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    25.kimi醬_張雅涵寫真 【1】 (電子書)

    25.kimi醬_張雅涵寫真 【1】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 299

    台灣正妹張雅涵Kimi資料別 名:羽恩生 日:1995-05-31星 座:雙子座血 型:O身 高:152體 重:43 KG三 圍:B32(C) W23 H34 出生台灣新北市 職業:模特 興趣:唱歌張... more

    25.kimi醬_張雅涵寫真 【2】 (電子書)

    25.kimi醬_張雅涵寫真 【2】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 299

    台灣正妹張雅涵Kimi資料別 名:羽恩生 日:1995-05-31星 座:雙子座血 型:O身 高:152體 重:43 KG三 圍:B32(C) W23 H34 出生台灣新北市 職業:模特 興趣:唱歌張... more

    幼兒園老師麻糬- 全裸寫真 【1】 (電子書)

    幼兒園老師麻糬- 全裸寫真 【1】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 280

    這本書終於在大家的努力下順利的完成了,是我人生中第一本寫真書,拍攝前真的超擔心能不能很順利的完成拍攝,真的是既緊張又期待的心情,一直告訴自己只許成功不許失敗,不過到了拍攝當天那種緊張的感覺突然就消失了... more

    幼兒園老師麻糬- 全裸寫真 【3】 (電子書)

    幼兒園老師麻糬- 全裸寫真 【3】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 280

    這本書終於在大家的努力下順利的完成了,是我人生中第一本寫真書,拍攝前真的超擔心能不能很順利的完成拍攝,真的是既緊張又期待的心情,一直告訴自己只許成功不許失敗,不過到了拍攝當天那種緊張的感覺突然就消失了... more

    24個Kimi_張雅涵寫真-你的女朋友 【1】 (電子書)

    24個Kimi_張雅涵寫真-你的女朋友 【1】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 250

    24歲女星張雅涵(Kimi)因先前在PTT表特版出現一則「盜帳號者最愛的女孩」受熱議,被戲稱為「盜帳號女神」,因外型甜美身材比例佳,成為人氣網路美女,近期她推出個人第5本《24個Kimi》正規寫真集,... more

    24個Kimi_張雅涵寫真-你的女朋友 【3】 (電子書)

    24個Kimi_張雅涵寫真-你的女朋友 【3】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 250

    24歲女星張雅涵(Kimi)因先前在PTT表特版出現一則「盜帳號者最愛的女孩」受熱議,被戲稱為「盜帳號女神」,因外型甜美身材比例佳,成為人氣網路美女,近期她推出個人第5本《24個Kimi》正規寫真集,... more

    幼兒園老師麻糬- 全裸寫真 【2】 (電子書)

    幼兒園老師麻糬- 全裸寫真 【2】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 280

    這本書終於在大家的努力下順利的完成了,是我人生中第一本寫真書,拍攝前真的超擔心能不能很順利的完成拍攝,真的是既緊張又期待的心情,一直告訴自己只許成功不許失敗,不過到了拍攝當天那種緊張的感覺突然就消失了... more

    小女友Mila - 全裸私密寫真 【1】 (電子書)

    小女友Mila - 全裸私密寫真 【1】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    有著長腿女神封號的Mila,一雙圓圓大眼配上甜美可愛的笑容,同時也擁有火辣辣的身材,甚至還被稱作「真人版娜美」。經常舉辦大小團拍以及創作拍攝,大方不做作的個性也成功擄獲不少咪粉!全身散發著青春的氣息,... more

    24個Kimi_張雅涵寫真-你的女朋友 【2】 (電子書)

    24個Kimi_張雅涵寫真-你的女朋友 【2】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 250

    24歲女星張雅涵(Kimi)因先前在PTT表特版出現一則「盜帳號者最愛的女孩」受熱議,被戲稱為「盜帳號女神」,因外型甜美身材比例佳,成為人氣網路美女,近期她推出個人第5本《24個Kimi》正規寫真集,... more

    小女友Mila - 全裸私密寫真 【2】 (電子書)

    小女友Mila - 全裸私密寫真 【2】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    有著長腿女神封號的Mila,一雙圓圓大眼配上甜美可愛的笑容,同時也擁有火辣辣的身材,甚至還被稱作「真人版娜美」。經常舉辦大小團拍以及創作拍攝,大方不做作的個性也成功擄獲不少咪粉!全身散發著青春的氣息,... more

    小女友Mila - 全裸私密寫真 【3】 (電子書)

    小女友Mila - 全裸私密寫真 【3】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    有著長腿女神封號的Mila,一雙圓圓大眼配上甜美可愛的笑容,同時也擁有火辣辣的身材,甚至還被稱作「真人版娜美」。經常舉辦大小團拍以及創作拍攝,大方不做作的個性也成功擄獲不少咪粉!全身散發著青春的氣息,... more

    淇待戀愛-巨乳版 (電子書)

    淇待戀愛-巨乳版 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    在興趣與工作之間取得一個平衡是我得克服的問題~而這本寫真真的非常值得收藏,他是我青春年少的記錄更是我人生首次突破的大尺度寫真!總之謝謝看完這些廢話的你們,絕對物超所值的寶淇等你來收藏~~粉絲專頁:Miao喵PhotographyIG:lyna...... more

    艾森耍壞壞-惡魔版 (電子書)

    艾森耍壞壞-惡魔版 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    個人簡歷: 從國中時期我就是一個愛打工的女孩(strong arm) 喜歡學習各項技能 喜歡吸取人生經驗值 對於那時候的我來說 學業工作兼顧雖然非常充實 但其實也真的需要耗費掉很多的精力 雖然做過美髮... more

    黃鈺文【私密又又班】-最大尺度萌系惡魔寫真 (電子書)

    黃鈺文【私密又又班】-最大尺度萌系惡魔寫真 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 299

    歡迎你加入又又班,認識這個永遠保持純潔女孩心靈,有些孩子氣,同時又有女人成熟獨立性格的我。又又班是很單純可愛的,但“私密”又又班裡,除了可愛,還有什麼呢?看了就知道囉... more

    淇待戀愛-美尻版 (電子書)

    淇待戀愛-美尻版 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    在興趣與工作之間取得一個平衡是我得克服的問題~而這本寫真真的非常值得收藏,他是我青春年少的記錄更是我人生首次突破的大尺度寫真!總之謝謝看完這些廢話的你們,絕對物超所值的寶淇等你來收藏~~粉絲專頁:Miao喵PhotographyIG:lyna...... more

    Mila迷路到你家-上 (電子書)

    Mila迷路到你家-上 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    嗨~翻開第一頁的你們有沒有跟我一樣期待呢~這是我的第一本電子寫真書,記錄著很不一樣的自己!裡面要呈現給大家的不只是性感的照片,更是Mila生活中每一分秒的樣貌。紀錄著我23歲最青春的靈魂、最活潑的日常... more

    Mila迷路到你家-下 (電子書)

    Mila迷路到你家-下 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    嗨~翻開第一頁的你們有沒有跟我一樣期待呢~這是我的第一本電子寫真書,記錄著很不一樣的自己!裡面要呈現給大家的不只是性感的照片,更是Mila生活中每一分秒的樣貌。紀錄著我23歲最青春的靈魂、最活潑的日常... more

    Mila迷路到你家-中 (電子書)

    Mila迷路到你家-中 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    嗨~翻開第一頁的你們有沒有跟我一樣期待呢~這是我的第一本電子寫真書,記錄著很不一樣的自己!裡面要呈現給大家的不只是性感的照片,更是Mila生活中每一分秒的樣貌。紀錄著我23歲最青春的靈魂、最活潑的日常... more

    F巨乳 唯獨是你 孫唯真大尺度寫真 (電子書)

    F巨乳 唯獨是你 孫唯真大尺度寫真 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 299

    F巨乳 唯獨是你 孫唯真大尺度寫真 素顏無胸貼上鏡,內衣薄紗10種造型一次蒐集 淋浴洗澡/居家生活/床上翻滾 超可愛~最私密~超性感~ 大膽粉嫩點點若隱若現 不怕你放大再放大 只怕你太害羞 現在就等你... more

    艾森耍壞壞-天使版 (電子書)

    艾森耍壞壞-天使版 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    個人簡歷: 從國中時期我就是一個愛打工的女孩(strong arm) 喜歡學習各項技能 喜歡吸取人生經驗值 對於那時候的我來說 學業工作兼顧雖然非常充實 但其實也真的需要耗費掉很多的精力 雖然做過美髮... more

    吉寶_危險視角寫真書【A】 (電子書)

    吉寶_危險視角寫真書【A】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 250

    「吉寶」— 目前擔任模特兒、直播主的JKF 女郎,擁有甜美長相和魔鬼身材,給人呈現出一種反差萌感。平時的休閒興趣是喜歡烘焙做甜點,和待在家看漫畫和玩遊戲~個性活潑開朗,讓人相處起來沒有負擔。最喜歡的一... more

    中英人間佛教詞彙選(The Glossary of HUMANISTIC BUDDHISM) (電子書)

    中英人間佛教詞彙選(The Glossary of HUMANISTIC BUDDHISM) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 175

    The Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order and Buddha’s Light International Association founded by Venerable M... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 190

    台灣(虫春)象昆蟲誌Ⅰ,記錄星(虫春)總科8屬16種,並提供科級、屬級與種級檢索表、每一種特徵描述與繪圖、分布、基本生物學、與彩色圖版。... more

    Modeling and Stability Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources

    Modeling and Stability Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources

    • 優惠價: 8525

    Renewable energy sources interface with the ac grids via inverters and are termed inverter-based res... more

    The Immortal Jellyfish

    The Immortal Jellyfish

    • 優惠價: 682

    . From the Chinese illustrator, Sang Miao, whose Out Out Away from Here was praised as "superb" by the New York Times, this...... more

    Grammatical Differences and Simultaneous Interpreting: An Empirical Approach

    Grammatical Differences and Simultaneous Interpreting: An Empirical Approach

    • 優惠價: 5697

    The book investigates the impact of grammatical differences on English-Mandarin Chinese simultaneous... more

    Master Mathematics Teachers: Educational and Professional Excellence in Chinese Primary Schools

    Master Mathematics Teachers: Educational and Professional Excellence in Chinese Primary Schools

    • 優惠價: 7425

    This practical guide invites teachers to take a journey towards masterly mathematics teaching using ... more

    Master Mathematics Teachers: Educational and Professional Excellence in Chinese Primary Schools

    Master Mathematics Teachers: Educational and Professional Excellence in Chinese Primary Schools

    • 優惠價: 1979

    This practical guide invites teachers to take a journey towards masterly mathematics teaching using ... more

    The Sentimental in Chinese Cinema

    The Sentimental in Chinese Cinema

    • 優惠價: 7199

    This book explores manifestations and perpetuations of the sentimental in Mainland Chinese cinema fr... more

    It’s a RHAP, Cat: : An Ellie & Co Book

    It’s a RHAP, Cat: : An Ellie & Co Book

    • 優惠價: 769

    "When twelve-year-old Cat discovers her look-alike in a portrait by Raphael, she can’t wait to resea... more

    Innovative and Sharing Community

    Innovative and Sharing Community

    • 優惠價: 3025

    Some communities in Shanghai have experienced challenges in community governance after relocation. I... more

    Wei to Go!: : An Ellie & Co Book

    Wei to Go!: : An Ellie & Co Book

    • 優惠價: 769
    The Sentimental in Chinese Cinema

    The Sentimental in Chinese Cinema

    • 優惠價: 7199

    This book explores manifestations and perpetuations of the sentimental in Mainland Chinese cinema fr... more

    Spacecraft Thermal Control Technologies

    Spacecraft Thermal Control Technologies

    • 優惠價: 14999

    This book presents fundamental theories, design and testing methodologies, and engineering applicati... more

    The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises: Trends and Characteristics

    The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises: Trends and Characteristics

    • 優惠價: 6599

    Chapter 1 Current trends and features of outbound investment worldwide.- Chapter 2 Current Trends an... more

    The Belt and Road Initiative as Epochal Regionalisation

    The Belt and Road Initiative as Epochal Regionalisation

    • 優惠價: 1924
    Opnet Iot Simulation

    Opnet Iot Simulation

    • 優惠價: 3299
    Spacecraft Thermal Control Technologies

    Spacecraft Thermal Control Technologies

    • 優惠價: 14999

    This book presents fundamental theories, design and testing methodologies, and engineering applicati... more

    China’’s Domestic and International Migration Development

    China’’s Domestic and International Migration Development

    • 優惠價: 3299
    The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises: Trends and Characteristics

    The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises: Trends and Characteristics

    • 優惠價: 6599

    Chapter 1 Current trends and features of outbound investment worldwide.- Chapter 2 Current Trends an... more

    Acupuncture and Cellular Molecular Biology: The Theoretical Basis of Chinese Medicine

    Acupuncture and Cellular Molecular Biology: The Theoretical Basis of Chinese Medicine

    • 優惠價: 1920
    Opnet Iot Simulation

    Opnet Iot Simulation

    • 優惠價: 3299
    Big Data Privacy Preservation for Cyber-Physical Systems

    Big Data Privacy Preservation for Cyber-Physical Systems

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This SpringerBrief mainly focuses on effective big data analytics for CPS, and addresses the privacy... more

    China’s Domestic and International Migration Development

    China’s Domestic and International Migration Development

    • 優惠價: 3299
    Metallogenic Mechanism of the Galinge Polymetallic Iron Skarn Deposit, Qiman Tagh Mountains, Qinghai Province

    Metallogenic Mechanism of the Galinge Polymetallic Iron Skarn Deposit, Qiman Tagh Mountains, Qinghai Province

    • 優惠價: 6599
    Conformal Geometry: Computational Algorithms and Engineering Applications

    Conformal Geometry: Computational Algorithms and Engineering Applications

    • 優惠價: 8399

    Provides an essential overview of computational conformal geometry applied to engineering fields Exp... more

    The Effectiveness of Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools: Lessons from England and China

    The Effectiveness of Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools: Lessons from England and China

    • 優惠價: 3417

    classroom, Miao and Reynolds offer insights into how and why different approaches of teaching have led to different learning...... more

    International Migration of China: Status, Policy and Social Responses to the Globalization of Migration

    International Migration of China: Status, Policy and Social Responses to the Globalization of Migration

    • 優惠價: 7199

    This book provides a systemic and detailed monographic study of Chinese outbound migration. It not o... more

    Transformation of Chinese Newspaper Companies: Management, Production and Administration

    Transformation of Chinese Newspaper Companies: Management, Production and Administration

    • 優惠價: 7975

    This book focuses on the transformation of Chinese newspaper companies in aspects of managerial stra... more

    Hazard Analysis of Seismic Soil Liquefaction

    Hazard Analysis of Seismic Soil Liquefaction

    • 優惠價: 7199

    This book presents comprehensive hazard analysis methods for seismic soil liquefaction, providing an... more

    Dynamic Grasp Adaptation

    Dynamic Grasp Adaptation

    • 優惠價: 3677
    Big Data: 6th CCF Conference, Big Data 2018, Xi’an, China, October 11-13, 2018 Proceedings

    Big Data: 6th CCF Conference, Big Data 2018, Xi’an, China, October 11-13, 2018 Proceedings

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 6th CCF Conference, Big Data 2018, held in Xi’an, Chi... more

    Query Processing over Incomplete Databases

    Query Processing over Incomplete Databases

    • 優惠價: 3599

    Incomplete data is part of life and almost all areas of scientific studies. Users tend to skip certa... more

    Conformal Geometry: Computational Algorithms and Engineering Applications

    Conformal Geometry: Computational Algorithms and Engineering Applications

    • 優惠價: 8399

    Provides an essential overview of computational conformal geometry applied to engineering fields Exp... more

    Advanced Geoinformation Science

    Advanced Geoinformation Science

    • 優惠價: 5997

    Many of the challenges of the next century will have physical dimensions, such as tsunamis, hurrican... more

    International Migration of China: Status, Policy and Social Responses to the Globalization of Migration

    International Migration of China: Status, Policy and Social Responses to the Globalization of Migration

    • 優惠價: 7199

    This book provides a systemic and detailed monographic study of Chinese outbound migration. It not o... more

    The Effectiveness of Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools: Lessons from England and China

    The Effectiveness of Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools: Lessons from England and China

    • 優惠價: 7975
    Teacher Training and Professional Development of Chinese English Language Teachers: Changing from Fish to Dragon

    Teacher Training and Professional Development of Chinese English Language Teachers: Changing from Fish to Dragon

    • 優惠價: 2199

    This up-close look at Chinese ESL teachers documents undertakings at formal and informal levels to s... more

    Teacher Training and Professional Development of Chinese English Language Teachers: Changing from Fish to Dragon

    Teacher Training and Professional Development of Chinese English Language Teachers: Changing from Fish to Dragon

    • 優惠價: 6600

    This up-close look at Chinese ESL teachers documents undertakings at formal and informal levels to s... more

    Citizenship Education and Migrant Youth in China: Pathways to the Urban Underclass

    Citizenship Education and Migrant Youth in China: Pathways to the Urban Underclass

    • 優惠價: 3417

    In East Asian economies such as China, recent mass rural-urban migration has created a new urban und... more



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