
    您輸入的關鍵字: Bach


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    Johann Sebastian Bach: Concertos(巴哈:協奏曲作品集)

    Johann Sebastian Bach: Concertos(巴哈:協奏曲作品集)

    • 優惠價: 1069

    這套錄音所選錄的,是巴哈較為少見,卻又在藝術價值上有非凡成就的作品。除了七首大鍵琴協奏曲之外,還有雙大鍵琴、三大鍵琴、四大鍵琴協奏曲。更豐富的,還有巴松管、小提琴與大鍵琴協奏曲、古雙簧協奏曲、雙簧管與... more

    Johann Sebastian Bach / Michelle Makarski, Keith Jarrett: Six Sonatas for Violin and Piano (2CD)(奇斯.傑瑞特:凝視巴哈~六首小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲集 (2CD))

    Johann Sebastian Bach / Michelle Makarski, Keith Jarrett: Six Sonatas for Violin and Piano (2CD)(奇斯.傑瑞特:凝視巴哈~六首小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲集 (2CD))

    • CD , ECM , 出版日期: 2015-11-30
    • 優惠價: 900

    詮釋名家之作,以獲得樂評與市場的青睞;相對的,資深的音樂前輩們隨著年紀的增長,風格越來越趨平實忠於原味。相信這些樂章對這兩人來說,不是被他們演奏著,其中需要做的只有─平心靜氣,聽著,品著,這永恆之美。 曲目: <CD 1> J. S...... more

    Bach: The Well-tempered Clavier Part 1, BWV 846-869 / Ralph Kirkpatrick(巴哈:平均律第一冊 / 寇派崔克)

    Bach: The Well-tempered Clavier Part 1, BWV 846-869 / Ralph Kirkpatrick(巴哈:平均律第一冊 / 寇派崔克)

    • 優惠價: 429

    巴哈為解決鋼琴音律的切分問題,先後耗費了多年時間,寫下了兩冊「十二平均律」,成為鍵盤樂器的經典作品,有「鍵盤樂的舊約聖經」之稱。兩百五十年來,隨著時代變遷,不知有多少鍵盤樂演奏家聞名於世,但是於公眾之... more

    Bach: Organ Works / Helmut Walcha, Organ(巴哈:管風琴作品輯 / 瓦爾沙 (管風琴))

    Bach: Organ Works / Helmut Walcha, Organ(巴哈:管風琴作品輯 / 瓦爾沙 (管風琴))

    • CD , Archiv , 出版日期: 1998-01-01
    • 優惠價: 329

    慎重,因此表現出來的效果十分宏偉,正好適合「D小調觸技曲與賦格」等作品,被企鵝評鑑譽為是「高水準的演出」。 【曲目】 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) 1-2 Toccata and Fugue in D...... more

    Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No.5, Orchestral Suite No.2 etc. / Pahud, Berliner Barock Solisten(巴哈:第五號布蘭登堡協奏曲、第二號管弦樂組曲 etc. / 帕胡德 (長笛)、柏林巴洛克獨奏家樂團)

    Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No.5, Orchestral Suite No.2 etc. / Pahud, Berliner Barock Solisten(巴哈:第五號布蘭登堡協奏曲、第二號管弦樂組曲 etc. / 帕胡德 (長笛)、柏林巴洛克獨奏家樂團)

    • 優惠價: 439

    22歲即成為柏林愛樂管弦樂團長笛首席的帕胡德,以其紮實精湛的技巧與對音樂獨特出眾的詮釋,不僅為為EMI當家長笛首席,更是現今樂壇最炙手可熱的長笛家。1970年1月出生於日內瓦的帕胡德,六歲時音樂開始成... more

    Bach:Brandenburg Concertos, Orchestral Suites(柯隆古樂團 / 巴哈:布蘭登堡協奏曲全輯、管弦樂組曲與室內樂輯)

    Bach:Brandenburg Concertos, Orchestral Suites(柯隆古樂團 / 巴哈:布蘭登堡協奏曲全輯、管弦樂組曲與室內樂輯)

    • 優惠價: 1719

    戈貝爾指揮柯隆古樂團 巴哈在世時就像一部創作機器,因此他留下的作品無論量或質,都可讓人窮究一生精力探索不完。這套巴哈的「管弦樂與室內樂作品集」,是1980年代的數位錄音,原本是兩個套裝共9張CD,... more

    Bach: Brandenburgische Konzerte Nos. 1-3 / Musica Antiqua Koln, Reinhard Goebel (conductor)(巴哈:布蘭登堡協奏曲第1-3號 / 科戈貝爾 (指揮) 科隆古樂集)

    Bach: Brandenburgische Konzerte Nos. 1-3 / Musica Antiqua Koln, Reinhard Goebel (conductor)(巴哈:布蘭登堡協奏曲第1-3號 / 科戈貝爾 (指揮) 科隆古樂集)

    • CD , Archiv , 出版日期: 1995-04-01
    • 優惠價: 329
    V.A. / Best Bach 100(巴哈百分百 (6CD))

    V.A. / Best Bach 100(巴哈百分百 (6CD))

    • 優惠價: 639

    巴哈被尊稱為「音樂之父」,他是西洋音樂在三百年前的第一個高峰。他代表了巴洛克音樂整體音樂風格的集大成,將德國、義大利和法國三個主要音樂重鎮的音樂風格,融合於一身,其對於傳統的複音音樂的體現,成為後世創... more

    李帕第鋼琴獨奏經典(巴哈/史卡拉第/莫札特etc.)/ 李帕第 (鋼琴)(Bach / Scarlatti / Mozart / Schubert / Dinu Lipatti)

    李帕第鋼琴獨奏經典(巴哈/史卡拉第/莫札特etc.)/ 李帕第 (鋼琴)(Bach / Scarlatti / Mozart / Schubert / Dinu Lipatti)

    • 優惠價: 319

    ●經典錄音.傳奇再現!華納古典隆重企畫,整合旗下各系列之歷史錄音,以原始封面重新復刻發行,極具收藏價值! 羅馬尼亞鋼琴家李帕第是二十世紀最具傳奇色彩的鋼琴家之一。雖然這位天才鋼琴家因為罹患霍奇金淋巴瘤... more

    巴洛克音樂鑑賞--帕海貝爾:卡農/阿比諾尼:慢版/韓德爾:席巴女王之進場、水上音樂組曲/巴哈:耶穌,吾民仰望的喜悅/司徒加室內樂團/慕辛格(Baroque Music Collections: Canon, Adagio, Araval of Queen of Sheba, Jesu, Joy of Men’s Desiring, etc.)

    巴洛克音樂鑑賞--帕海貝爾:卡農/阿比諾尼:慢版/韓德爾:席巴女王之進場、水上音樂組曲/巴哈:耶穌,吾民仰望的喜悅/司徒加室內樂團/慕辛格(Baroque Music Collections: Canon, Adagio, Araval of Queen of Sheba, Jesu, Joy of Men’s Desiring, etc.)

    • 優惠價: 199

    慕辛格/司徒加室內樂團 本集選錄的是巴洛克時期的一些最著名的小品,包括帕海貝爾的「卡農」、阿爾比諾亞的「慢板」、巴哈的「耶穌,吾民仰望的喜悅」、韓德爾的「席巴女王之進場」…等。指揮大師慕辛格創立的司徒... more

    巴哈:偉大的延續,第二冊(由索妮亞魯賓斯基編寫及演奏的大型舞曲組曲) / 索妮亞魯賓斯基(鋼琴) (CD)(JS Bach: Magna Sequentia II(A Grand Suite of Dances compiled and performed by Sonia Rubinsky) / Sonia Rubinsky (piano))

    巴哈:偉大的延續,第二冊(由索妮亞魯賓斯基編寫及演奏的大型舞曲組曲) / 索妮亞魯賓斯基(鋼琴) (CD)(JS Bach: Magna Sequentia II(A Grand Suite of Dances compiled and performed by Sonia Rubinsky) / Sonia Rubinsky (piano))

    • CD , Naxos , 出版日期: 2019-11-08
    • 優惠價: 309

    巴哈:偉大的延續,第二冊(由索妮亞魯賓斯基編寫及演奏的大型舞曲組曲) 索妮亞魯賓斯基(鋼琴) B小調法式序曲(組曲),BWV831(節選) D小調第一號法國組曲,BWV812:I.阿德曼舞曲 G大調第... more

    世紀古典之最 ─ 藝術歌曲與宗教合唱曲篇 (2CD)(Classic Music for Centuries / Lieder & Religion Music)

    世紀古典之最 ─ 藝術歌曲與宗教合唱曲篇 (2CD)(Classic Music for Centuries / Lieder & Religion Music)

    • CD , 金革 , 出版日期: 2012-02-01
    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    〈世紀古典之最〉精選專輯,為您敲開古典樂艱深的音樂大門,以編制分門別類、精挑細選史上古典名盤,以精質鍍金的CD製作,保證藝術與音質,讓您坐擁家中,也能天天享受頂級演出的效果! 詩與歌的相遇-藝術歌曲(... more

    Magdalena Kozena / Lamento(輓歌輯─柯茲娜演唱巴哈家族詠嘆調、清唱劇作品 / 柯茲娜(次女高音))

    Magdalena Kozena / Lamento(輓歌輯─柯茲娜演唱巴哈家族詠嘆調、清唱劇作品 / 柯茲娜(次女高音))

    • CD , Archiv , 出版日期: 2005-03-01
    • 優惠價: 449

    ◎柯茲娜,次女高音/戈貝爾指揮科隆古樂團 德國巴哈家族有不少傑出作曲家,經過歷史與時間的蹂躪,早年巴哈家族的作品遺世不多,經過約翰‧塞巴斯丁與菲利浦‧伊曼紐爾父子的搜集整理,「古老巴哈家族檔案」終... more

    巴哈,韓德爾:一個想像的會議 / 麗娜·圖·博內 小提琴 丹尼·埃斯帕薩 鋼琴 (CD)(Bach, Handel: An Imaginary Meeting / Lina Tur Bonet, Dani Espasa)

    巴哈,韓德爾:一個想像的會議 / 麗娜·圖·博內 小提琴 丹尼·埃斯帕薩 鋼琴 (CD)(Bach, Handel: An Imaginary Meeting / Lina Tur Bonet, Dani Espasa)

    • CD , Aparte , 出版日期: 2019-11-15
    • 優惠價: 639

    has not let two extraordinary composers meet each other. Georg Friedrich Haendel and Johann Sebastian Bach came to the...... more

    皇家煙火 / 艾莉森‧鮑爾珊〈小號〉鮑爾珊合奏團 (CD)(Royal Fireworks / Alison Balsom The Balsom Ensemble)

    皇家煙火 / 艾莉森‧鮑爾珊〈小號〉鮑爾珊合奏團 (CD)(Royal Fireworks / Alison Balsom The Balsom Ensemble)

    • 優惠價: 429

    艾莉森‧鮑爾珊是當前最受歡迎的古典音樂明星。她在十歲立志成為小號演奏家,從倫敦市政廳音樂學校畢業後,前往巴黎音樂學院師從偶像前輩哈登伯格。艾莉森‧鮑爾珊從2004年開始在全球各個重要音樂廳露面,唱片也... more

    1971 與 1980 年小提琴演奏會 / 戴維.艾爾里(小提琴)、布麗姬特.安潔兒 (鋼琴) (180g 2LP)(Violin Recitals 1971 & 1980 / Devy Erlih (Violin), Brigitte Engerer (Piano) (180g 2LP))

    1971 與 1980 年小提琴演奏會 / 戴維.艾爾里(小提琴)、布麗姬特.安潔兒 (鋼琴) (180g 2LP)(Violin Recitals 1971 & 1980 / Devy Erlih (Violin), Brigitte Engerer (Piano) (180g 2LP))

    • 優惠價: 2180

    . Andante con variazioni 2. Presto Side B J.S. Bach: Sonata No.1 in G minor for Violin Solo, BWV 1001 1. Adagio 2. Fuga (Allegro...... more

    The World of King’s / The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge(劍橋國王學院合唱團的音樂世界)

    The World of King’s / The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge(劍橋國王學院合唱團的音樂世界)

    • 優惠價: 319

    John 9. Composed by Orlando Gibbons 10. Bach : Musikalisches Gesang-Buch von G. C. Schemelli 11. Handel : Chandos Anthem No...... more

    The Essential Writings of Dr. Edward Bach: The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies & Heal Thyself

    The Essential Writings of Dr. Edward Bach: The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies & Heal Thyself

    • 優惠價: 760

    The Twelve Healers introduces Dr. Bach’s world-renowned remedies, which provide a system for healing the mental and...... more

    J. S. Bach’s Original Hymn-tunes for Congregational Use

    J. S. Bach’s Original Hymn-tunes for Congregational Use

    • 優惠價: 1647

    as a scholarly edition of the music, this book is an essential resource for anyone interested in the music of J.S. Bach...... more

    Joann Sebastian Bach - Sheet Music: 24 prelude and fugue

    Joann Sebastian Bach - Sheet Music: 24 prelude and fugue

    • 優惠價: 719

    Sheet Music All 24 Prelude and Fugue, from #1 to #24 Composer Joann Sebastian Bach 1. Prelude and Fugue in C major BWV...... more

    J. S. Bach: The Well-Tempered Guitar: 48 Preludes and Fugues adapted by J.A.Blyth

    J. S. Bach: The Well-Tempered Guitar: 48 Preludes and Fugues adapted by J.A.Blyth

    • 優惠價: 646

    For the first time the complete Well-Tempered Clavier of Bach, adapted for solo guitar. Some things don’t seem to be...... more

    The Bach Chorale Book: a Collection of Hymns Set Exclusively to Chorales

    The Bach Chorale Book: a Collection of Hymns Set Exclusively to Chorales

    • 優惠價: 1042
    Brother Musicians: Reminiscences of Edward and Walter Bache

    Brother Musicians: Reminiscences of Edward and Walter Bache

    • 優惠價: 1372
    J. S. Bach’’s Original Hymn-tunes for Congregational Use

    J. S. Bach’’s Original Hymn-tunes for Congregational Use

    • 優惠價: 877
    The Bach Chorale Book: a Collection of Hymns Set Exclusively to Chorales

    The Bach Chorale Book: a Collection of Hymns Set Exclusively to Chorales

    • 優惠價: 1757
    Best of Bach for Alto Sax Duet

    Best of Bach for Alto Sax Duet

    • 優惠價: 549
    Best of Bach for Clarinet Duet

    Best of Bach for Clarinet Duet

    • 優惠價: 549
    Best of Bach for Flute Duet

    Best of Bach for Flute Duet

    • 優惠價: 549
    The Bach Violin Sonatas & Partitas for Guitar: In Standard Notation and Tablature

    The Bach Violin Sonatas & Partitas for Guitar: In Standard Notation and Tablature

    • 優惠價: 1097
    32 Bach Chorales for Flute and Guitar

    32 Bach Chorales for Flute and Guitar

    • 優惠價: 714
    The Bach Cello Suites for Guitar: In Standard Notation and Tablature

    The Bach Cello Suites for Guitar: In Standard Notation and Tablature

    • 優惠價: 1097

    The complete six Suites for Violoncello solo (BWV 1007-1012) by Johann Sebastian Bach transcribed for guitar in...... more

    Big Book of Bach for Flute and Guitar

    Big Book of Bach for Flute and Guitar

    • 優惠價: 934
    Favorite Themes from Bach’’s Cantatas for Flute and Guitar

    Favorite Themes from Bach’’s Cantatas for Flute and Guitar

    • 優惠價: 824
    Bach Duets: Organ & Piano - Organ & Harpsichord - 2 Pianos

    Bach Duets: Organ & Piano - Organ & Harpsichord - 2 Pianos

    • 優惠價: 1097
    Movements from the Bach Cello Suites Realized for Harpsichord Organ Piano

    Movements from the Bach Cello Suites Realized for Harpsichord Organ Piano

    • 優惠價: 822
    100 Chorales by J. S. Bach

    100 Chorales by J. S. Bach

    • 優惠價: 396
    First Lessons in Bach, Books I and II Complete for the Piano: 28 Short Pieces for Piano

    First Lessons in Bach, Books I and II Complete for the Piano: 28 Short Pieces for Piano

    • 優惠價: 549
    Chimeras and other writings: Selected Papers of Sheldon Bach

    Chimeras and other writings: Selected Papers of Sheldon Bach

    • 優惠價: 1330
    Johann Sebastian Bach Passacaglia et Fugue BWV 852 (piano transcription by Angel Recas): Johann Sebastian Bach

    Johann Sebastian Bach Passacaglia et Fugue BWV 852 (piano transcription by Angel Recas): Johann Sebastian Bach

    • 優惠價: 825
    Best of Bach for Flute and Guitar

    Best of Bach for Flute and Guitar

    • 優惠價: 549
    Bach: 12 Sacred Songs for Easy Piano Solo

    Bach: 12 Sacred Songs for Easy Piano Solo

    • 優惠價: 549
    Bach: Selections from the Flute Sonatas for Flute and Guitar

    Bach: Selections from the Flute Sonatas for Flute and Guitar

    • 優惠價: 549

    Selections from the Bach Flute Sonatas and from Orchestral Suite No. 2 for Flute (original keys) with classical guitar...... more

    Bach: Six Cello Suites

    Bach: Six Cello Suites

    • 優惠價: 658

    Sheet music for Johann Sebastian Bach’s Six Suites For The Unaccompanied Cello. This edition contains the following six...... more

    Bach - Goldberg Variations (For Piano or Harpsichord)

    Bach - Goldberg Variations (For Piano or Harpsichord)

    • 優惠價: 658

    The Goldberg Variations, named after Johann Gottlieb Goldberg which, according to legend, Bach composed for Goldberg to...... more

    Bach - French Suites: Instructive Edition

    Bach - French Suites: Instructive Edition

    • 優惠價: 713

    Bach’s six French suites, edited by Egon Petri. Sheet music for the piano. This helpful instructive edition is filled...... more

    Bach - Sinfonias (Three-Part Inventions)

    Bach - Sinfonias (Three-Part Inventions)

    • 優惠價: 549

    It would appear that J.S. Bach really composed his two- and three-part Inventions (Sinfonias) on purpose to prepare his...... more

    Bach - Two-Part Inventions

    Bach - Two-Part Inventions

    • 優惠價: 439

    It would appear that J.S. Bach really composed his two- and three-part Inventions (Sinfonias) on purpose to prepare his...... more

    Bach - The Well-Tempered Clavier: Book 2

    Bach - The Well-Tempered Clavier: Book 2

    • 優惠價: 714

    The first book in Johann Sebastian Bach’s famous and most influential "The Well-Tempered Clavier". Here is what the...... more

    Brother Musicians: Reminiscences of Edward and Walter Bache

    Brother Musicians: Reminiscences of Edward and Walter Bache

    • 優惠價: 2819
    4 Fantasias and Fugues By Bach - BWV 904 BWV 944 BWV 906 BWV 905 - For Solo Piano

    4 Fantasias and Fugues By Bach - BWV 904 BWV 944 BWV 906 BWV 905 - For Solo Piano

    • 優惠價: 824
    3 Toccatas and Fugues by Bach - BWV 538 BWV 565 BWV 540 - For Solo Organ

    3 Toccatas and Fugues by Bach - BWV 538 BWV 565 BWV 540 - For Solo Organ

    • 優惠價: 824
    A Collection of Fugues by Bach - For Solo Piano

    A Collection of Fugues by Bach - For Solo Piano

    • 優惠價: 1539

    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremel... more

    Five Sonatas by Bach - For Solo Piano

    Five Sonatas by Bach - For Solo Piano

    • 優惠價: 1264

    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremel... more

    3 Fantasias By Bach - BWV 918 BWV 917 BWV 920 - For Solo Piano

    3 Fantasias By Bach - BWV 918 BWV 917 BWV 920 - For Solo Piano

    • 優惠價: 879

    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremel... more

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suite No.1 in G Major - BWV 1007 - A Score for the Cello

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suite No.1 in G Major - BWV 1007 - A Score for the Cello

    • 優惠價: 879

    Most students begin with this suite as it is assumed to be easier to play than the others in terms o... more

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Flute Sonata in C Major - Bwv 1033 - A Score for the Flute

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Flute Sonata in C Major - Bwv 1033 - A Score for the Flute

    • 優惠價: 879

    The complete score for Johann Sebastian Bach’s "Flute Sonata in C Major."...... more

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suites No’’s 1-6 - A Score for the Cello

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suites No’’s 1-6 - A Score for the Cello

    • 優惠價: 879

    This modern reprint of the original scores features clear, large margins, making it ideal for studen... more

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suite No.2 in D minor - BWV 1008 - A Score for the Cello

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suite No.2 in D minor - BWV 1008 - A Score for the Cello

    • 優惠價: 1099
    Johann Sebastian Bach - Flute Sonata in E-Flat Major - Bwv 1031 - A Score for the Flute

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Flute Sonata in E-Flat Major - Bwv 1031 - A Score for the Flute

    • 優惠價: 879
    Johann Sebastian Bach - Flute Sonata in E Minor - Bwv 1034 - A Score for the Flute

    Johann Sebastian Bach - Flute Sonata in E Minor - Bwv 1034 - A Score for the Flute

    • 優惠價: 879
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