
    您輸入的關鍵字: Aries


    搜尋結果共 3362 筆, 頁數 1 / 57



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 841

    新品上市單筆訂單採訂購數量限制,發售量以實際庫存為主。 新推出的星座馬克杯。 [材質] 馬克杯-陶石器、金屬章-鋅合金 [原產地] 中國 [容量] 414毫升 [注意事項] 1. 請手洗,不適用於微波... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 841

    新品上市單筆訂單採訂購數量限制,發售量以實際庫存為主。 全新設計的星座馬克杯,採用霧白簡約底色,搭配優雅的星座圖象與符號,閃耀的手繪真金把手,精緻的專屬禮盒,風格重塑,綻放異彩。 [材質] 新骨瓷 [... more

    司康&比司吉Scones & Biscuits:日本人氣名店A.R.I 的獨家配方大公開!6種基本材料輕鬆作,顛覆你的品嚐經驗(新版)

    司康&比司吉Scones & Biscuits:日本人氣名店A.R.I 的獨家配方大公開!6種基本材料輕鬆作,顛覆你的品嚐經驗(新版)

    日本人氣名店獨家配方-6種基本材料就能作,擄獲你的胃! 「冰箱常備麵團」→「快速烘烤」→「冷凍保存」→隨時享用! 簡單 ╳ 快速 ╳ 多變化= 正餐般的鹹味比司吉+下午茶的甜味司康 ★A.R.I 獨家配方的5大特色 ★ ‧外酥脆...... more

    Ari 帶著問號往前走

    Ari 帶著問號往前走

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 266

    、融合的實境秀,對她來說,人生的每一步都是選擇,沒有標準答案,人所能做的,就是往前走吧! Ari是排灣語走吧、Let s go的意思。在我的想像裡,人就是帶著問號往前走的生物,有疑惑也沒關係,不同的問號會引領我們到不同的地方。 在有...... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 510

    新品上市單筆訂單採訂購數量限制,發售量以實際庫存為主。 新推出的星座系列提袋。 [材質] 帆布、聚酯纖維 [原產地] 中國 [尺寸] 長 27 x 寬12.5x 高38.5公分;提把長 62 x 寬 ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    炎炎夏日,悠悠漫步。 Aries做為一位電玩實況主,給人的印象較屬於室內派的她,這次為了首本個人寫真,特地遠赴日本沖繩進行拍攝。 海邊、街景、樂園、電玩中心……Aries的足跡踏遍各處,擺脫室內派電玩宅女的形象,看見更多更不一樣的...... more

    國際橋牌社 影視改編小說 ISLAND NATION

    國際橋牌社 影視改編小說 ISLAND NATION

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 504

    的人生故事,呈現出一個大時代的政治及社會縮影。 《國際橋牌社:影視改編小說》由法政職人小說《律政女王》作者雅豊斯Aris親自改寫,考究人物背景與動機、解構權力遊戲與流程、精心設計人物台詞與場景,重新打造出一部權謀鬥爭、高手過招,過程緊張...... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 1003

    新品上市單筆訂單採訂購數量限制,發售量以實際庫存為主。 全新設計的星座玻璃杯,採用細緻浮雕玻璃杯, 搭配優雅的星座圖象與符號,精緻的專屬禮盒和收藏紀念卡。 【附有包裝盒】 [材質] 硼矽玻璃 [原產地... more

    Ari 帶著問號往前走【電子書獨家加值版】 (電子書)

    Ari 帶著問號往前走【電子書獨家加值版】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 247

    、節目主持人……當她以為不會再與音樂發生關係時,音樂又選擇了她。 回顧阿爆的生命經歷,每一個階段恰巧都像沉浸、交錯、融合的實境秀,對她來說,人生的每一步都是選擇,沒有標準答案,人所能做的,就是往前走吧! Ari是排灣語走吧、Let s...... more

    律政女王 I:魔鬼的顫音

    律政女王 I:魔鬼的顫音

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 314

    ★律政X職人──2020開春最受矚目華文小說,各方好評不斷! ★逼真既視感──執業律師耗時六年創作,刻劃人性、切合時事 ★腦內小劇場──生動描繪影像與音樂,十足渲染力與畫面感! ★網友齊敲... more

    國際橋牌社2:影視改編小說 ISLAND NATION 2(雙封面隨機出貨)

    國際橋牌社2:影視改編小說 ISLAND NATION 2(雙封面隨機出貨)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    與國際情勢的緊張刺激,又是如何逢凶化吉、化險為夷? 《國際橋牌社2:影視改編小說》再次由律師作家雅豊斯Aris親自改寫,並由吳崑玉顧問精心審訂,合力打造出讀來讓人血脈賁張、暢快淋漓的現代政治職人小說。書中並附有精美人物關係圖與大量劇照,讓您...... more

    律政女王 III:魔鬼圓舞曲

    律政女王 III:魔鬼圓舞曲

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 371

    ★律政X職人──2020開春最受矚目華文小說,各方好評不斷! ★逼真既視感──執業律師耗時六年創作,刻劃人性、切合時事 ★腦內小劇場──生動描繪影像與音樂,十足渲染力與畫面感! ★網友齊敲... more

    律政女王 II:華麗的變奏

    律政女王 II:華麗的變奏

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 342

    ★律政X職人──2020開春最受矚目華文小說,各方好評不斷! ★逼真既視感──執業律師耗時六年創作,刻劃人性、切合時事 ★腦內小劇場──生動描繪影像與音樂,十足渲染力與畫面感! ★網友齊敲... more

    Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

    Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 554

    The groundbreaking bestseller from iconic behavioral psychologist Dan Ariely, now the inspiration for the Fall 2023 NBC...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 949

    價值觀與政治立場的青年男女追求理想與愛情的人生故事,呈現出一個大時代的政治及社會縮影。 《國際橋牌社:影視改編小說》由法政職人小說《律政女王》作者雅豊斯Aris親自改寫,考究人物背景與動機、解構權力遊戲與流程、精心設計人物台詞與場景,重新...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 949

    ★律政X職人──全球華人最受矚目華文小說,各方好評不斷! ★逼真既視感──執業律師耗時六年創作,刻劃人性、切合時事 ★腦內小劇場──生動描繪影像與音樂,十足渲染力與畫面感! ★網友齊敲碗─... more

    【15週年限定】MIDORI MD NOTEBOOK(A6)藝術家聯名- Aries Moross

    【15週年限定】MIDORI MD NOTEBOOK(A6)藝術家聯名- Aries Moross

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 297

    15位藝術家親身體驗升級版「MD筆記本」, 你會用什麼方式加入揮灑的行列呢? 本系列「MD筆記本」不論是封面或蝴蝶頁都採用「MD用紙」,提供使用者更極致的書寫體驗; 並特別邀請15位活躍於日本國內外的... more

    Last Words from Montmartre

    Last Words from Montmartre

    • 優惠價: 644

    An NYRB Classics Original When the pioneering Taiwanese novelist Qiu Miaojin committed suicide in 19... more

     (opera ari(柯布朗─羅西尼的繆思女神-次女高音詠嘆調 / 狄杜娜朵〈次女高音〉 / 艾多亞多‧穆勒〈指揮〉聖西西莉亞國立音樂院管弦樂團)

    (opera ari(柯布朗─羅西尼的繆思女神-次女高音詠嘆調 / 狄杜娜朵〈次女高音〉 / 艾多亞多‧穆勒〈指揮〉聖西西莉亞國立音樂院管弦樂團)

    • 優惠價: 439

    ◎美國次女高音狄杜娜朵,英國樂評稱為「當今全世界的羅西娜天后(賽維亞理髮師)」,在這份錄音中,錄了狄杜娜朵歷來最拿手的羅西尼角色,其中還不乏為女高音所寫的角色。 伊莎貝拉柯布朗是十九世紀第二個十年... more

    Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation

    Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 693

    ; adapted by Ari Folman, illustrated by David Polonsky, and authorized by the Anne Frank Foundation in Basel....... more

    Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter

    Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499

    , bestselling author and behavioral economist Dan Ariely teams up with financial comedian and writer Jeff Kreisler to challenge many...... more

    India.Arie / SongVersation [Deluxe Edition](印蒂雅艾瑞 / 音樂對話【加值盤】)

    India.Arie / SongVersation [Deluxe Edition](印蒂雅艾瑞 / 音樂對話【加值盤】)

    • 優惠價: 459

    色彩 回歸靈魂原味,她擁有Neo-Soul派系最醇美的佳音,India.Arie大量運用Acoustic吉他聲韻,以貼近生活的樸實演繹方式,帶來暖色調的聽覺享受。專輯締造全球逾千萬張銷售量,曾入圍葛萊美獎多達21次,並抱回4座大獎肯定。於...... more

    律政女王三部曲 (電子書)

    律政女王三部曲 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 799

    ★律政X職人──全球華人最受矚目華文小說,各方好評不斷! ★逼真既視感──執業律師耗時六年創作,刻劃人性、切合時事 ★腦內小劇場──生動描繪影像與音樂,十足渲染力與畫面感! ★網友齊敲碗─... more

    96 Facts about Taylor Swift: Quizzes, Quotes, Questions, and More!

    96 Facts about Taylor Swift: Quizzes, Quotes, Questions, and More!

    • 優惠價: 266

    The ultimate fact book and journal for fans of Taylor Swift! Packed with fun facts, quick quizzes, a... more

    Lava Chase (Diary of a Roblox Pro #4)

    Lava Chase (Diary of a Roblox Pro #4)

    • 優惠價: 266

    "Ari and his class are going on a field trip to an extinct volcano. It doesn’t really sound all that exciting to Ari...... more

    Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

    Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

    • 優惠價: 1140

    The groundbreaking bestseller from iconic behavioral psychologist Dan Ariely, now the inspiration for the Fall 2023 NBC...... more

    Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park

    • 優惠價: 228

    Relive the fun and excitement of Jurassic Park with this amazing Little Golden Book adaptation--just... more

    Obby Challenge (Diary of a Roblox Pro #3)

    Obby Challenge (Diary of a Roblox Pro #3)

    • 優惠價: 266

    "It’s time to escape the obby! Ari’s best friend’s dad is a professional obby builder. He even constructs obbies to...... more

    Minority Rule

    Minority Rule

    • 優惠價: 1140

    "A riveting account of the decades-long effort by reactionary white conservatives to undermine democ... more

    Smile 倉本すみれ【ヌード写真集】 (電子書)

    Smile 倉本すみれ【ヌード写真集】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 975

    【ヌード写真集】 可愛い過ぎて男女関係なく愛されている倉本すみれちゃんのセカンド写真集。 一日デート風でボートに乗ったりして擬似デートを体験できるチャンスです! 可愛らしい笑顔から大人っぽい表情までふ... more

    Smile 倉本すみれ【グラビア写真集】 (電子書)

    Smile 倉本すみれ【グラビア写真集】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 560

    【グラビア写真集】 可愛い過ぎて男女関係なく愛されている倉本すみれちゃんのセカンド写真集。 一日デート風でボートに乗ったりして擬似デートを体験できるチャンスです! 可愛らしい笑顔から大人っぽい表情まで... more

    Accountability, Discourse, and Service Provision: Civil Society’s Roles in Security Sector Governance and Reform (SSG/R) and Sustainable Development G

    Accountability, Discourse, and Service Provision: Civil Society’s Roles in Security Sector Governance and Reform (SSG/R) and Sustainable Development G

    • 優惠價: 1044
    Despicable Me Little Golden Book

    Despicable Me Little Golden Book

    • 優惠價: 228

    Illumination s Despicable Me--now retold in a classic Little Golden Book Meet the world s most not... more

    Little Crab Finds a Friend: Book Two- A Run-in with an Aries Ewe: Book Two- A Run-in With an Aries Ewe

    Little Crab Finds a Friend: Book Two- A Run-in with an Aries Ewe: Book Two- A Run-in With an Aries Ewe

    • 優惠價: 456

    hardest moments as the lost Little Crab meets a frave (fierce + brave) Aries Ewe who helps the little crab start his journey...... more

    Zombie Invasion (Diary of a Roblox Pro #5)

    Zombie Invasion (Diary of a Roblox Pro #5)

    • 優惠價: 266

    Ari Avatar is just your average Roblox kid living in a blocky world! Battle monsters and avoid disasters in a Roblox...... more

    Ari Means Lion

    Ari Means Lion

    • 優惠價: 1138

    Ari Rath, born in Vienna in 1925 the son of Jewish immigrants from Galicia, was often witness to pivotal historical...... more

    Ari Means Lion

    Ari Means Lion

    • 優惠價: 1518

    Ari Rath, born in Vienna in 1925 the son of Jewish immigrants from Galicia, was often witness to pivotal historical...... more

    The Best Strangers in the World: Stories from a Life Spent Listening

    The Best Strangers in the World: Stories from a Life Spent Listening

    • 優惠價: 722

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "The Best Strangers in the World is a witty, poignant book that captures Ari Shapiro...... more

    Trinity Tarot

    Trinity Tarot

    • 優惠價: 758

    A beautifully concise, 78-card tarot deck that is ideal for Both beginners and seasoned readers. Inc... more

    Misbelief: What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things

    Misbelief: What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 554

    , preeminent social scientist Dan Ariely argues that to understand the irrational appeal of misinformation, we must first...... more



    • 優惠價: 1290

    and the leader of the unorthodox and harsh war without prisoners against the invaders was Aris; a charismatic 36-year-old...... more

    Father Verses Sons: A Correspondence in Poems

    Father Verses Sons: A Correspondence in Poems

    • 優惠價: 950

    When the global pandemic forced his ninety-six-year-old father into isolation, filmmaker Ari Gold became concerned that...... more

    MicroRNAs and Telomerase Gene Expression in Alzheimer’s Disease

    MicroRNAs and Telomerase Gene Expression in Alzheimer’s Disease

    • 優惠價: 4380
    The Unintended Consequences of Peace: Peaceful Borders and Illicit Transnational Flows

    The Unintended Consequences of Peace: Peaceful Borders and Illicit Transnational Flows

    • 優惠價: 2099
    【伊飾童話】十二星座*鈦鋼拋光項鍊 Aries 牡羊座

    【伊飾童話】十二星座*鈦鋼拋光項鍊 Aries 牡羊座

    • 鞋包配件
    • 優惠價: 299

    更多其他商品請搜尋:伊飾童話、伊飾晶漾、伊飾炫銀 (流行飾品/水晶飾品/925純銀飾品) 項鍊包含牛皮繩及麂皮繩各一條 水瓶座 創意十足的流水符號,讓個人風格強烈的水瓶,活的更精彩。 雙魚座 感情... more

    Environmental Biotechnology Research

    Environmental Biotechnology Research

    • 優惠價: 1740

    The growing interest of environmental biotechnology application has created a basis for new advance ... more

    96 Facts about Lizzo: Quizzes, Quotes, Questions, and More!

    96 Facts about Lizzo: Quizzes, Quotes, Questions, and More!

    • 優惠價: 266

    The ultimate fact book and journal for fans of Lizzo! Packed with fun facts, quick quizzes, and bonu... more

    96 Facts about Selena Gomez: Quizzes, Quotes, Questions, and More!

    96 Facts about Selena Gomez: Quizzes, Quotes, Questions, and More!

    • 優惠價: 266

    The ultimate fact book and journal for fans of Selena Gomez! Packed with fun facts, quick quizzes, a... more

    The Zodiac Guide to Aries: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the

    The Zodiac Guide to Aries: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the

    • 優惠價: 454

    zodiac sign. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the passionate and adventurous fire sign, Aries. - Discover what...... more

    Unconventional Warfare Case Study: The Rhodesian Insurgency and the Role of External Support - 1961-1979

    Unconventional Warfare Case Study: The Rhodesian Insurgency and the Role of External Support - 1961-1979

    • 優惠價: 1869

    The political and military contest black nationalists in Rhodesia waged against the white minority g... more

    Unconventional Warfare Case Study: The Rhodesian Insurgency and the Role of External Support - 1961-1979

    Unconventional Warfare Case Study: The Rhodesian Insurgency and the Role of External Support - 1961-1979

    • 優惠價: 1429

    The political and military contest black nationalists in Rhodesia waged against the white minority g... more

    Resistance Manual

    Resistance Manual

    • 優惠價: 989

    , the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific, now is the time to purchase and read this book. Originally published by the ARIS...... more

    Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series: Volume I - The Zionist Insurgency (1890-1950)

    Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series: Volume I - The Zionist Insurgency (1890-1950)

    • 優惠價: 1649

    Although most often thought of as a movement, this study will examine Zionism as an insurgency-a for... more

    Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series: Volume I - The Zionist Insurgency (1890-1950)

    Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series: Volume I - The Zionist Insurgency (1890-1950)

    • 優惠價: 2034

    Although most often thought of as a movement, this study will examine Zionism as an insurgency-a for... more

    Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series: Volume II - The Palestinian Arab Insurgency (1890-2010)

    Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series: Volume II - The Palestinian Arab Insurgency (1890-2010)

    • 優惠價: 2474

    the ARIS Project’s Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series seeks to answer these questions...... more

    Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series: Volume II - The Palestinian Arab Insurgency (1890-2010)

    Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series: Volume II - The Palestinian Arab Insurgency (1890-2010)

    • 優惠價: 2089

    the ARIS Project’s Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare - Palestine Series seeks to answer these questions...... more

    Understanding States of Resistance

    Understanding States of Resistance

    • 優惠價: 1044

    Understanding States of Resistance explores the dynamics of resistance movements and their progressi... more

    Understanding States of Resistance

    Understanding States of Resistance

    • 優惠價: 1484

    Understanding States of Resistance explores the dynamics of resistance movements and their progressi... more

    Resistance Manual

    Resistance Manual

    • 優惠價: 1429

    , the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific, now is the time to purchase and read this book. Originally published by the ARIS...... more

    Threshold of Violence

    Threshold of Violence

    • 優惠價: 604

    Various authors have noted that violence is often a double-edged sword within combat settings, parti... more

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    • 4.17-4.30愛媽折學 寵愛美好生活|母親節獨家商品3折起