
    您輸入的關鍵字: Chan


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    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    策略,證明它在過去的歷史中表現良好,以及未來還能繼續有好的表現。本書也會提供投資人如何根據實際獲利調整策略的系統化方法,教投資人在家中建立一套自動執行系統。還有一些關於風險管理的基礎知識。 作者簡介 ERNEST P. CHAN 開發...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    療癒有時是輕柔呵氣, 偶爾則需要回收碎片、修補重建,再使勁一按, 好確定自己受得了有餘,來見證我們都有重生的力氣。 ✿ 《我愛陳明珠》作者Emily 睽違5年,全新散文作品── 揭開生命中的缺憾與獲得... more

    AMIGO西班牙語A1(隨書附作者親錄國際標準西語發音+朗讀音檔QR Code)

    AMIGO西班牙語A1(隨書附作者親錄國際標準西語發音+朗讀音檔QR Code)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    學習全世界第三大語言的西班牙語,已經蔚為風潮。 想學西班牙語,不知道要用哪一本教科書嗎? 用這本最有野心、想讓你最快上手的《AMIGO西班牙語A1》就對了! ★政大人氣西語教師精心撰寫! 《... more

    Misala Handmade 口金包50款:一針一線創造逗趣動物口金包

    Misala Handmade 口金包50款:一針一線創造逗趣動物口金包

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    人氣店家Misala熱銷全球的超可愛口金包 不藏私公開50款製作步驟及紙型 2010年在中東杜拜以家庭主婦的身分, Michelle開始以Misala品牌名稱製作手工布包。 從經典口金扣具... more

    信不信由你一週開口說西班牙語QR Code版(隨書附作者親錄標準西班牙語朗讀音檔QR Code)

    信不信由你一週開口說西班牙語QR Code版(隨書附作者親錄標準西班牙語朗讀音檔QR Code)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 324

    深受讀者好評的《信不信由你 一週開口說西班牙語》 堂堂推出QR Code版! 本書是學習西班牙語必備的第一本工具書! 只要一本!只要一週! 基礎西班牙語聽、說、讀、寫,立刻打下穩固的根基! ★從零... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 900

    《啟蒙學叢書經典漫畫》全套共八冊,分為「大師系列」及「思潮系列」。本套漫畫專集,針對歷史文化、世界學術,提點精要。大師系列包括:榮格、弗洛依德、馬克思、尼采,思潮系列則有:女性主義、後現代主義、文化研... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    不會說西班牙語,到西語系國家旅遊該怎麼辦? 《帶著西班牙語趴趴走》,陪您輕鬆暢遊各國! 從西班牙語字母和發音介紹,到8大主題共45則模擬情境會話,再加上附錄中作者精心整理出西語系國家的各國特色,讓... more

    AMIGO西班牙語A2(隨書附國際標準西語朗讀音檔QR Code)

    AMIGO西班牙語A2(隨書附國際標準西語朗讀音檔QR Code)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 495

    最受西語學習者歡迎的《AMIGO西班牙語A1》, 堂堂推出第二冊《AMIGO西班牙語A2》! 學完西語A1程度,想更進一步提升西語能力到A2程度, 用這本最有野心、可以最快上手的《AMIGO西班牙語A... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    蜘蛛網式學習法展現威力, 西班牙語發音、單字、會話,12小時一次搞定! 西班牙語發音總是說不好? 單字、句子老是背不起來? 連句簡單的西班牙語也說不出口? 那是因為你沒發揮天馬行空的想... more

    想念的總和【繼《我愛陳明珠》,睽違5年,全新散文作品】 (電子書)

    想念的總和【繼《我愛陳明珠》,睽違5年,全新散文作品】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 264

    療癒有時是輕柔呵氣, 偶爾則需要回收碎片、修補重建,再使勁一按, 好確定自己受得了有餘,來見證我們都有重生的力氣。 ✿ 《我愛陳明珠》作者Emily 睽違5年,全新散文作品── 揭開生命中的缺憾與獲得... more

    Ramona and Her Father

    Ramona and Her Father

    • 優惠價: 570

    Beverly Cleary s Newbery Honor Book depicts an average middle-class family dealing with the realitie... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 456

    作者簡介: 陳杰琦(Jie-Qi Chen),她是芝加哥艾立克森學院(Erikson Institute)兒童發展和幼兒教育方面的助理教授。她在中國北京獲得了學士學位,在塔夫特大學(Tufts Uni... more

    Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

    Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 887

    bestseller, embraced by organizations and industries worldwide, globally preeminent management thinkers W. Chan Kim and Renée...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    蒸得有技巧,吃出健康 全書中英對照 蒸餸健康又簡單,更可吃出原味,很多人都喜歡。本書向家傭介紹用最簡單的蒸法,也可吃出特色蒸餸,毋須太多額外的調味料,以天然的香辛料烹調,美味之餘也最合現代都市... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 171

    全書約38款食譜,分為春、夏當季的菜式,附烹調小竅門、菜式功效、烹調時間等。全書食譜以保健、易於烹調、適合全家食用為主。每章節介紹當季飲食問答及挑選方法。 春天菜式:豬板筋炒蒜心;葱白洋葱炒牛肉;... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    老火湯滋潤、解燥、祛濕、消暑,強健體魄,但家傭懂得選配材料嗎? 此湯譜由資深烹飪專家Feliz Chan撰寫,分享多款受歡迎的老火湯水,以精簡的文字及步驟圖片,為家傭講解湯水的療效、烹調竅門及處理方法。此外,她更巧妙地用湯料燜煮...... more

    1000 Product Designs

    1000 Product Designs

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 817

    生產外觀美麗而且功能實用和可持續的產品並不容易。同時,在眾多競爭產品的市場上,如何區分自己產品的唯一性,並成為消費者必須具備的,就成為設計師與製造商非常重大的課題。。近年來,... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    全書有39款湯譜及茶療,分為兩個章節:四季湯水(針對四時季節挑選合適的湯水)及小病自療(針對時下幼童所遇的小毛病,如便秘、食欲不振、失眠等,介紹相關的湯水或茶),附主要食材的食療功效、份量及飲法,讓幼... more

    Intercultural Pedagogical Reflections on Taiwan’s Education

    Intercultural Pedagogical Reflections on Taiwan’s Education

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 399

    This book is a product of intercultural dialogues between Rainer Kokemohr from Germany and education... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    作為一筆不容小覷的文學遺產,列朝帝王詩為數不少,而以平常心閱讀者為數不多︰古代之頌揚、現代之輕蔑,其失一也。又有視帝王詩為史料者,卻未能回歸文學層面。本書以文學為經、以歷史為緯,討論的主題包括︰ ... more

    Chinese Dress in Detail

    Chinese Dress in Detail

    • 優惠價: 1520

    Chinese Dress in Detail reveals the beauty and variety of Chinese dress for women, men, and children... more

    Dragon on the Loose

    Dragon on the Loose

    • 優惠價: 340

    When eleven-year-old Hailey and her friend Kyle make a wish on a Chinese lion statue, they accidenta... more



    • 優惠價: 756

    Slavery, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that t... more

    An Address on the Prevention of Pauperism

    An Address on the Prevention of Pauperism

    • 優惠價: 2195
    An Address on the Prevention of Pauperism

    An Address on the Prevention of Pauperism

    • 優惠價: 3295
    Loco Amor: Desbordado Por Un Dios Incesante

    Loco Amor: Desbordado Por Un Dios Incesante

    • 優惠價: 646

    Esta es la versión en español del libro de mejor ventas New York Times Crazy Love, el cual te desafí... more

    Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

    Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

    • 優惠價: 684

    New York Times-bestselling author Francis Chan’s all-time bestselling title, Crazy Love, explores a radical new way to...... more

    Generative AI in Higher Education: The Chatgpt Effect

    Generative AI in Higher Education: The Chatgpt Effect

    • 優惠價: 10200

    Chan and Colloton’s book is one of the first to provide a comprehensive examination of the use and impact of ChatGPT...... more

    Generative AI in Higher Education: The Chatgpt Effect

    Generative AI in Higher Education: The Chatgpt Effect

    • 優惠價: 2697

    Chan and Colloton’s book is one of the first to provide a comprehensive examination of the use and impact of ChatGPT...... more

    Impact Statement

    Impact Statement

    • 優惠價: 758

    court documents, Jody Chan’s impact statement traces a history of psychiatric institutions within a settler colonial state...... more

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level Two)

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level Two)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 396

    「見詞能讀,聽音能寫」自然拼音一套就夠 本系列是一套五本的Phonics 產品,採用循序漸進的方法 (step-by-step approach) 教授字母讀音,通過多樣化形式如聆聽、閱讀、寫作... more

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level Three)

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level Three)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 396

    「見詞能讀,聽音能寫」自然拼音一套就夠 本系列是一套五本的Phonics 產品,採用循序漸進的方法 (step-by-step approach) 教授字母讀音,通過多樣化形式如聆聽、閱讀、寫作... more

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level One)

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level One)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 396

    「見詞能讀,聽音能寫」自然拼音一套就夠 本系列是一套五本的Phonics 產品,採用循序漸進的方法 (step-by-step approach) 教授字母讀音,通過多樣化形式如聆聽、閱讀、寫作... more

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level Four)

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level Four)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 396

    「見詞能讀,聽音能寫」自然拼音一套就夠 本系列是一套五本的Phonics 產品,採用循序漸進的方法 (step-by-step approach) 教授字母讀音,通過多樣化形式如聆聽、閱讀、寫作... more

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level Five)

    Bravos Phonics自然拼讀快趣通 (Level Five)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 396

    「見詞能讀,聽音能寫」自然拼音一套就夠 本系列是一套五本的Phonics 產品,採用循序漸進的方法 (step-by-step approach) 教授字母讀音,通過多樣化形式如聆聽、閱讀、寫作... more

    成功的動力,法蘭克.哈多克談精神磁性:精神狀態×個人潛能×健康基礎×靈魂途徑,在日常生活中節約並最大化利用你的精神資源 (電子書)

    成功的動力,法蘭克.哈多克談精神磁性:精神狀態×個人潛能×健康基礎×靈魂途徑,在日常生活中節約並最大化利用你的精神資源 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 364

    【精神、身體、心靈的磁性】 每個人的靈魂都像一個電池, 透過努力和法蘭克.哈多克精神理念, 任何人都能實現輝煌的成功── 【精神的磁性】 第一部分著重於情緒、個人潛能、以及意志力等精神面向,認為這些是... more



    • 優惠價: 760

    Revolution is brewing in the semi-submerged city of Tiankawi, between humans and the fathomfolk who ... more

    Secrets of the Crown

    Secrets of the Crown

    • 優惠價: 304

    Get familiar with the familiars Chaos erupts in Vastia when the evil Paksahara steals the Shifting F... more

    Wooden Spoons and Iron Pickaxes: Two Fantastical Tales for Children

    Wooden Spoons and Iron Pickaxes: Two Fantastical Tales for Children

    • 優惠價: 660

    Mithril. Will they find it? Or will their greed get the best of them? Alexander A. Chan-Chiu has scripted a captivating and...... more

    Crystal Blessing Cards

    Crystal Blessing Cards

    • 優惠價: 872

    Wherever you are on your spiritual path, this 70-card deck will help you develop a rapport and love ... more

    Misala Handmade 口金包50款 (電子書)

    Misala Handmade 口金包50款 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 266

    人氣店家Misala熱銷全球的超可愛口金包 不藏私公開50款製作步驟及紙型 2010年在中東杜拜以家庭主婦的身分, Michelle開始以Misala品牌名稱製作手工布包。 從經典口金扣具... more

    Cosplay Crime

    Cosplay Crime

    • 優惠價: 416

    Shy thirteen-year-old Bree must channel her inner anime heroine to solve a crime at the Anime Expo. ... more

    L’Hôpital Hanté

    L’Hôpital Hanté

    • 優惠價: 416

    Alex pense que l’hôpital George Wickerman serait l’endroit idéal pour le jeu de rôle Spectres et Mys... more

    Culture, Economic Growth, and Interstate Power Shift: Implications for Competition Between China and the United States

    Culture, Economic Growth, and Interstate Power Shift: Implications for Competition Between China and the United States

    • 優惠價: 6600

    A country’s culture influences its economic growth, which in turn influences its international posit... more

    Culture, Economic Growth, and Interstate Power Shift: Implications for Competition Between China and the United States

    Culture, Economic Growth, and Interstate Power Shift: Implications for Competition Between China and the United States

    • 優惠價: 2099

    A country’s culture influences its economic growth, which in turn influences its international posit... more

    She Ruined Our Lives: A Funderburke and Kaiming Mystery

    She Ruined Our Lives: A Funderburke and Kaiming Mystery

    • 優惠價: 644

    Layla Dolak blamed her sister Erika for destroying all of her hopes and dreams. Over the past severa... more

    Us as Eagles

    Us as Eagles

    • 優惠價: 340

    This book is about self-exploration and freedom seeking. Or soul healing. I wrote what I felt, what ... more

    The Wisdom of Compassion: Stories of Remarkable Encounters and Timeless Insights

    The Wisdom of Compassion: Stories of Remarkable Encounters and Timeless Insights

    • 優惠價: 720

    The Wisdom of Compassion offers rare insights into the Dalai Lama s life and his efforts to translat... more

    Navigating the Complexities of Health Professions Education for Millennial and Generation Z Learners

    Navigating the Complexities of Health Professions Education for Millennial and Generation Z Learners

    • 優惠價: 6300

    The evolving landscape of healthcare tasks health professions educators with preparing the next gene... more

    Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner’s Approach - Volume 2 (Revised Edition)

    Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner’s Approach - Volume 2 (Revised Edition)

    • 優惠價: 5880

    Written for students taking either the University of Cambridge Advanced Level examinations or the In... more

    Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner’s Approach - Volume 1 (Revised Edition)

    Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner’s Approach - Volume 1 (Revised Edition)

    • 優惠價: 5880

    Written for students taking either the University of Cambridge Advanced Level examinations or the In... more

    Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner’s Approach - Volume 2 (Revised Edition)

    Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner’s Approach - Volume 2 (Revised Edition)

    • 優惠價: 2280

    Written for students taking either the University of Cambridge Advanced Level examinations or the In... more

    Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner’s Approach - Volume 1 (Revised Edition)

    Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner’s Approach - Volume 1 (Revised Edition)

    • 優惠價: 2280

    Written for students taking either the University of Cambridge Advanced Level examinations or the In... more

    Art Is Everywhere

    Art Is Everywhere

    • 優惠價: 836

    things from a different angle and - most importantly - having fun with it. With text by Professor Eleanor Chan, this is a...... more

    Blue Ocean Strategy + Beyond Disruption Collection (2 Books)

    Blue Ocean Strategy + Beyond Disruption Collection (2 Books)

    • 優惠價: 2090

    The two landmark books, Blue Ocean Strategy and Beyond Disruption, that together challenge everythin... more

    The Storm We Made

    The Storm We Made

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 748

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER A GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICK In this spellbinding novel, an ordinary ho... more

    A Korean Peninsula Free of Nuclear Weapons: Perspectives on Socioeconomic Development

    A Korean Peninsula Free of Nuclear Weapons: Perspectives on Socioeconomic Development

    • 優惠價: 7799

    This book focuses on three main subjects: the DPRK’s inability to survive as a nuclear state; the im... more

    Machine Learning, Medical AI and Robotics: Translating Theory Into the Clinic

    Machine Learning, Medical AI and Robotics: Translating Theory Into the Clinic

    • 優惠價: 11400

    This book explores the latest breakthroughs in medical technology, focusing specifically on artifici... more

    Korean Pansori as Voice Theatre: History, Theory, Practice

    Korean Pansori as Voice Theatre: History, Theory, Practice

    • 優惠價: 5400

    imagined to be and that tradition is the force that enables innovation. Drawing on Chan E. Park’s ethnographic work and...... more

    Plants vs. Zombies Volume 5: Petal to the Metal

    Plants vs. Zombies Volume 5: Petal to the Metal

    • 優惠價: 494

    (Bandette, The Witcher) and Ron Chan (Star Wars, The Guild) return to deliver another hilarious zombie battle to your burg...... more

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