

    您輸入的關鍵字: Rebecca Cobb


    搜尋結果共 33 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    Aunt Amelia’s House

    Aunt Amelia’s House

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 307

    From the award-winning Rebecca Cobb, illustrator of The Paper Dolls and The Everywhere Bear, comes another lively tale...... more

    The Everywhere Bear: Book and CD Pack

    The Everywhere Bear: Book and CD Pack

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 336

    engaging story about a very special bear, from Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb, the talented creative partnership behind The...... more

    Lunch Time

    Lunch Time

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 329

    A sweet and funny story from critically acclaimed author-illustrator Rebecca Cobb, illustrator of The Paper Dolls and...... more

    Hello Friend!

    Hello Friend!

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 329

    Rebecca Cobb. Hello Friend! tells the story of one big-hearted and enthusiastic little girl who is insistent on making...... more



    • 優惠價: 7 折, 238

    2018 最感人的溫暖繪本 ──再微弱的光 也能溫暖每個孤單心房── ★紐約時報最佳圖書得主作家 真實事件改編★ ★英國水石童書繪本大獎得主 【蕾貝卡‧寇柏】最新作品★ ★金鼎獎兒童文學作家 幸佳慧 ... more



    ★符合108課綱 閱讀素養★ ★「好書大家讀最佳兒童讀物 ★中小學生優良課外讀物 ★紐約時報最佳圖書得主作家 真實事件改編★ ★英國水石童書繪本大獎得主 【蕾貝卡‧寇柏】最新作品★ ★金鼎獎兒童文學作... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    不久前,我們跟媽媽說再見, 我不曉得她到哪兒去了…… 願以此繪本溫柔撫慰 失去摯愛親人的孩子 一本觸動心底的溫柔繪本, 給予每個失去至親的孩子最真誠的支持 不只是言語上的撫慰,也要帶著孩子了解生命與死... more



    有趣多了吧! ――本書作者 蕾貝卡•寇柏(Rebecca Cobb) 【編輯室的話】 穿越現實與幻想的異想故事 這是個簡單溫馨的小故事,類似情節常在許多人家中上演―― 媽媽說:「來吃飯囉!」但一心只顧著玩的小孩卻這麼回答:「等一下!我現在沒空...... more



    【本書特色】 1. 《誰來吃午餐》、《空空的聖誕襪》繪本作者、英國新銳插畫家蕾貝卡‧寇柏經典代表作之一。 2. 生活感十足的文字,童稚可愛的圖像,圖文巧妙結合,加上重複循環、同中有異的設計,讓幼兒在閱... more

    【閱讀起步走】蕾貝卡‧寇柏超人氣繪本套書 (誰來吃午餐+洞裡頭有什麼東西)

    【閱讀起步走】蕾貝卡‧寇柏超人氣繪本套書 (誰來吃午餐+洞裡頭有什麼東西)

    英國人氣插畫家蕾貝卡‧寇柏暢銷代表作 啟動孩子天馬行空的幻想,讓孩子自動自發愛上吃飯 充滿無限想像力的歡樂繪本! 誰來吃午餐 ╳ 洞裡頭有什麼東西? 閱讀起步走入選書單 【套書特色】 1. 兩書皆曾入... more

    Magical Reading Collection

    Magical Reading Collection

    • 優惠價: 3735

    Donaldson、Jonathan Emmett和Rebecca Cobb創作的精彩故事,10本充滿想像力、幽默與韻律感的繪本不但適合朗讀,孩子也能開心的獨立閱讀。 【文∕博客來外文館】 《Magical Reading Collection》包括...... more

    Aunt Amelia

    Aunt Amelia

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 268

    A brilliantly fun story about a rather unusual babysitter from Rebecca Cobb, the award-winning illustrator of The Paper...... more

    Missing Mummy

    Missing Mummy

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 329

    Written and illustrated by the talented and award-winning author-illustrator Rebecca Cobb, this extraordinary book...... more

    Hello Friend!

    Hello Friend!

    • 優惠價: 659

    A beautifully illustrated, wittily observed picture book from the award-winning Rebecca Cobb. Hello Friend! tells the...... more

    The School Run

    The School Run

    • 優惠價: 439

    The School Run is a warm, witty and imaginative story from Waterstones prize-winner Rebecca Cobb that perfectly...... more

    It’s a Little Baby

    It’s a Little Baby

    • 優惠價: 384

    Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb, the creators of the bestselling The Paper Dolls – with over 200,000 copies sold worldwide. Somebody...... more

    The Day War Came

    The Day War Came

    • 優惠價: 439

    by Rebecca Cobb, which should prove a powerful aid for explaining the ongoing refugee crisis to younger readers....... more

    Aunt Amelia’s House

    Aunt Amelia’s House

    • 優惠價: 714

    From the award-winning Rebecca Cobb, illustrator of The Paper Dolls and The Everywhere Bear, comes another lively tale...... more

    The Something

    The Something

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 303

    A glorious imaginative adventure from Rebecca Cobb, the award-winning illustrator of The Paper Dolls and The Everywhere...... more

    The Everywhere Bear

    The Everywhere Bear

    • 優惠價: 384

    engaging story from Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb, the creators of The Paper Dolls, which has sold over 200,000 copies...... more

    The Paper Dolls

    The Paper Dolls

    • 優惠價: 384

    imagination from Julia Donaldson, the author of The Gruffalo, and illustrating talent Rebecca Cobb. A string of paper dolls go...... more

    There’s an Owl in My Towel

    There’s an Owl in My Towel

    • 優惠價: 384

    and Rebecca Cobb, the creators of the bestselling The Paper Dolls – with over 200,000 copies sold worldwide. It s tricky...... more

    The Something

    The Something

    • 優惠價: 342
    The Something

    The Something

    • 優惠價: 646
    Aunt Amelia

    Aunt Amelia

    • 優惠價: 384

    different from expected . . . and a LOT more fun! Aunt Amelia is a charmingly funny, warm and beautiful story from Rebecca...... more



    • 優惠價: 604

    revolting! A beautifully illustrated tale of food, friendship and fun. 作者簡介 Rebecca Cobb is a rising star in children s...... more

    Who Lives Here?: With lift-the-flap-fun!

    Who Lives Here?: With lift-the-flap-fun!

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 370

    A charming lift-the-flap story from the bestselling, record-breaking partnership of Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb...... more

    The Day War Came

    The Day War Came

    • 優惠價: 550

    by Rebecca Cobb, which should prove a powerful aid for explaining the ongoing refugee crisis to younger readers. £1 from...... more

    翻翻遊戲書Who Lives Here?

    翻翻遊戲書Who Lives Here?

    • 優惠價: 714

    adorable illustrations packed full of details to spot from the award-winning Rebecca Cobb, this is a book to delight young...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 269

    ★最可愛的小寶寶翻翻書,打開大翻頁,一起玩遊戲! ★《誰來吃午餐》蕾貝卡‧寇柏 + 《怪獸古肥玀》茱莉亞․唐諾森攜手新作! ★說故事,猜一猜;看圖畫,找一找,打開翻頁,真驚奇!跟著書中寶貝一起... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    小孩,沒想到牠們非常不以為然,一致表示小孩的味道太噁心了。相反的,牠們卻對小女孩的午餐讚不絕口,更對小女孩都一口不肯吃午餐這件事感到不可思議。 到了晚餐時間,猜猜看,小女孩會不會把晚餐吃光光呢? 作者簡介 蕾貝卡.寇柏Rebecca...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    ◎ 英國水石童書繪本大獎( Waterstone’s Children’s Book Prize )得主,《誰來吃午餐》作者最感人肺腑的溫馨繪本。 ◎ 榮獲2012英國凱特格林威獎提名,入選2011英... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    爸爸媽媽出門去,找來鱷魚阿姨幫忙照顧小孩, 還列了一大張「不可以」清單: 不可以搞得髒兮兮、不可以買糖果、不可以看電視、不可以太晚睡…… 但是,孩子們竟然全都樂翻了! 究竟發生了什麼事? ―英國水... more


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