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    • 優惠價: 9 折, 621

    本書由ETS®授權,是第一本針對亞洲考生所設計,以TOEIC®測驗情境為導向的單字學習教材。書中收錄1200個TOEIC測驗的核心語彙、動詞變化及常用片語。學習單元依照TOEIC測驗情境分類,共分成30個單元,涵蓋基礎到進階的TOEIC...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 855

    ETS®官方授權,針對2018年3月題型更新,首本官方應考必備書。書中完整剖析題型更新重點,收錄兩套全真模擬試題,讓你一次掌握題型更新重點,迎戰高分。...... more

    TOEIC®聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南 vol.8 閱讀篇

    TOEIC®聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南 vol.8 閱讀篇

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 585

    為了提供讀者更聚焦的教學與學習內容,《TOEIC®聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南Vol. 8》首次區分聽力與閱讀篇,可依據個人能力差異聚焦準備。對於考生及教學者而言,是準備TOEIC測驗及熟悉題目內容... more

    TOEIC®聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南 vol.8 聽力篇

    TOEIC®聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南 vol.8 聽力篇

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 585

    為了提供讀者更聚焦的教學與學習內容,《TOEIC®聽力與閱讀測驗官方全真試題指南Vol. 8》首次區分聽力與閱讀篇,可依據個人能力差異聚焦準備。對於考生及教學者而言,是準備TOEIC測驗及熟悉題目內容... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 675

    第一本為台灣考生所編寫的TOEIC®口說與寫作測驗官方全真試題指南,完整介紹解TOEIC口說與寫作測驗題型。 書中詳述測驗的整體概念、測驗方式、題型說明、應答技巧,並提供經過ETS審核通過的高分答題範例,提升考前準備工作的效率。同時...... more

    多益普級測驗官方全真試題練習冊 (附光碟一片):TOEIC Bridge Workbook

    多益普級測驗官方全真試題練習冊 (附光碟一片):TOEIC Bridge Workbook

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 612

    《多益普級測驗官方全真試題練習冊》為官方出版之多益普級測驗學習書籍,內容經ETS官方授權,所有試題及CD收錄之音檔皆比照正式測驗規格,提供學習者最有效率的學習工具。 本書逐步引導學習者了解多益普級測驗題型,並提供大量範例題,透過練習...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    et Épice」,從香料的基礎知識入手,告訴讀者香料的作用、使用部位、使用方式、保存方法,再一一以各別主題輔圖解說胡椒、辣椒、奧勒岡、鼠尾草等常用香料,同時也不忘介紹最適合展現香料特色的鹽,包括岩鹽、海鹽等。最後則是介紹應用香料的食譜,包括...... more

    中學托福測驗官方全真試題指南:Official Guide to the TOEFL Junior Standard Test(附光碟)

    中學托福測驗官方全真試題指南:Official Guide to the TOEFL Junior Standard Test(附光碟)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 495

    《中學托福測驗官方全真試題指南》為ETS出版的中學托福測驗學習書;本書旨在協助英語學習者了解中學托福的考試方向與題型,內容針對聽力、語意、閱讀三大面向分析考題類型,且提供平日實力培養訣竅,並於各章節末提供範例題組和全真模擬試題供學生演練...... more

    TOEIC Bridge®測驗官方全真試題指南Ⅱ

    TOEIC Bridge®測驗官方全真試題指南Ⅱ

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 612

    2019年6月,ETS於台灣開始實施新版【TOEIC Bridge英語測驗】,專為英語初、中階學習者設計,內容以日常生活情境為主,能評量「聽、讀、說、寫」四項英語技能,有助於完整檢視英語學習成效。 本書收錄的TOEIC Bridge...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 738

    法國國立婦產學院與女性論壇合作 獻給準媽媽的權威參考書 6000位醫學專家+4000萬個準媽媽實例 140幅示意圖+45張超音波檢查圖 我的寶寶健康嗎? 有辦法決定生男生女嗎? 如何應對宮... more

    TOEFL ITP Practice Tests Level 1,Volume 2

    TOEFL ITP Practice Tests Level 1,Volume 2

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 585

    最新第二冊《TOEFL ITP Practice Tests》,是ETS為準備參加TOEFL ITP測驗的考生,所設計的測驗練習書,書中收錄兩套模擬試題供考生實際練習。考生不僅可以事先練習,熟悉題型,找出需要加強的部分;也能預測TOEFL...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 903

    過程結束時重量為100公克或更少(Cunningham, Gant, Leveno, et al, 2001)。 復舊的機轉敘述於下文。在胎盤剛剝離後,子宮蛻膜不規則、不整齊、厚度各有不同。隨著胎盤的剝離,循環中的動情素與黃體素值劇烈的...... more

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集 9

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集 9

    • 優惠價: 1380

    音声を スマートフォンやPCにダウンロードして お聞きいただけます。 【特長】日本商品有可能台灣系統無法對應,還請知悉 ・ETSが本番のテストと同じプロセスで作った問題 ・公式スピーカーによるリスニング音声 ・参考スコア範囲の換算表でスコア目...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 903

    Chapter 6婦女健康:常見婦科感染疾病 Women,s Health:Commonly Occurring Infections 從前,我想我就是你們所謂的野孩子,總是放浪不羈地嘗試各種新事... more

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集 10

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集 10

    • 優惠價: 1380

    音声を スマートフォンやPCにダウンロードして お聞きいただけます。日本商品有可能台灣系統無法對應,還請知悉 【特長】 ・ETSが本番のテストと同じプロセスで作った問題 ・公式スピーカーによるリスニング音声 ・参考スコア範囲の換算表でスコア目...... more

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集 8

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集 8

    • 優惠價: 1410

    音声を スマートフォンやPCにダウンロードして お聞きいただけます。 【特長】 ・ETSが本番のテストと同じプロセスで作った問題 ・公式スピーカーによるリスニング音声 ・参考スコア範囲の換算表でスコア目安がわかる...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 720

    心理學可以是一門很科學的研究;也可以是很人性化、切身相關的生活體察。本書作者不但在「心理學」的雙重範疇內提供了一種均衡的處理手法,更透過深入淺出的論述,令專研者沈迷其中,初探者讀來餘味無窮。人,是值得... more

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading トレーニング 2 リスニング編

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading トレーニング 2 リスニング編

    • 優惠價: 900

    **到貨說明:此為客訂商品,讀者訂購後,商品將於21日工作天左右到貨。(以上預計到貨時間不包含假日且僅供參考,請以博客來寄發的取貨通知信函為準) 「公式」でもっと解く。たくさん(380問)のリスニング... more

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading トレーニング 2 リーディング編

    公式TOEIC Listening & Reading トレーニング 2 リーディング編

    • 優惠價: 900

    **到貨說明:此為客訂商品,讀者訂購後,商品將於21日工作天左右到貨。(以上預計到貨時間不包含假日且僅供參考,請以博客來寄發的取貨通知信函為準) たくさん(377問)のリーディングの「公式」問題を解い... more

    Sip and Spin: A Collection of Cocktails and Music

    Sip and Spin: A Collection of Cocktails and Music

    • 優惠價: 1710

    Over the course of a year, a group of friends gathered to learn more about gin but what resulted was... more



    • 優惠價: 1261

    Sadie Lee, Roxana Halls and Sarah Jane Moon are figurative artists whose queer identities inform muc... more

    The Golden Wattle Cookery Book

    The Golden Wattle Cookery Book

    • 優惠價: 1925

    This is a republished edition of the classic recipe book "The Golden Wattle Cookery Book" which was ... more

    Mobilization, Factionalization and Destruction of Mass Movements in the Cultural Revolution

    Mobilization, Factionalization and Destruction of Mass Movements in the Cultural Revolution

    • 優惠價: 1596

    Based on a unique survey of Chinese respondents, the authors find that participation in social movem... more

    Faith, Family and Friends

    Faith, Family and Friends

    • 優惠價: 604

    This is a true book regarding the three essentials of life: faith, family, and friends. As such, my ... more

    Winter Season

    Winter Season

    • 優惠價: 530

    It was freezing where I was The cold kept knocking me down I lay there on the ground My heart still ... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    台灣文學史上的一百個事件、思潮、現象、作品。... more

    The Life Coach’s Tool Kit: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Principles, and Activities

    The Life Coach’s Tool Kit: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Principles, and Activities

    • 優惠價: 760

    The Life Coach’s Tool Kit highlights strategies that will take your performance as a life coach to t... more

    The Esc Textbook of Heart Failure

    The Esc Textbook of Heart Failure

    • 優惠價: 13800

    The ESC Textbook of Heart Failure is the latest addition to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)... more

    Improved Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Effectiveness

    Improved Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Effectiveness

    • 優惠價: 2472

    This joint thesis project by fifteen graduate students at the Naval Postgraduate School in 2007 disp... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    台灣文學史上的一百個事件、思潮、現象、作品。... more

    Best Russian Short Stories

    Best Russian Short Stories

    • 優惠價: 1044

    "Best Russian Short Stories" is an anthology edited by David Widger that brings together a collectio... more

    Seven Maids of Far Cathay: Being English Notes From a Chinese Class Book

    Seven Maids of Far Cathay: Being English Notes From a Chinese Class Book

    • 優惠價: 699

    Seven Maids of Far Cathay: Being English Notes From a Chinese Class Book, is a classical and a rare ... more

    Peak Performance: Mindset Tools for Sales

    Peak Performance: Mindset Tools for Sales

    • 優惠價: 760

    PEAK PERFORMANCE: Mindset Tools for Sales highlights strategies that will take your sales performanc... more

    Collectanea Topographica Et Genealogica

    Collectanea Topographica Et Genealogica

    • 優惠價: 1427

    Published in the early 1800s, this book is a compilation of genealogical and topographical essays. T... more

    Channel Bridge; Volume 1

    Channel Bridge; Volume 1

    • 優惠價: 987

    This book is an engineering marvel, outlining the history of the construction of a bridge between Fr... more

    Lettres Persanes

    Lettres Persanes

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This classic French novel, written by Montesquieu and first published in 1721, is a satirical critiq... more

    The Admiralty Jurisdiction In America

    The Admiralty Jurisdiction In America

    • 優惠價: 1702

    to the present day, Theodore M. Etting traces the history, development, and application of this crucial legal concept...... more

    Queen Of The Sciences

    Queen Of The Sciences

    • 優惠價: 1702

    historian of mathematics E.T. Bell. From ancient Greece to modern day, Bell explores the important discoveries and influential...... more

    The Calculus Of ObservationsA Treatise On Numerical Mahematics

    The Calculus Of ObservationsA Treatise On Numerical Mahematics

    • 優惠價: 2142

    This classic textbook provides an in-depth view into the calculus of observations and numerical math... more

    Annales de la Société Historique et Archéologique du Gatinais

    Annales de la Société Historique et Archéologique du Gatinais

    • 優惠價: 2032

    The Annales de la Société Historique et Archéologique du Gatinais is an invaluable reference work for historians and...... more

    Catalogue et Description des Objets D’art

    Catalogue et Description des Objets D’art

    • 優惠價: 1812

    Catalogue et Description des Objets d’Art is a catalogue of the art objects at the Museum of Thermes and the Hotel de...... more

    Mémoires et Documents

    Mémoires et Documents

    • 優惠價: 2142

    Cette publication de la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Genève contient une collection riche en documents...... more

    Production Grinding

    Production Grinding

    • 優惠價: 1812

    This book is a comprehensive guide to the art and science of production grinding. It covers everythi... more

    Lettres Persanes

    Lettres Persanes

    • 優惠價: 2197

    This classic French novel, written by Montesquieu and first published in 1721, is a satirical critiq... more

    Channel Bridge; Volume 1

    Channel Bridge; Volume 1

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This book is an engineering marvel, outlining the history of the construction of a bridge between Fr... more

    Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie

    Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie

    • 優惠價: 1922

    This bulletin from the Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie covers various aspects of mineralogy and...... more

    Mémoires de L’Académie Des Sciences, Arts Et Belles-Lettres de Dijon

    Mémoires de L’Académie Des Sciences, Arts Et Belles-Lettres de Dijon

    • 優惠價: 2197

    collection of memoirs by the Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Dijon. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries...... more

    Mémoires de la Société de L’Histoire de Paris et de L’Ile-de-France, Tome XXXII

    Mémoires de la Société de L’Histoire de Paris et de L’Ile-de-France, Tome XXXII

    • 優惠價: 1922

    Mémoires de La Société de L’Histoire de Paris et de L’Ile-de-France, Tome XXXIV is the 34th volume of the memoirs of...... more

    List of Patterns: Belonging to the South Boston Iron Company

    List of Patterns: Belonging to the South Boston Iron Company

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This fascinating book provides a comprehensive overview of the pattern collection of the South Bosto... more

    County Government and County Affairs in North Carolina

    County Government and County Affairs in North Carolina

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This book is a comprehensive study of county government and county affairs in North Carolina. The bo... more

    The Religious Aspects of the Age

    The Religious Aspects of the Age

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This fascinating collection of essays on the religious aspects of the age offers a snapshot of the i... more

    The Admiralty Jurisdiction In America

    The Admiralty Jurisdiction In America

    • 優惠價: 987

    to the present day, Theodore M. Etting traces the history, development, and application of this crucial legal concept...... more

    Queen Of The Sciences

    Queen Of The Sciences

    • 優惠價: 987

    historian of mathematics E.T. Bell. From ancient Greece to modern day, Bell explores the important discoveries and influential...... more

    The Calculus Of ObservationsA Treatise On Numerical Mahematics

    The Calculus Of ObservationsA Treatise On Numerical Mahematics

    • 優惠價: 1427

    This classic textbook provides an in-depth view into the calculus of observations and numerical math... more

    Production Grinding

    Production Grinding

    • 優惠價: 1152

    This book is a comprehensive guide to the art and science of production grinding. It covers everythi... more

    Mémoires de la Société de L’Histoire de Paris et de L’Ile-de-France, Tome XXXII

    Mémoires de la Société de L’Histoire de Paris et de L’Ile-de-France, Tome XXXII

    • 優惠價: 1317

    Mémoires de La Société de L’Histoire de Paris et de L’Ile-de-France, Tome XXXIV is the 34th volume of the memoirs of...... more

    Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie

    Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie

    • 優惠價: 1317

    This bulletin from the Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie covers various aspects of mineralogy and...... more

    Mémoires de L’Académie Des Sciences, Arts Et Belles-Lettres de Dijon

    Mémoires de L’Académie Des Sciences, Arts Et Belles-Lettres de Dijon

    • 優惠價: 1482

    collection of memoirs by the Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Dijon. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries...... more

    County Government and County Affairs in North Carolina

    County Government and County Affairs in North Carolina

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This book is a comprehensive study of county government and county affairs in North Carolina. The bo... more

    List of Patterns: Belonging to the South Boston Iron Company

    List of Patterns: Belonging to the South Boston Iron Company

    • 優惠價: 877

    This fascinating book provides a comprehensive overview of the pattern collection of the South Bosto... more

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