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    The Labor Market for Health Workers in Africa: A New Look at the Crisis

    The Labor Market for Health Workers in Africa: A New Look at the Crisis

    • 優惠價: 1797

    Sub-Saharan Africa has only 12 percent of the global population, yet this region accounts for 50 per... more

    Toward Interventions in Human Resources for Health in Ghana

    Toward Interventions in Human Resources for Health in Ghana

    • 優惠價: 1557

    Despite some recent successes in Ghana, further improvements in health outcomes are in part hampered... more

    The Health Workforce in Ethiopia: Addressing the Remaining Challenges

    The Health Workforce in Ethiopia: Addressing the Remaining Challenges

    • 優惠價: 1320

    Health indicators particularly on child health and malaria in Ethiopia have improved significantly i... more

    The Human Resources for Health Crisis in Zambia

    The Human Resources for Health Crisis in Zambia

    • 優惠價: 1200

    ’The Human Resources for Health Crisis in Zambia’ is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. Th... more

    Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa

    • 優惠價: 900

    The human resources crisis in the health sector has been gathering attention on the global stage. To... more

    Incentives and Dynamics in the Ethiopian Health Worker Labor Market

    Incentives and Dynamics in the Ethiopian Health Worker Labor Market

    • 優惠價: 1800

    By international standards, health workers in Ethiopia are in short supply. In addition, those who d... more

    Diversity in Career Preferences of Future Health Workers in Rwanda: Where, Why, and for How Much?

    Diversity in Career Preferences of Future Health Workers in Rwanda: Where, Why, and for How Much?

    • 優惠價: 1500

    Relying on unique survey data, this paper analyzes the career preferences of future health workers i... more

    Manuel De Suivi Et D’evaluation Des Ressources Humaines Pour La Sante / Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Resources

    Manuel De Suivi Et D’evaluation Des Ressources Humaines Pour La Sante / Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Resources

    • 優惠價: 1824

    Dans bon nombre de pays, le manque de personnel est l un des obstacles majeurs au renforcement de la... more

    Manual de seguimiento y evaluacion de los recursos humanos para la salud/ Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Resourc

    Manual de seguimiento y evaluacion de los recursos humanos para la salud/ Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Resourc

    • 優惠價: 1520

    En muchos pa ses, la falta de personal es uno de los principales obst culos al reforzamiento de la p... more

    Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Resources for Health: With Special Applications for Low- and Middle-Income Countr

    Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Resources for Health: With Special Applications for Low- and Middle-Income Countr

    • 優惠價: 2880

    In many countries, shortage and maldistribution of trained health workers is one of the most importa... more



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