
    您輸入的關鍵字: Tas


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    Ta Pruett’s Commentary on the Old Testament Writings: The Ketuvim

    Ta Pruett’s Commentary on the Old Testament Writings: The Ketuvim

    • 優惠價: 2279

    Having led an online Bible Study for many years, I began compiling my notes initially as a legacy to... more

    Ta’Mara’s Divine Creation

    Ta’Mara’s Divine Creation

    • 優惠價: 659

    Primarily a modern evolutionary theory. A response which contains diversity of life without recourse... more

    More Than A Conqueror The Life and Times of Ta-Raj Benness

    More Than A Conqueror The Life and Times of Ta-Raj Benness

    • 優惠價: 989
    Travels of Ibn Battúta: Explorations of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, China and India from 1325 to 1354, An

    Travels of Ibn Battúta: Explorations of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, China and India from 1325 to 1354, An

    • 優惠價: 1374

    Ibn Battúta was a geographer and traveller who spent decades roaming distant lands; these are his journeys, translated...... more

    The Travels of Ibn Battúta: Explorations of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, China and India from 1325 to 1354, An

    The Travels of Ibn Battúta: Explorations of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, China and India from 1325 to 1354, An

    • 優惠價: 714
    博伽梵歌 喜馬拉雅瑜珈傳承先聖先哲的智慧(一)

    博伽梵歌 喜馬拉雅瑜珈傳承先聖先哲的智慧(一)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 450

    現在,你已經準備好深入研讀並實踐《博伽梵歌》了! 這是一本平衡人生的指導手冊,由神親自帶領我們一面喜悅從事世俗活動, 一面把目標放在永恆的解脫涅槃。 ◎《博伽梵歌》是對「賦予人類價值與靈性進化」最... more



    白人至上主義,面對保守力量反撲, 如何反抗絕望.反抗歷史.反抗下墜的力量? 為什麼我們的國家總是進一步、退兩步?為什麼反動力量總是如潮水般未曾止息?美國當代公共知識分子塔納哈希.科茨(Ta-Nehisi Coates)爬梳建國歷史,寫下...... more



    有些動物終其一生只在自家院子裡活動,有些卻從一個洲去到另一個洲。以北極燕鷗為例,這種體型不大、喙和腳都呈紅色的小鳥,每年要飛繞地球一圈!還有綠蠵龜悠悠然游過各地的大海和汪洋,只為了回到地出生的地方產卵... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    全身上下沾滿了黏液♥好色濕度120%!!!! 過膝襪、條紋內褲、史庫水、制服etc、 執著於半裸密著H、濕身高潮作家fu-ta性癖全開的首部中文單行本!!! 對學生進行性教育輔導♥♥♥搞到車子裡整個濺濕了♥♥♥ 穿著死庫水...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    小水獺從甜美的睡夢中清醒,開啟了美好的一天。他等不及地要立刻飽餐一頓、整天玩耍。雖然爸爸一再叮囑,小水獺仍然不願意學著自己準備食物、刷牙洗澡和游泳。他拖拖拉拉,想晚點再學,一心只想盡情玩樂!這樣拖下去... more



    所有動物都必須好好準備過冬。熊會先把自己餵飽,然後到處找尋最適合的地方來布置抛溫暖舒適的床。現在下大雪也不怕了!你能想像鼴鼠、紅頂松雞和睡鼠如何過冬嗎?跟著我們來一窺究竟吧!讀這本書的時候,你會覺得自... more

    Fate/Grand Order漫畫精選集 (6)

    Fate/Grand Order漫畫精選集 (6)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    、 NEGI、Mepo、市倉とかげ、 日森よしの、オヤジ草、 ヰノ上まもり、無望菜志、 fu-ta、君と子音、もみお、 くりから、紅シャケ、 いづみやおとは、煮汁。 本書特色 ★官方短篇漫畫集,人氣爆發的第六彈...... more



    漫天的烏雲瞬間籠罩整座城市,奪去了一切的色彩和氣味。 一隻勇敢的狗爬進巨大的烏雲中, 發現了一群正在哭泣的「悲傷」, 他為「悲傷」吹奏口琴,悲傷們停止哭泣, 並且開始聆聽狗所吹奏的傷心... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 395

    這故事是要獻給所有被惡魔吞噬的人 找到自由只是第一步,活得自由完全是另一回事。 我們什麼都不忘記,遺忘就會真的變成奴隸。遺忘即死亡。 ★歐普拉選書 ★紐約時報、亞馬遜等銷售第一 ★時代雜誌、NPR、華... more

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.104 (電子書)

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.104 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 211

    讓被秋風吹彿冷靜下來的雙腿中間再度溫暖起來的COMIC巴別塔104期發售!封面是巴別塔自豪的絕對搾精王者・朝峰テル所描繪,可以偷看到乳頭的惡作劇JK♪跟這個愛捉弄人的辣妹連動漫畫《營造回憶大作戰!!》... more

    Between the World and Me

    Between the World and Me

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 721

    son, Ta-Nehisi Coates offers a powerful new framework for understanding our nation s history and current crisis. Americans...... more

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.107 (電子書)

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.107 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 211

    超級巨乳偶像登上封面!!充滿愛意女主角們大集結的COMIC巴別塔107期!封面是神乳豔肌・しおこんぶ繪製的超絕治癒巨乳美少女,一定可以貫穿粉絲們心臟的悶騷偶像☆... more

    【數概念啟蒙繪本】繪數學幼兒園系列-10冊套書 (套書加贈:活動練習本1本+親子互動手冊1本)

    【數概念啟蒙繪本】繪數學幼兒園系列-10冊套書 (套書加贈:活動練習本1本+親子互動手冊1本)

    數學教育專家編寫監修 從趣味的繪本故事中學數學 ‧和孩子一起共讀、共玩、共學! ‧提升孩子的語言能力、數學思考力和解決問題的能力! ‧一邊用貼紙進行數學解題,一邊整理數概念,培養數學自信心! ◆系... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 153

    ★捷克知名童書出版社Albatros Media獨家授權繁體中文版★ 生活化的內容建立起孩子的形狀概念,培養對形狀的認知。 激發孩子的聯想力及創造力 一書多用的「砌圖硬紙書」,可用筆描繪,可數數,可建... more

    美國夢的悲劇:為何我們的進步運動總是遭到反撲? (電子書)

    美國夢的悲劇:為何我們的進步運動總是遭到反撲? (電子書)

    白人至上主義,面對保守力量反撲, 如何反抗絕望.反抗歷史.反抗下墜的力量? 為什麼我們的國家總是進一步、退兩步?為什麼反動力量總是如潮水般未曾止息?美國當代公共知識分子塔納哈希.科茨(Ta-Nehisi Coates)爬梳建國歷史,寫下...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    ★紙上動物園遊園必備,最佳動物科普繪本。 ★引導孩子觀察童趣且色彩明亮的動物插圖,認識五花八門的求偶行為。 ★看圖學知識,開啟親子共讀對話時刻。 咦,那個紅氣球是從哪裡來的? 原來,... more

    空靈性感女神-34G Coco韻韻 (電子書)

    空靈性感女神-34G Coco韻韻 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    空靈大眼性感女神 【韻韻】 有著一雙空靈的大眼,光是看著她的眼睛就被迷得嫑嫑, 除了迷人的眼睛外,還擁有傲人上圍(34G)以及穠纖合度的大長腿比例, 拍照起來氣場十足、性感火辣。 但她笑起來時又有可愛... more

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.109 (電子書)

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.109 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 217

    讓新生活興奮勃起的是由春風傳遞來的可愛女孩色色的香氣♪跟櫻花一起綻放的是淫靡粉紅色肌膚美少女大集合的COMOC巴別塔109期!!封面是人氣超高的純愛繪師関谷あさみ老師繪製,春風滿開、胸部開滿懷,充滿誘... more

    The Origin of Others

    The Origin of Others

    mass movement of peoples in this century. National Book Award winner Ta-Nehisi Coates provides a foreword to Morrison s...... more

    The Eyes of HER Heart and Soul

    The Eyes of HER Heart and Soul

    • 優惠價: 440
    Love mostly, and other life things

    Love mostly, and other life things

    • 外文書 , Taé , Ingram , 出版日期: 2024-05-13
    • 優惠價: 550
    I said... I’m not done feeling yet

    I said... I’m not done feeling yet

    • 優惠價: 440

    ""After beginning therapy mid - 2019 Ta’ziana has been going ever since. About a journey of hard truths, heartbreak...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 153

    ★捷克知名童書出版社Albatros Media獨家授權繁體中文版★ 動物揹著硬梆梆的殼,是保護自己的最好辦法! 透過鏤空形狀,延伸想像,翻一翻會很不一樣! 激發孩子對形狀的認知及創造力, 一書多用的... more

    Collecting Asian Art: Cultural Politics and Transregional Networks in Twentieth-Century Central Europe

    Collecting Asian Art: Cultural Politics and Transregional Networks in Twentieth-Century Central Europe

    • 優惠價: 4140

    Rather than centring on the well-known collections in Western European and North American museums, C... more

    Little Punkin Wonders: Why Are We Leaving Home?

    Little Punkin Wonders: Why Are We Leaving Home?

    • 優惠價: 836
    Little Punkin Wonders: Why Are We Leaving Home?

    Little Punkin Wonders: Why Are We Leaving Home?

    • 優惠價: 606

    "LITTLE PUNKIN WONDERS: WHY ARE WE LEAVING HOME?" is about Punkin and her father who have to leave t... more

    Little Punkin Wonders: Why Are We Leaving Home?

    Little Punkin Wonders: Why Are We Leaving Home?

    • 優惠價: 606

    "LITTLE PUNKIN WONDERS: WHY ARE WE LEAVING HOME?" is about Punkin and her father who have to leave t... more

    Little Punkin Wonders: Why Are We Leaving Home?

    Little Punkin Wonders: Why Are We Leaving Home?

    • 優惠價: 877

    "LITTLE PUNKIN WONDERS: WHY ARE WE LEAVING HOME?" is about Punkin and her father who have to leave t... more

    I Am Me

    I Am Me

    • 優惠價: 604

    different cultures may create a broad experience and encourage other cultures to learn from each other. Angela Briget’ta...... more

    I Am Me

    I Am Me

    • 優惠價: 1209

    different cultures may create a broad experience and encourage other cultures to learn from each other. Angela Briget’ta...... more

    Snap It Activity Book

    Snap It Activity Book

    • 優惠價: 380

    have some more fun. Follow Ta’kari in his fun adventures to color pictures, do a crossword puzzle, find the hidden brackets...... more

    (Nursery Rhymes in English and Arabic) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star نَجْمَةُ نَج¡

    (Nursery Rhymes in English and Arabic) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star نَجْمَةُ نَج¡

    • 優惠價: 604

    Dive into a magical world where the timeless charm of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" transcends langu... more

    Baa, baa, black sheep بَا ! بَا ! يَا خَرُوفْ !

    Baa, baa, black sheep بَا ! بَا ! يَا خَرُوفْ !

    • 優惠價: 380

    "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep بَا ! بَا ! يَا خَرُوفْ !" is an enchanting bilingual book that introduces th... more

    Jack and Jill جاك و جيل

    Jack and Jill جاك و جيل

    • 優惠價: 380

    "Jack and Jill," a cherished classic, now graces both the English and Arabic-speaking worlds in a ha... more

    Spiral To L;VE

    Spiral To L;VE

    • 優惠價: 604

    Poems related to self worth, self esteem, self love, adventures, relationships and healing through t... more

    讀書會後要××嗎?(第2話) (電子書)

    讀書會後要××嗎?(第2話) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 39

    在這滿員電車中有人在摸我的屁股!?唔嗚,好噁心,但是身為29的OL怎麼能大聲呼救...正當我這麼想時,一位像女孩子一樣的男子高●生幫了我。為了答謝他,我邀他去吃飯後他竟然說:「如果妳沒有男友的話那我也... more

    讀書會後要××嗎?(第1話) (電子書)

    讀書會後要××嗎?(第1話) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 39

    在這滿員電車中有人在摸我的屁股!?唔嗚,好噁心,但是身為29的OL怎麼能大聲呼救...正當我這麼想時,一位像女孩子一樣的男子高●生幫了我。為了答謝他,我邀他去吃飯後他竟然說:「如果妳沒有男友的話那我也... more

    We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy

    We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499

    collection of new and selected essays, Ta-Nehisi Coates explores the tragic echoes of that history in our own time: the...... more

    Ecotourism: Environment, Health, and Education

    Ecotourism: Environment, Health, and Education

    • 優惠價: 7799

    This book bridges the gap on the critical issues of ecotourism and direct economic assistance to the... more

    Tam Tam Mandingue Djembe Academy Curriculum Book 1

    Tam Tam Mandingue Djembe Academy Curriculum Book 1

    • 優惠價: 2200

    This book was created by Grand Master Drummer Mamady Keita, from Guinea, West Africa for his interna... more

    In the Realm of Emotions

    In the Realm of Emotions

    • 優惠價: 1814

    Dive into the captivating world of emotions with Margarita Meliss as your guide. In this exquisite c... more

    In the Realm of Emotions

    In the Realm of Emotions

    • 優惠價: 2199

    Dive into the captivating world of emotions with Margarita Meliss as your guide. In this exquisite c... more

    Verses of Love

    Verses of Love

    • 優惠價: 1814

    In "Verses of Love," Margarita Meliss invites you on a captivating journey through the intricate lan... more

    Verses of Love

    Verses of Love

    • 優惠價: 2199

    In "Verses of Love," Margarita Meliss invites you on a captivating journey through the intricate lan... more

    Poetic Reflections

    Poetic Reflections

    • 優惠價: 1814

    In the delicate verses of "Poetic Reflections," Margarita Meliss invites you on a lyrical journey th... more

    Poetic Reflections

    Poetic Reflections

    • 優惠價: 2199

    In the delicate verses of "Poetic Reflections," Margarita Meliss invites you on a lyrical journey th... more

    Developing Industrial and Mining Heritage Sites: Lavrion Technology and Cultural Park, Greece

    Developing Industrial and Mining Heritage Sites: Lavrion Technology and Cultural Park, Greece

    • 優惠價: 3897

    Developing Industrial and Mining Heritage Sites offers a multifaceted examination of the challenges ... more

    Black Panther, Book 1: A Nation Under Our Feet

    Black Panther, Book 1: A Nation Under Our Feet

    • 優惠價: 646

    A new era begins for the Black Panther! MacArthur Genius and National Book Award-winning writer Ta-Nehisi Coates...... more

    The Water Dancer

    The Water Dancer

    • 優惠價: 722

    . "This potent book about America’s most disgraceful sin establishes [Ta-Nehisi Coates] as a first-rate novelist."--San...... more

    1898: Visual Culture and U.S. Imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific

    1898: Visual Culture and U.S. Imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific

    • 優惠價: 1898

    underappreciated period in history. Taína Caragol and Kate Clarke Lemay tell the story of 1898 by bringing together portraits of U.S...... more

    Gender-Based Violence and the Law: Global Perspectives and Eastern European Practices

    Gender-Based Violence and the Law: Global Perspectives and Eastern European Practices

    • 優惠價: 10800

    This book presents a novel and insightful examination of gender-based violence, considering this top... more

    Magnesium Alloys - Processing, Potential and Applications

    Magnesium Alloys - Processing, Potential and Applications

    • 優惠價: 8250
    How Did It Happen?: Understanding the Holocaust

    How Did It Happen?: Understanding the Holocaust

    • 優惠價: 1500

    In this compelling book, Lithuanian writer Ruta Vanagaite holds a frank conversation with noted hist... more

    Papyri Copticae Magicae: Coptic Magical Texts, Volume 1: Formularies

    Papyri Copticae Magicae: Coptic Magical Texts, Volume 1: Formularies

    • 優惠價: 8279

    This volume is the first in a new series of editions of Coptic-language "magical" manuscripts from E... more

    Elf Shot: Special Illustrated Edition

    Elf Shot: Special Illustrated Edition

    • 優惠價: 675

    Special Illustrated Edition All Conri wanted was to drop his kid off at Changeling camp, find the ne... more

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