcogenide: Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Composites

    • 優惠價: 3409

    This is introductory book for researchers, scientists and students in the area of organic and inorga... more

    Towards a Neutral Formulary Apportionment System in Regional Integration

    Towards a Neutral Formulary Apportionment System in Regional Integration

    • 優惠價: 9900
    Sinophone Studies: A Critical Reader

    Sinophone Studies: A Critical Reader

    • 優惠價: 2700

    This definitive anthology casts Sinophone studies as the study of Sinitic-language cultures born of ... more

    The Chinese Theatre

    The Chinese Theatre

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    The Chinese Theatre

    The Chinese Theatre

    • 優惠價: 877

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Korean for Dummies

    Korean for Dummies

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 969

    Studying Korean for business or travel? Learn the fun and easy way with this practical guide that te... more

    Thin Film Coatings: Properties, Deposition, and Applications

    Thin Film Coatings: Properties, Deposition, and Applications

    • 優惠價: 7425

    Thin Film Coatings: Properties, Deposition, and Applications discusses the holistic subject of conve... more

    China’’s Foreign Policy: The Emergence of a Great Power

    China’’s Foreign Policy: The Emergence of a Great Power

    • 優惠價: 7425

    This volume explains China’s foreign policy from the perspective of its historical recovery after 19... more

    Computer Architecture for Scientists: Principles and Performance

    Computer Architecture for Scientists: Principles and Performance

    • 優惠價: 3899
    Property and Trust Law in Taiwan

    Property and Trust Law in Taiwan

    • 優惠價: 4800

    Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis ... more

    Diasporic Cold Warriors: Nationalist China, Anticommunism, and the Philippine Chinese, 1930s-1970s

    Diasporic Cold Warriors: Nationalist China, Anticommunism, and the Philippine Chinese, 1930s-1970s

    • 優惠價: 3477

    In Diasporic Cold Warriors, Chien-Wen Kung explains how the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) sowed the seeds of...... more

    Hot and Sour Suspects: A Noodle Shop Mystery

    Hot and Sour Suspects: A Noodle Shop Mystery

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 277

    Lana Lee returns for another delectable cozy set in a Chinese restaurant in Vivien Chien’s Hot and Sour Suspects. "Pair...... more

    Surviving Democracy: Mitigating Climate Change in a Neoliberalized World

    Surviving Democracy: Mitigating Climate Change in a Neoliberalized World

    • 優惠價: 3177

    mitigating--climate change. Defining neoliberalism as the art of exclusion through inclusion, Chien-Yi Lu treats climate change as...... more

    Constitutional Convergence in East Asia

    Constitutional Convergence in East Asia

    • 優惠價: 7800
    Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: Wto and Beyond

    Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: Wto and Beyond

    • 優惠價: 7800
    Brain Trip in Depression: MRI Journey

    Brain Trip in Depression: MRI Journey

    • 優惠價: 4675
    Chalcogenide: Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Composites

    Chalcogenide: Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Composites

    • 優惠價: 9625

    This is introductory book for researchers, scientists and students in the area of organic and inorga... more

    Learn the Biology Wisdom from Holly Bible: English & Chinese Bilingual Version

    Learn the Biology Wisdom from Holly Bible: English & Chinese Bilingual Version

    • 優惠價: 490
    Salt and State: An Annotated Translation of the Songshi Salt Monopoly Treatise

    Salt and State: An Annotated Translation of the Songshi Salt Monopoly Treatise

    • 優惠價: 1500

    debates relating to Chinese finance and politics, as well as the salt industry itself. Professor Chien’s extensive annotation...... more

    Machine Learning for Speaker Recognition

    Machine Learning for Speaker Recognition

    • 優惠價: 7020
    Enhancing Retirement Success Rates in the United States: Leveraging Reverse Mortgages, Delaying Social Security, and Exploring Continuous Work

    Enhancing Retirement Success Rates in the United States: Leveraging Reverse Mortgages, Delaying Social Security, and Exploring Continuous Work

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Examines the effect of various retirement strategies on the retirement success rates for the U.S. re... more

    Tone Mapping Operators for High Dynamic Range Images

    Tone Mapping Operators for High Dynamic Range Images

    • 優惠價: 4568
    Monogenic Wavelet Transform: Extension to Multispectral Signal

    Monogenic Wavelet Transform: Extension to Multispectral Signal

    • 優惠價: 2370
    Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell

    Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell

    • 優惠價: 657
    Hencky Bar-Chain/Net for Structural Analysis

    Hencky Bar-Chain/Net for Structural Analysis

    • 優惠價: 7680

    As an emerging discrete structural model, the Hencky bar-chain/net model (HBM) has shown its advanta... more

    Surviving Democracy: Mitigating Climate Change in a Neoliberalized World

    Surviving Democracy: Mitigating Climate Change in a Neoliberalized World

    • 優惠價: 7425

    mitigating--climate change. Defining neoliberalism as the art of exclusion through inclusion, Chien-Yi Lu treats climate change as...... more

    The Accounting System of Native Banks in Peking and Tientsin

    The Accounting System of Native Banks in Peking and Tientsin

    • 優惠價: 2577
    Little Unicorn Is Shy

    Little Unicorn Is Shy

    • 優惠價: 494

    Mr. Men meets The Color Monster--with a unicorn --in the fourth book in this series that taps into t... more

    Little Unicorn Is Sad

    Little Unicorn Is Sad

    • 優惠價: 494

    Mr. Men meets The Color Monster--with a unicorn --in the third book in this series that taps into th... more

    Enhancing Retirement Success Rates in the United States: Leveraging Reverse Mortgages, Delaying Social Security, and Exploring Continuous Work

    Enhancing Retirement Success Rates in the United States: Leveraging Reverse Mortgages, Delaying Social Security, and Exploring Continuous Work

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Examines the effect of various retirement strategies on the retirement success rates for the U.S. re... more

    A Taiwanese Girl Who Never Give Up

    A Taiwanese Girl Who Never Give Up

    • 優惠價: 710



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