
    您輸入的關鍵字: Kordela


    搜尋結果共 14 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    Epistemontology in Spinoza-Marx-Freud-Lacan: The (Bio)Power of Structure

    Epistemontology in Spinoza-Marx-Freud-Lacan: The (Bio)Power of Structure

    • 優惠價: 3597

    Kordela steps beyond extant commentaries on Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism to show that in capitalism value is...... more

    Spinoza’s Authority Volume I: Resistance and Power in Ethics

    Spinoza’s Authority Volume I: Resistance and Power in Ethics

    • 優惠價: 2817

    Spinoza’s political thought has been subject to a significant revival of interest in recent years. A... more

    Spinoza’s Authority Volume II: Resistance and Power in the Political Treatises

    Spinoza’s Authority Volume II: Resistance and Power in the Political Treatises

    • 優惠價: 2817

    Spinoza’s political thought has been subject to a significant revival of interest in recent years. A... more

    Spinoza’s Authority Volume II: Resistance and Power in the Political Treatises

    Spinoza’s Authority Volume II: Resistance and Power in the Political Treatises

    • 優惠價: 9600

    Spinoza’s political thought has been subject to a significant revival of interest in recent years. A... more

    Spinoza’s Authority Volume I: Resistance and Power in Ethics

    Spinoza’s Authority Volume I: Resistance and Power in Ethics

    • 優惠價: 9600

    Spinoza’s political thought has been subject to a significant revival of interest in recent years. A... more

    Epistemontology in Spinoza-Marx-Freud-Lacan: The (Bio)Power of Structure

    Epistemontology in Spinoza-Marx-Freud-Lacan: The (Bio)Power of Structure

    • 優惠價: 7150

    A. Kiarina Kordela steps beyond extant commentaries on Marx s theory of commodity fetishism--from A. Sohn-Rethel to L...... more

    Freedom and Confinement in Modernity: Kafka’s Cages

    Freedom and Confinement in Modernity: Kafka’s Cages

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Kafka’s literary universe is organized around constellations of imprisonment. Freedom and Confinemen... more

    Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty

    Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty

    • 優惠價: 10200

    "The book provides a comprehensive guide to financing regions towards sustainability in the midst of... more

    Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty

    Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty

    • 優惠價: 13500
    Freedom and Confinement in Modernity: Kafka’’s Cages

    Freedom and Confinement in Modernity: Kafka’’s Cages

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Kafka’s literary universe is organized around constellations of imprisonment. Freedom and Confinemen... more

    Being, Time, Bios: Capitalism and Ontology

    Being, Time, Bios: Capitalism and Ontology

    • 優惠價: 2097

    A. Kiarina Kordela is Professor of German and Director of the Critical Theory Program at Macalester College and...... more

    Being, Time, Bios: Capitalism and Ontology

    Being, Time, Bios: Capitalism and Ontology

    • 優惠價: 5700

    psychoanalysis have remained isolated from and even opposed to one another. In Being, Time, Bios, A. Kiarina Kordela aims to overcome...... more

    Surplus: Spinoza, Lacan

    Surplus: Spinoza, Lacan

    • 優惠價: 2097

    A. Kiarina Kordela is Associate Professor of German Studies at Macalester College....... more

    Surplus: Spinoza, Lacan

    Surplus: Spinoza, Lacan

    • 優惠價: 5700

    . Kiarina Kordela argues that both sides ignore the inherent contradictions in Spinoza s work, and that Lacan s reading of...... more



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