
    您輸入的關鍵字: writer


    搜尋結果共 22532 筆, 頁數 2 / 376

    哈佛寫作課:51位紀實寫作名家技藝大公開,教你找故事、寫故事、出版故事 (電子書)

    哈佛寫作課:51位紀實寫作名家技藝大公開,教你找故事、寫故事、出版故事 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 315

    哈佛紀實寫作課——向大師取經,寫作者必修! 普利茲獎、奧斯卡獎、艾美獎、美國國家圖書獎… 51位頂尖紀實寫作名家罕見齊聚, 教你——把人物、事件、想法,寫成一個好故事 記者、媒體工作者、自由作家、... more

    法醫.屍體.解剖室➁:謀殺診斷書─專業醫生剖析188道詭異又匪夷所思的病理、毒物及鑑識問題(2023年新版) (電子書)

    法醫.屍體.解剖室➁:謀殺診斷書─專業醫生剖析188道詭異又匪夷所思的病理、毒物及鑑識問題(2023年新版) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 301

    ◤死者究竟是不是「他殺」?◢ 麥卡維提獎最佳推理類非小說、愛倫坡獎最佳犯罪實錄 ─────────打造犯罪元素故事的絕妙資源! ───────── 書中囊括各種如何把人做掉、藏匿屍體、屍體腐敗與鑑定的... more

    Stein on Writing: A Master Editor of Some of the Most Successful Writers of Our Century Shares His Craft Techniques and

    Stein on Writing: A Master Editor of Some of the Most Successful Writers of Our Century Shares His Craft Techniques and

    • 優惠價: 798

    Stein on Writing provides immediately useful advice for all writers of fiction and nonfiction, whether they are...... more

    Voices and Values: A Reader for Writers

    Voices and Values: A Reader for Writers

    • 優惠價: 480

    前文有preview 與重要單字提示的設計,這種功能像是一則文章的廣告或重點提示,讓讀者能從作者所提供的線索,隨著情節的發展進入思想核心。 本書共5大單元40課。 還有有單字、閱讀測驗、問題研討、as... more

    The Freedom Writers Diary Teacher’s Guide

    The Freedom Writers Diary Teacher’s Guide

    • 優惠價: 912

    A standards-based teacher s guide from the educator behind the #1 New York Times bestseller The Freedom Writers Diary...... more

    波特萊爾沒有去成印度:跟著37位大師上路尋找靈感 (電子書)

    波特萊爾沒有去成印度:跟著37位大師上路尋找靈感 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 277

    康拉德在剛果目睹真正的恐怖、 亞瑟.柯南.道爾找到埋葬福爾摩斯的完美地點、 安徒生去了義大利才成為小說家、 伊薩克.迪尼森來到非洲,又遠離非洲、 路易斯.卡羅在俄羅斯發現仙境、 費... more

    寫小說就這樣‽:給青年作家的信 (電子書)

    寫小說就這樣‽:給青年作家的信 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 189

    當代國際知名作家、創意寫作導師 寫給所有青年寫作者的超實用寫作指南 美國國家圖書獎、國際IMPAC都柏林文學獎雙料得主aka.故事交換組織創辦人, 最受用的創意寫作撇步和身心整頓良方, 寫小說,真的就... more

    Help! for Writers: 210 Solutions to the Problems Every Writer Faces

    Help! for Writers: 210 Solutions to the Problems Every Writer Faces

    • 優惠價: 990

    presents a huge hurdle; writer’s block is rearing its ugly head. In Help! For Writers, Roy Peter Clark presents an "owner’s...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    主訪人單德興是華人學界獨樹一幟的訪談老手,多年關注國內外作家、學者、批評家、歷史學家等,自一九八三年起進行深度訪談,交流互動,成果豐碩,與其專業研究、翻譯相輔相成,構成學術生涯鼎足而立的三個面向。本書... more

    Thinking with type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students

    Thinking with type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 902

    . Thinking with Type is the typography book for everyone: designers, writers, editors, students, and anyone else who works with...... more

    Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure

    Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure

    • 優惠價: 608

    Deceptively simple and surprisingly addictive, Not Quite What I Was Planning is a thousand glimpses ... more

    他們在島嶼寫作二:文學大師系列電影 典藏版 (7BD+7DVD)(The Inspired Island II:A Series of Eminent Writers from Taiwan (7BD+7DVD))

    他們在島嶼寫作二:文學大師系列電影 典藏版 (7BD+7DVD)(The Inspired Island II:A Series of Eminent Writers from Taiwan (7BD+7DVD))

    • 優惠價: 2980

    七位文壇大作家,七位中新世代導演 跨越海峽,連結臺灣、香港兩座島嶼 紀錄二十世紀大歷史的變遷,戰亂,離散與聚首 再掀華人文學創作最燦爛的篇章 劉以鬯、洛夫、瘂弦、林文月、白先勇、西西、也斯 紀錄電影藍... more

    Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them

    Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them

    • 優惠價: 684

    Long before there were creative-writing workshops and degrees, how did aspiring writers learn to write? By reading the...... more

    雙面O孃 DVD(Writer Of “O”)

    雙面O孃 DVD(Writer Of “O”)

    • 優惠價: 199

    世界三大半自傳式情愛異色名著(O孃/艾曼妞/祖兒) 始作俑者(O孃的故事)主人翁生平 訪談與追尋中穿插故事情節的影片 更讓人可一窺O孃愛、慾、解放的內心感情世界 背景: 1954年(O孃的故事)(Hi... more

    故事如何說再見:作家的創意、靈感和寫作歷程 (電子書)

    故事如何說再見:作家的創意、靈感和寫作歷程 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 250

    》(Booklist)雜誌 ★如同日記一樣可親的論述。──《歐普拉》(Oprah)雜誌 ★探討與藝術的高強度邂逅,激發、塑造創作過程的各種方式。──《詩人與作家》(Poets & Writers)雜誌 ★滿滿的好文章……這些文章的多樣性及體現出...... more

    圖解字型思考:寫給設計師、寫作者、編輯、以及學生們的重要指南 (電子書)

    圖解字型思考:寫給設計師、寫作者、編輯、以及學生們的重要指南 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 360

    這不是一本關於字型的書,而是一本關於如何使用字型的書。 暢銷書《圖解設計思考》作家艾琳.路佩登,暢銷十年經典,字型思考不敗守則! 假使你就像大多數的平面設計師一樣, 喜歡對小細節斟酌再三、... more

    台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 45):台灣新世代作家小說專輯

    台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 45):台灣新世代作家小說專輯

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    of Taiwan writers, born after 1970, has unquestionably established a distinguished presence in today’s literary circles...... more

    酒店開門之前 卜洛克的作家養成記 (電子書)

    酒店開門之前 卜洛克的作家養成記 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 294

    愛倫坡獎終身大師獎得主卜洛克給台灣讀者的短信── 「追記我踏入文壇之初的回憶錄,A WRITER PREPARES,從某些角度來看,是我最私密的作品。希望你們會喜歡。」 熟悉卜洛克的讀者都知道,有兩件事情,他不大願意提及:一是...... more

    Writer 5.x 超簡單:LibreOffice(附光碟)

    Writer 5.x 超簡單:LibreOffice(附光碟)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    最新版的 LibreOffice 5.x辦公軟體,最多人使用的文書軟體 Writer,就如同Word一樣,而本書以文書處理概念、各文書軟體介紹開始,先概念、後實作! 免費的文書處理工具,無論是資料報告處理、專題製作、作文遊記、海報...... more

    他們在島嶼寫作三:文學家系列電影 典藏版 (5BD+5DVD)(The Inspired Island III: Series of Eminent Writers from Taiwan (5BD+5DVD))

    他們在島嶼寫作三:文學家系列電影 典藏版 (5BD+5DVD)(The Inspired Island III: Series of Eminent Writers from Taiwan (5BD+5DVD))

    • 優惠價: 2900

    III:Series of Eminent Writers from Taiwan 「他們在島嶼寫作」第三系列鏡頭下描繪的小說家與詩人,不但實踐持續創作的精神,影響一代又一代的後繼者,豐富了臺灣文學樣貌,也充實了讀者心靈。文學朱家是離散與生根的...... more

    Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers’ Guide from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University

    Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers’ Guide from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University

    • 優惠價: 684

    well-known writers offer their most powerful tips, including: - Tom Wolfe on the emotional core of the story - Gay Talese on...... more

    與死者協商:瑪格麗特.愛特伍談作家與寫作【劍橋大學文學講座】 (電子書)

    與死者協商:瑪格麗特.愛特伍談作家與寫作【劍橋大學文學講座】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 267

    兩屆布克獎得主、諾貝爾文學獎熱門候選人 瑪格麗特.愛特伍給一般大眾的文學講堂 故事在哪裡?故事在黑暗裡。 靈感來時是靈光一現。進入敘事過程是一條黑暗的路, 靈感之井是一口向下通往地底的洞…... more

    作家的祕密地圖:從中土世界,到劫盜地圖,走訪經典文學中的想像疆土 (電子書)

    作家的祕密地圖:從中土世界,到劫盜地圖,走訪經典文學中的想像疆土 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 623

    ◣一本揭露幻想文學景象的精緻專書◥ 收錄167幅全彩圖像 囊括《金銀島》《哈利波特》《納尼亞傳奇》《魔戒》 w 美國亞馬遜4.8星超高好評 w 榮獲世界奇幻獎 專業人士特別貢獻獎 w 網羅世界各國... more

    A Writer’s Diary: Being Extracts from the Diary of Virginia Woolf

    A Writer’s Diary: Being Extracts from the Diary of Virginia Woolf

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 610

    vision--of one of the great writers of the twentieth century. "A Writer’s Diary . . . is Virginia Woolf . . . The whole vibrates...... more

    be a writer 寫作日用手帳

    be a writer 寫作日用手帳

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 600

    寫點什麼 每一日,寫幾個字 用一時片刻換取 自己的陪伴 be a writer 每一天,寫幾個字 一本自寫集 並不是每個人都需要一本手帳。 但如果你喜歡寫作,喜歡好用的東西, 有點彆扭,日常按部就班,卻總是弄亂桌子。 喜歡...... more

    刺殺小說家 DVD(A Writer’s Odyssey)

    刺殺小說家 DVD(A Writer’s Odyssey)

    • 優惠價: 428

    ★ 華文世界電影小說獎首獎得主雙雪濤同名短篇小說改編 ★ 《繡春刀》系列億萬大導路陽最新動作奇幻鉅作 ★ 《我不是藥神》金獎製片、名導寧浩監製 ★ 《流浪地球》特效團隊採用《阿凡達》《猩球崛起》動作捕... more

    642 Tiny Things to Write About

    642 Tiny Things to Write About

    • 優惠價: 378

    and thought-provoking, this book is perfect for stumped writers, journalers, or any creative type needing a tiny flash of...... more

    Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

    Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 470

    The all-time best-selling writer’s handbook turns thirty. With insight, humor, and practicality, Natalie Goldberg...... more

    Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany (Book for Writers, Book Lovers Miscellany with Booklist)

    Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany (Book for Writers, Book Lovers Miscellany with Booklist)

    • 優惠價: 1045

    illustrations. It’s a must-have for every book collection, and makes a wonderful literary gift for book lovers, writers, and more...... more

    Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus

    Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1514

    Much more than a word list, the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus is a browsable source of inspiration as well as an...... more

    Writer 7.x 文書自由學

    Writer 7.x 文書自由學

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    LibreOffice Writer 7.x,就如同Word一般的功能,卻是免費的自由文書處理軟體。本書以概念引導、觸類旁通的應用範例, 提升文書編輯的素養與能力。 全圖示化教學,文書概念理解、卡片製作、段落設定、圖文編輯、表格應用...... more

    A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition: Chicago Style for Students and

    A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition: Chicago Style for Students and

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 649

    , the fundamentals remain the same: writers need to have a strong research question, construct an evidence-based argument...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 342

    史上首部【作家辭典】 ★ 收錄29位中國近現代作家們未曾對外公開的野史軼文★ 你所不知道的【五四文人私生活】通通在這裡 ──由民國女作家謝冰瑩親訪當事人,或拜訪其摯親好友、蒐集史料 近... more

    642 Things to Write About: Young Writers’ Edition

    642 Things to Write About: Young Writers’ Edition

    • 優惠價: 644

    Write a to-do list for a villain. Describe your dream tree house. Create a haiku about your shoes. Young writers will...... more

    As You Were Saying: American Writers Respond to Their French Contemporaries

    As You Were Saying: American Writers Respond to Their French Contemporaries

    • 優惠價: 361

    As You Were Saying pairs some of America s best writers with their French contemporaries, to show the importance of...... more

    The Best Punctuation Book, Period: A Comprehensive Guide for Every Writer, Editor, Student, and Businessperson

    The Best Punctuation Book, Period: A Comprehensive Guide for Every Writer, Editor, Student, and Businessperson

    • 優惠價: 532

    This all-in-one reference is a quick and easy way for book, magazine, online, academic, and business writers to look up...... more

    The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present

    The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present

    • 優惠價: 874

    For more than four hundred years, the personal essay has been one of the richest and most vibrant of... more

    101招學會LibreOffice|Writer文書 x Calc試算表 x Impress簡報實戰技巧 (電子書)

    101招學會LibreOffice|Writer文書 x Calc試算表 x Impress簡報實戰技巧 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 620

    功力注集在本書中,招招精彩,叫人受用無窮。」-- 莊翔筑, 宜蘭縣政府資訊管理科科長 「本書以Q&A 的方式從基礎設施開始,逐一介紹了Writer、Calc、Impress三種軟體的常用問題解答。手邊擁有這本工具書,保證每個人的電腦...... more

    The Comedy Bible: From Stand-Up to Sitcom : The Comedy Writer’s Ultimate How-To-Guide

    The Comedy Bible: From Stand-Up to Sitcom : The Comedy Writer’s Ultimate How-To-Guide

    • 優惠價: 722

    Judy Carter, guru to aspiring comedy writers and stand-up comics, tells all about the biz of being funny and writing...... more

    642 Things to Write about

    642 Things to Write about

    • 優惠價: 644

    and witty writing prompts: Banish writer’s block with 642 Things to Write, a fun and playful journal that invites...... more

    Teaching Hope: Stories from the Freedom Writers Teachers and Erin Gruwell

    Teaching Hope: Stories from the Freedom Writers Teachers and Erin Gruwell

    • 優惠價: 608

    #1 New York Times bestselling authors of The Freedom Writers Diary Don t miss the public television documentary Freedom...... more

    CAM Jansen: CAM Jansen and the Mystery Writer Mystery #27

    CAM Jansen: CAM Jansen and the Mystery Writer Mystery #27

    • 優惠價: 228

    book fair. Everyone s favorite mystery writer, Jim E. Winter, is also there, signing books. During the signing, Danny s...... more

    凝視約翰.伯格:我們這個時代的作家 (電子書)

    凝視約翰.伯格:我們這個時代的作家 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 320

    。《凝視約翰·伯格:我們這個時代的作家》(A Writer of Our Time: The Life and Work of John Berger)圍繞著一系列既關於個人又屬於大時代歷史的分水嶺事件建構,追溯伯格的發展,從早年為英國報刊撰文的...... more

    The World of James Joyce 1000 Piece Puzzle: And Other Irish Writers: A 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

    The World of James Joyce 1000 Piece Puzzle: And Other Irish Writers: A 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

    • 優惠價: 760
    LibreOffice 7.x實用範例輕鬆學-Writer、Calc、Impress (電子書)

    LibreOffice 7.x實用範例輕鬆學-Writer、Calc、Impress (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 460

    、組織、乃至政府等都相當重要的「文件自由」的重大意義。 ---中華民國軟體自由協會理事長、文件基金會董事會副主席 翁佳驥(Franklin Weng) 本書讓您一次學會「Writer、Calc、Impress」三種文件的操作技巧及功能...... more

    Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, Second Edition: How to Edit Yourself Into Print

    Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, Second Edition: How to Edit Yourself Into Print

    • 優惠價: 722

    writers the techniques of the editing trade that turn promising manuscripts into published novels and short stories. In this...... more

    史努比抱抱:寫給查理.布朗和他的朋友們 (電子書)

    史努比抱抱:寫給查理.布朗和他的朋友們 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 283

    命的一課。 這本《史努比抱抱:寫給查理.布朗和他的朋友們》(The Peanuts Papers: Writers and Cartoonists on Charlie Brown, Snoopy & the Gang, and the...... more

    Crimes, Sins, & Misdemeanors: Theme and Variations from the Bumbershoots Writers Society and Guests

    Crimes, Sins, & Misdemeanors: Theme and Variations from the Bumbershoots Writers Society and Guests

    • 優惠價: 1044
    Of Words and Water: The Story of Wilma Dykeman--Writer, Historian, Environmentalist

    Of Words and Water: The Story of Wilma Dykeman--Writer, Historian, Environmentalist

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2024-04-16
    • 優惠價: 720

    it unveils the remarkable life of Wilma Dykeman, a writer and environmentalist whose deep connection to a local river...... more

    Of Words and Water: The Story of Wilma Dykeman--Writer, Historian, Environmentalist

    Of Words and Water: The Story of Wilma Dykeman--Writer, Historian, Environmentalist

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2024-04-16
    • 優惠價: 378

    it unveils the remarkable life of Wilma Dykeman, a writer and environmentalist whose deep connection to a local river...... more

    The Writer: A totally unputdownable psychological thriller with edge-of-your-seat suspense

    The Writer: A totally unputdownable psychological thriller with edge-of-your-seat suspense

    • 優惠價: 659

    like Lisa Jewell, Ruth Ware and The Wife Between Us, then you’ll love The Writer. See what readers are saying about The...... more

    The Mind of a Writer and other Fables

    The Mind of a Writer and other Fables

    • 優惠價: 494

    "a lovely collection, imbued with warmth, wit, and wonder" -BlueInk Review The Mind of a Writer and other Fables...... more

    The Writing Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Writers

    The Writing Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Writers

    • 優惠價: 3175

    strategies to share with writers, and grouping them beneath 10 crucial goals. "You can think of the goals as the what, "writes...... more

    Life and Soul: A Retrospective Collection by The Manchester Irish Writers to Celebrate Thirty Years of their Creative

    Life and Soul: A Retrospective Collection by The Manchester Irish Writers to Celebrate Thirty Years of their Creative

    • 優惠價: 495

    To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the group’s foundation, The Manchester Irish Writers proudly present a...... more

    642 Things about You (That I Love): (romantic Valentine’s Day Gift, Writing Prompt Journal for Couples)

    642 Things about You (That I Love): (romantic Valentine’s Day Gift, Writing Prompt Journal for Couples)

    • 優惠價: 378

    This adorable mini journal allows anyone to channel the quirky creativity of 642 into a unique and m... more

    There’s a Writer in Our House! Strategies for Supporting and Encouraging Young Writers and Readers at Home

    There’s a Writer in Our House! Strategies for Supporting and Encouraging Young Writers and Readers at Home

    • 優惠價: 1197

    There’s a Writer in Our House! is an invitation to parents of children in first grade through fifth grade interested in...... more

    The Writer’s Oracle Deck and Guidebook: 50 Cards to Inspire Your Writing

    The Writer’s Oracle Deck and Guidebook: 50 Cards to Inspire Your Writing

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 554

    Divine your way through writer’s block while adding a little magic into your writing practice with this illustrated...... more

    American Writers of To-Day

    American Writers of To-Day

    • 優惠價: 2140
    獵殺幽靈寫手 (藍光BD)(The Ghost Writer)

    獵殺幽靈寫手 (藍光BD)(The Ghost Writer)

    • DVD , 勁藝 , 出版日期: 2015-09-25
    • 優惠價: 428

    收錄】 導演訪談An Interview with Roman Polanski原著作者和編劇訪談The Ghost Writer: Fiction or Reality?演員訪談The Cast of The Ghost Writer預告...... more

    Goodbye to All That (Revised Edition): Writers on Loving and Leaving New York

    Goodbye to All That (Revised Edition): Writers on Loving and Leaving New York

    • 優惠價: 760
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