
    您輸入的關鍵字: Fu


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    • 優惠價: 79 折, 355

    第一本以「台灣豬」為主題的美食書 也是最重要小吃文化的指南 ★從北到南,道地台式小吃 ★隱身巷弄的排隊美食 ★內行推爆好吃的隱藏部位 ★開啟五花八門的黑白切多元宇宙 台灣豬有多好,嚐嚐黑... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 314

    為什麼他們不出國留學、不花錢補習, 竟然也能寫出像母語人士一樣好的英文文章? 全球61億人都在用的英文寫作技巧大公開! 只要活用傅友良Glory老師的 英文寫作4步驟: 「閱讀短文」、 「看圖寫句子... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    12萬粉絲敲碗,「星期一的布魯斯」首次書籍化! 完整呈現讓上班族200%共鳴的每個瞬間。 \一次擁有!加碼贈送4款經典Q版角色立牌/ 精選富有手感的維納斯象牙紙印製而成(12 X17 cm)... more



    • 優惠價: 66 折, 231

    的是賺到快樂、賺到自由。──若水學院創辦人 威廉 全台灣很多網路行銷界的老師中,真正讓我佩服與推薦的就是Terry Fu 老師了!大家都知道,我只跟行業第一以及世界第一合作! Terry老師就是網路行銷界的第一!──創富夢工場 創辦人 杜云...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    人不是會賺錢而已, 還要會理財傳富, 傳承大師胡瑞志Jay Fu教你富貴傳承百年的獨家祕訣。 ───|強力推薦|─── ◎ALLIANZ馬來西亞營運執行長 王賓賢 ◎NPG集團創始人 彭建偉 ◎Big Bath創始人與Vimigo...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    全身上下沾滿了黏液♥好色濕度120%!!!! 過膝襪、條紋內褲、史庫水、制服etc、 執著於半裸密著H、濕身高潮作家fu-ta性癖全開的首部中文單行本!!! 對學生進行性教育輔導♥♥♥搞到車子裡整個濺濕了♥♥♥ 穿著死庫水...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 434

    國際占星研究院創辦人 魯道夫|香港占星天后 JUPITER|專業占星師 CICI —權威協力著作— ★英國占星學院重要研究主題★ ★華文首部詳解三項高階占星技巧的專業學習用書★ ★全新篇幅近二分之一,... more

    台灣豬,黑白切――日以繼夜的庶民美食 (電子書)

    台灣豬,黑白切――日以繼夜的庶民美食 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 277

    第一本以「台灣豬」為主題的美食書 也是最重要小吃文化的指南 ★從北到南,道地台式小吃 ★隱身巷弄的排隊美食 ★內行推爆好吃的隱藏部位 ★開啟五花八門的黑白切多元宇宙 台灣豬有多好,嚐嚐黑... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 324

    Fucking Perfect! Bitch! 學新語言,從髒話學起最快! 但只會罵那一兩句就遜掉了! 讀完這本,保證擴充髒話英文的Database! 罵髒話,有學問! 罵得好,人顯得修養高;... more

    Fate/Grand Order漫畫精選集 (6)

    Fate/Grand Order漫畫精選集 (6)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    、 NEGI、Mepo、市倉とかげ、 日森よしの、オヤジ草、 ヰノ上まもり、無望菜志、 fu-ta、君と子音、もみお、 くりから、紅シャケ、 いづみやおとは、煮汁。 本書特色 ★官方短篇漫畫集,人氣爆發的第六彈...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    12萬粉絲敲碗,「星期一的布魯斯」首次書籍化! 完整呈現讓上班族200%共鳴的每個瞬間。 ✦【彩蛋放送】布魯斯的幕後日常&新角色初登場 每分每秒都只想趕快下班的你、 能力好又有幹勁的新人後... more

    高階占星技巧(全新增訂大開本):中點技巧、組合盤、移民占星學 (電子書)

    高階占星技巧(全新增訂大開本):中點技巧、組合盤、移民占星學 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 385

    國際占星研究院創辦人 魯道夫|香港占星天后 JUPITER|專業占星師 CICI —權威協力著作— ★英國占星學院重要研究主題★ ★華文首部詳解三項高階占星技巧的專業學習用書★ ★全新篇幅近二分之一,... more

    東亞的人口高齡化問題:21世紀的挑戰與政策發展 第一版 2012年

    東亞的人口高齡化問題:21世紀的挑戰與政策發展 第一版 2012年

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 285

    本書特色 探討的是目前最受各國關注的人口高齡化問題,書中介紹東亞各國人口高齡化的趨勢與原因、分析高齡社會對各國造成的衝擊與影響、並比較各國的政策回應與挑戰。 本書除了理論層面的專章討論外,也涵... more

    傳承道:揭開成為世界首富家族的祕密 (電子書)

    傳承道:揭開成為世界首富家族的祕密 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 231

    人不是會賺錢而已, 還要會理財傳富, 傳承大師胡瑞志Jay Fu教你富貴傳承百年的獨家祕訣。 ───|強力推薦|─── ◎ALLIANZ馬來西亞營運執行長 王賓賢 ◎NPG集團創始人 彭建偉 ◎Big Bath創始人與Vimigo...... more

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.104 (電子書)

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.104 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 211

    讓被秋風吹彿冷靜下來的雙腿中間再度溫暖起來的COMIC巴別塔104期發售!封面是巴別塔自豪的絕對搾精王者・朝峰テル所描繪,可以偷看到乳頭的惡作劇JK♪跟這個愛捉弄人的辣妹連動漫畫《營造回憶大作戰!!》... more

    前進中文:中級課程1(簡體版)(可下載雲端MP3) (電子書)

    前進中文:中級課程1(簡體版)(可下載雲端MP3) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 540

    ​ ˙The learning goals that center on the thematic units are set in accordance with the language prof... more

    The Wild Orchids of TAIWAN (An Illustrated Guide)

    The Wild Orchids of TAIWAN (An Illustrated Guide)

    • 優惠價: 3600

    台灣島上蘭花品種豐富多樣,有許多品種是台灣特有的,也有許多品種鄰近其他國家也有。本書記錄描述迄2012年底台灣所有原生蘭花428種,並附照片插圖;內容涵蓋這些蘭花的發現史、島上蘭花的起源、基本形態學、... more

    Linguistic Aspects of Taiwanese Southern Min

    Linguistic Aspects of Taiwanese Southern Min

    • 優惠價: 420

    From the academic perspective, Southern Min is one of the Chinese Language families, a dialect. Spec... more

    Global Encounters: Cross-cultural Representations of Taiwan

    Global Encounters: Cross-cultural Representations of Taiwan

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 360

    Taiwan’s status as an island surrounded by powerful nation states has forced upon it a history of pe... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 190

    台灣(虫春)象昆蟲誌Ⅰ,記錄星(虫春)總科8屬16種,並提供科級、屬級與種級檢索表、每一種特徵描述與繪圖、分布、基本生物學、與彩色圖版。... more

    出社會第N年,今天也是為五斗米折腰的一天 (電子書)

    出社會第N年,今天也是為五斗米折腰的一天 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 300

    12萬粉絲敲碗,「星期一的布魯斯」首次書籍化! 完整呈現讓上班族200%共鳴的每個瞬間。 ✦【彩蛋放送】布魯斯的幕後日常&新角色初登場 每分每秒都只想趕快下班的你、 能力好又有幹勁的新人後... more

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.107 (電子書)

    COMIC 巴別塔 Vol.107 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 211

    超級巨乳偶像登上封面!!充滿愛意女主角們大集結的COMIC巴別塔107期!封面是神乳豔肌・しおこんぶ繪製的超絕治癒巨乳美少女,一定可以貫穿粉絲們心臟的悶騷偶像☆... more

    《朝歌》: The Song of The Dynasty

    《朝歌》: The Song of The Dynasty

    • 優惠價: 1375
    Innovation Under the Radar: The Nature and Sources of Innovation in Africa

    Innovation Under the Radar: The Nature and Sources of Innovation in Africa

    • 優惠價: 2099
    Diffusionics: Diffusion Process Controlled by Diffusion Metamaterials

    Diffusionics: Diffusion Process Controlled by Diffusion Metamaterials

    • 優惠價: 3599
    AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

    AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

    • 優惠價: 410

    includes a new foreword by Kai-Fu Lee. A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Financial Times...... more

    Transfiguration of Chinese Christianity: Localization and Globalization

    Transfiguration of Chinese Christianity: Localization and Globalization

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 304

    Since Christianity was re-introduced to China in the early nineteenth century, Chinese Christianity ... more

    Famous Names in Surgery and Orthopaedics Volume II

    Famous Names in Surgery and Orthopaedics Volume II

    • 優惠價: 7140

    Since 1800, more progress has been made than in the preceding 3,000 years. This is largely attribute... more

    Dynamic Optimization of Path-Constrained Switched Systems

    Dynamic Optimization of Path-Constrained Switched Systems

    • 優惠價: 9599
    Tao Te Ching

    Tao Te Ching

    • 優惠價: 608

    version almost as suggestive of the many meanings intended." --Alan Watts For nearly two generations, Gia-fu Feng and Jane...... more

    Carbon Storage, Distribution and Its Controlling Factors in Zhejiang

    Carbon Storage, Distribution and Its Controlling Factors in Zhejiang

    • 優惠價: 6360

    Spatial pattern information of carbon (C) density and storage in forest ecosystems plays an importan... more

    Tunnel Engineering

    Tunnel Engineering

    • 優惠價: 5940

    This book provides comprehensive information for the readers to fully understand the principles and ... more

    The Unbeatable Bruce Lee (Kung-Fu Monthly Archive Series) 2023 Re-issue

    The Unbeatable Bruce Lee (Kung-Fu Monthly Archive Series) 2023 Re-issue

    • 優惠價: 1209

    Kung-Fu Monthly Archive Series, in co-operation with Dennis Publishing. This revised edition of The Unbeatable Bruce Lee also...... more

    Bruce Lee in Action (Kung-Fu Monthly Archive Series) 2023 Re-issue

    Bruce Lee in Action (Kung-Fu Monthly Archive Series) 2023 Re-issue

    • 優惠價: 1209

    With Bruce Lee in Action, Kung-Fu Monthly have compiled another fine addition to their library of Bruce Lee...... more

    Communications and Transportation

    Communications and Transportation

    • 優惠價: 1898

    This book tracks the various forms of transportation used in China, going back thousands of years to... more

    The Imperfectly Perfect Painting

    The Imperfectly Perfect Painting

    • 優惠價: 1374

    Valerie is a squirrel who loves painting. She also loves being perfect. But one day, something unexp... more

    The Imperfectly Perfect Painting

    The Imperfectly Perfect Painting

    • 優惠價: 549

    Valerie is a squirrel who loves painting. She also loves being perfect. But one day, something unexp... more

    Synchronization Control of Markovian Complex Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays

    Synchronization Control of Markovian Complex Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays

    • 優惠價: 7799
    Adventure of Miles

    Adventure of Miles

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Discover Canada from A to Z in this captivating and educational children’s book based on Miles’ adve... more

    Temp Gig Econ Workers China and Japan

    Temp Gig Econ Workers China and Japan

    • 外文書 , Fu , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-10-06
    • 優惠價: 6600

    While a large number of studies exist on political-economic institutional explanations for the preva... more

    Influenza Virus: The Inevitable Enemy

    Influenza Virus: The Inevitable Enemy

    • 優惠價: 5280

    This book will guide readers through the history of the flu. In ten chapters, it explains Influenza ... more

    How Dare They: When Six Audacious Leaders Had The Gall To Succeed

    How Dare They: When Six Audacious Leaders Had The Gall To Succeed

    • 優惠價: 722

    the tide, but have the audacity to end up fortunate and triumphant? What happens is the creation of this book. Join Fu-...... more

    Air Quality

    Air Quality

    • 優惠價: 2529

    The sixth edition of a bestseller, Air Quality provides students with a comprehensive overview of ai... more

    The Perturbed Self: Gender and History in Late Nineteenth-Century Ghost Stories in China and Britain

    The Perturbed Self: Gender and History in Late Nineteenth-Century Ghost Stories in China and Britain

    • 優惠價: 2199

    By comparison of late nineteenth-century ghost stories between China and Britain, this monograph tra... more

    China’s Long and Winding Road to Modernization: Uncertainty, Learning, and Policy Change

    China’s Long and Winding Road to Modernization: Uncertainty, Learning, and Policy Change

    • 優惠價: 6600

    This book adopts Austrian and evolutionary approaches to interpret contemporary China’s economic tra... more

    Formation and Crust-Mantle Geodynamic Processes of the Neoarchean K-Rich Granitoid Belt in the Southern Range of Eastern Hebei-Western Liaoning Provin

    Formation and Crust-Mantle Geodynamic Processes of the Neoarchean K-Rich Granitoid Belt in the Southern Range of Eastern Hebei-Western Liaoning Provin

    • 優惠價: 10199

    Meso- to Neoarchean is a critical transitional period for the formation and evolution of continental... more

    AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order

    AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order

    • 優惠價: 760

    THE NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, AND WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER "Kai-Fu Lee believes China will be the next...... more

    Multiperiod Securities Markets With Differential Information: Martingales and Resolution Times

    Multiperiod Securities Markets With Differential Information: Martingales and Resolution Times

    • 優惠價: 1482

    A rigorous examination of the role of information and martingales in multiperiod securities trading,... more

    Commercial Press new English Readers

    Commercial Press new English Readers

    • 優惠價: 1867

    This series of English language learning books is designed to help Chinese students improve their re... more

    The Wu Shih Shan Trial. Rpeort of the Case of Chow Chang Kung, Lin King Ching, Loo King Fah, Sat Keok Min, Directors of the Taou Shan Kwan Temple, at

    The Wu Shih Shan Trial. Rpeort of the Case of Chow Chang Kung, Lin King Ching, Loo King Fah, Sat Keok Min, Directors of the Taou Shan Kwan Temple, at

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This report provides an account of a legal case that took place in China in the early 20th century b... more

    Testing of Repulsion Induction Motor

    Testing of Repulsion Induction Motor

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This book provides a comprehensive guide to testing repulsion induction motors. With detailed explan... more

    Gems of Chinese Verse

    Gems of Chinese Verse

    • 優惠價: 1867

    Enter the world of classical Chinese poetry with this beautiful collection of translations by W. J. ... more

    Gems of Chinese Verse

    Gems of Chinese Verse

    • 優惠價: 1262

    Enter the world of classical Chinese poetry with this beautiful collection of translations by W. J. ... more

    Colección de Libros Españoles Raros ó Curiosos

    Colección de Libros Españoles Raros ó Curiosos

    • 優惠價: 1867

    This multi-volume collection of rare and curious Spanish books was compiled in the late 19th century... more

    Multiperiod Securities Markets With Differential Information: Martingales and Resolution Times

    Multiperiod Securities Markets With Differential Information: Martingales and Resolution Times

    • 優惠價: 767

    A rigorous examination of the role of information and martingales in multiperiod securities trading,... more

    Commercial Press new English Readers

    Commercial Press new English Readers

    • 優惠價: 1262

    This series of English language learning books is designed to help Chinese students improve their re... more

    The Wu Shih Shan Trial. Rpeort of the Case of Chow Chang Kung, Lin King Ching, Loo King Fah, Sat Keok Min, Directors of the Taou Shan Kwan Temple, at

    The Wu Shih Shan Trial. Rpeort of the Case of Chow Chang Kung, Lin King Ching, Loo King Fah, Sat Keok Min, Directors of the Taou Shan Kwan Temple, at

    • 優惠價: 877

    This report provides an account of a legal case that took place in China in the early 20th century b... more

    Testing of Repulsion Induction Motor

    Testing of Repulsion Induction Motor

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This book provides a comprehensive guide to testing repulsion induction motors. With detailed explan... more

    Colección de Libros Españoles Raros ó Curiosos

    Colección de Libros Españoles Raros ó Curiosos

    • 優惠價: 1262

    This multi-volume collection of rare and curious Spanish books was compiled in the late 19th century... more

    Protect What’s Yours

    Protect What’s Yours

    • 優惠價: 1260

    Protect What’s Yours tells a story of just how real the things cold really get in the inner cities a... more

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