
    您輸入的關鍵字: Pera


    搜尋結果共 69 筆, 頁數 1 / 2

    Disorders of the major salivary glands

    Disorders of the major salivary glands

    • 優惠價: 2640
    Big Data for Big Decisions: Building a Data-Driven Organization

    Big Data for Big Decisions: Building a Data-Driven Organization

    • 優惠價: 2364

    Building a data-driven organization (DDO) is an enterprise-wide initiative that may consume and lock... more

    A Bathroom Book for People Not Pooping or Peeing But Using the Bathroom as an Escape

    A Bathroom Book for People Not Pooping or Peeing But Using the Bathroom as an Escape

    • 優惠價: 608
    The Man Who Writes the Dreams

    The Man Who Writes the Dreams

    • 優惠價: 551
    Viaje a Norrköping: Lunar de media luna II

    Viaje a Norrköping: Lunar de media luna II

    • 優惠價: 526

    En esta ocasi n Eyra, la protagonista de Lunar de media luna , siente la necesidad de conocer m s a... more

    The Ambiguous Frog: The Galvani-volta Controversy on Animal Electricity

    The Ambiguous Frog: The Galvani-volta Controversy on Animal Electricity

    • 優惠價: 7200

    theories? In this pathbreaking book translated from the Italian, Marcello Pera addresses these questions by exploring the...... more

    Adult Adhd-Focused Couple Therapy: Clinical Interventions

    Adult Adhd-Focused Couple Therapy: Clinical Interventions

    • 優惠價: 6600

    are experts in their specialties, Pera and Robin provide the clinician with a step-by-step, nuts-and-bolts approach to...... more

    Adult Adhd-Focused Couple Therapy: Clinical Interventions

    Adult Adhd-Focused Couple Therapy: Clinical Interventions

    • 優惠價: 1979

    are experts in their specialties, Pera and Robin provide the clinician with a step-by-step, nuts-and-bolts approach to...... more

    The Ambiguous Frog: The Galvani-Volta Controversy on Animal Electricity

    The Ambiguous Frog: The Galvani-Volta Controversy on Animal Electricity

    • 優惠價: 2940

    theories? In this pathbreaking book translated from the Italian, Marcello Pera addresses these questions by exploring the...... more

    Medizinischer Wortschatz

    Medizinischer Wortschatz

    • 優惠價: 1064

    Die 2. Auflage des Taschenwörterbuchs erklärt kurz und knapp mehr als 2300 der wichtigsten medizinis... more

    Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam

    Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam

    • 優惠價: 684

    West; the very same day, Joseph Pera, President of the Italian Senate, spoke before the Lateran College of the Papal...... more

    Prostate And Cancer - the Book: I’ve Been Where You Are Going

    Prostate And Cancer - the Book: I’ve Been Where You Are Going

    • 優惠價: 875

    There will be nearly 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed this year in the United States. ... more

    The Reality of the Spiritual World: One Man’’s Journey Into and Out of The Abyss

    The Reality of the Spiritual World: One Man’’s Journey Into and Out of The Abyss

    • 優惠價: 1017
    Healing by Heart: Clinical and Ethical Case Stories of Hmong Familes and Western Providers

    Healing by Heart: Clinical and Ethical Case Stories of Hmong Familes and Western Providers

    • 優惠價: 1998

    Healing by Heart is a book of stories--stories of people s search for culturally responsive health c... more

    Healing by Heart: Clinical and Ethical Case Stories of Hmong Familes and Western Providers

    Healing by Heart: Clinical and Ethical Case Stories of Hmong Familes and Western Providers

    • 優惠價: 4998

    Healing by Heart is a book of stories--stories of people s search for culturally responsive health c... more

    Scientific Controversies: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives

    Scientific Controversies: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives

    • 優惠價: 12600

    Traditionally it has been thought that scientific controversies can always be resolved on the basis ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1080

    全國第一套!EQ心智桌遊與情緒教養書的結合! 父母書中學,小孩玩中學! 情緒管控教得好,對孩子的一生最重要。 結合【兒童行為x腦科學】+【遊戲x教育】+【書籍x桌遊】 ★王宏哲重磅推出《EQ的力量... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 205

    金鼎獎作品【小東西】—俏皮短篇故事集 你的小東西,都是這裡的大主角 媲美安徒生童話,幽默感人集一冊 生活裡,有許許多多的小東西、小事物圍繞著我們。每一天,我們可能依賴著它們、忽略了它們、也可能和它... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1197

    以100% 純正知識為基底,融入獨特的跨領域敘事美學,¬¬ 讓孩子跟在地食材交朋友,發現生活周遭的新奇與美好!¬ 五大特色: ★啟發學習動機:以好奇心為出發點,燃起孩子探索世界的熱情 ... more

    AQ挫折復原力繪本:給孩子的3堂逆境成長必修課 2 (膽小昕只是很小心、小樂,快一點!、彤恩戴口罩了嗎?)

    AQ挫折復原力繪本:給孩子的3堂逆境成長必修課 2 (膽小昕只是很小心、小樂,快一點!、彤恩戴口罩了嗎?)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 864

    《安心國小》系列作者岑澎維暖心繪本系列重磅回歸! AQ繪本系列,培養孩子的挫折復原力! 讓孩子不怕挫折不怕難,蛻變成更勇敢的人! 最懂孩子的老師作家,透過三個好故事,養出高AQ 讓孩子勇敢做自己.... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 1080

    透過跨領域閱讀,輕鬆學素養! 一套滿足孩子探索渴望的知識百科 為什麼要讀這套書? ‧深入專業領域,讓學習更扎實 ‧精美內頁介紹,提升美感教育 ‧由淺入深接觸,養成學習習慣 系列特色 ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 306

    臺灣第一本「各個實驗室大解密」科普知識書! 工研院X幼獅少年 帶你一探工研院實驗室裡的祕密! 如何培養孩子的「科技力」與「科學力」,是臺灣目前教育現場極為重視的課程領域之一,不只希望孩子熟... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    ▎噹噹噹~小天下【知識繪本】來了! 不只是新奇有趣的知識書,還是美不勝收的繪本。 以100%的純正知識原汁為基底,融入獨特的跨領域敘事美學, 交織成孩子第一套兼具美感與知識的輕科普書。 ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    好苦啊!好苦啊! 明明是美好的早晨,檸檬小弟卻一直叫苦,鳳梨班長的爆炸頭也被苦味薰得垂了下來。仔細找一找,苦味是從黑漆漆的雜貨店傳出來,那是苦瓜奶奶的雜貨店。三個蔬果小精靈捏著鼻子、鼓起勇氣一探究... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 306

    工研院X幼獅少年 直擊科學家的實驗室 精采揭密Part2! 無人車為什麼能自動駕駛? 未來的機器人和以前的機器人有什麼不一樣? 手機、筆電必備的鋰電池要怎麼防止爆炸? 新型細菌病毒... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    AQ繪本,培養孩子的挫折復原力! 一個好的故事,為你召喚全宇宙的勇氣、信心與力量! 讓孩子勇敢做自己.逆境中不忘正念.從堅定的信念萌生力量 小昕跑得快、跳得高、嗓門大,卻是班上同學口中的「膽小昕」... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 710

    不傳統的傳統節慶故事, 跟著十二種動物好朋友們一起進入動物村莊,參加新奇有趣的節慶派對! 大家都知道過年要發紅包、貼春聯;清明節掃墓祭祖;端午吃粽子、划龍舟;中秋節賞月、吃月餅......不... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    透過跨領域閱讀,輕鬆學素養! 一套滿足孩子探索渴望的知識百科 從城市的誕生到錢的流通, 廣告大躍進, 新聞時時都在發生, 帶你掌握觀察力、培養分析力, 了解人說謊的原因, ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    跟著紅色、黃色、藍色,一起隨音樂起舞,世界真的變不一樣了…… 獻給每一個富有想像力、內心也住著超級英雄的讀者,相信藝術的力量! 那幅畫好像開了一扇門,世界因此看起來不一樣了! 萊納斯每兩個... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    透過跨領域閱讀,輕鬆學素養! 一套滿足孩子探索渴望的知識百科 為什麼要讀這套書? ‧深入專業領域,讓學習更扎實 ‧精美內頁介紹,提升美感教育 ‧由淺入深接觸,養成學習習慣 透過跨領... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    透過跨領域閱讀,輕鬆學素養! 一套滿足孩子探索渴望的知識百科 為什麼要讀這套書? ‧深入專業領域,讓學習更扎實 ‧精美內頁介紹,提升美感教育 ‧由淺入深接觸,養成學習習慣 透過跨領... more

    Fins, Feathers, and Fuzz

    Fins, Feathers, and Fuzz

    • 優惠價: 825

    Come and meet Fins, Feathers, and Fuzz and journey with them into the forest where they will encount... more

    The Love They Could Not Share

    The Love They Could Not Share

    • 優惠價: 1319

    An American soldier, David Scarborough, after the Fall of Bataan, escaped from the Death March and j... more

    The Adventures of Dandylion and Coppersmith: War!

    The Adventures of Dandylion and Coppersmith: War!

    • 優惠價: 550

    What Would You Do If Your Best Friend Was in Trouble? Dandylion is home! The kingdom has been handed... more

    AQ挫折復原力繪本:膽小昕只是很小心 (電子書)

    AQ挫折復原力繪本:膽小昕只是很小心 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 240

    AQ繪本,培養孩子的挫折復原力! 一個好的故事,為你召喚全宇宙的勇氣、信心與力量! 讓孩子勇敢做自己.逆境中不忘正念.從堅定的信念萌生力量 小昕跑得快、跳得高、嗓門大,卻是班上同學口中的「膽小昕」... more

    勇闖工研院實驗室1:生活科技的祕密基地 (電子書)

    勇闖工研院實驗室1:生活科技的祕密基地 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 238

    臺灣第一本「各個實驗室大解密」科普知識書! 工研院X幼獅少年 帶你一探工研院實驗室裡的祕密! 如何培養孩子的「科技力」與「科學力」,是臺灣目前教育現場極為重視的課程領域之一,不只希望孩子熟... more

    第59街的畫家 (電子書)

    第59街的畫家 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 240

    跟著紅色、黃色、藍色,一起隨音樂起舞,世界真的變不一樣了…… 獻給每一個富有想像力、內心也住著超級英雄的讀者,相信藝術的力量! 那幅畫好像開了一扇門,世界因此看起來不一樣了! 萊納斯每兩個... more



    • 優惠價: 715

    Al final de este libro hay un glosario donde la autora ha recogido todas las palabras y nombres que ... more

    Light up 2022!點亮2022小光點掛曆

    Light up 2022!點亮2022小光點掛曆

    • 優惠價: 350

    呢? 集結第45屆金鼎獎得主、眾多波隆那插畫大展入選插畫家,一次珍藏包含貓魚、Tai Pera、Poca、吳宜庭、林廉恩、張筱琦……等12位超人氣繪本插畫家的插畫作品,喜愛插畫、繪本、喜愛原創作品的朋友,怎麼能錯過全新的小光點插畫月曆...... more

    Big Data for Big Decisions: Building a Data-Driven Organization

    Big Data for Big Decisions: Building a Data-Driven Organization

    • 優惠價: 8400

    Building a data-driven organization (DDO) is an enterprise-wide initiative that may consume and lock... more

    The Scandal of the Century, and Other Writings

    The Scandal of the Century, and Other Writings

    • 優惠價: 1138
    The Scandal of the Century, and Other Writings

    The Scandal of the Century, and Other Writings

    • 優惠價: 1328
    The Scandal of the Century, and Other Writings Lib/E

    The Scandal of the Century, and Other Writings Lib/E

    • 優惠價: 3800
    The Beginner Witch: A Complete Guide on Symbols, Herbal Magic, and Witchcraft Beliefs

    The Beginner Witch: A Complete Guide on Symbols, Herbal Magic, and Witchcraft Beliefs

    • 優惠價: 834
    A Bathroom Book for People Not Pooping or Peeing But Using the Bathroom as an Escape

    A Bathroom Book for People Not Pooping or Peeing But Using the Bathroom as an Escape

    • 優惠價: 760
    The Scandal of the Century: And Other Writings

    The Scandal of the Century: And Other Writings

    • 優惠價: 1258

    The articles and columns in The Scandal of the Century demonstrate that his forthright, lightly iron... more

    El escándalo del siglo / The Scandal of the Century: Textos en prensa y revistas (1950-1984) / Selected Journalistic Writings (1

    El escándalo del siglo / The Scandal of the Century: Textos en prensa y revistas (1950-1984) / Selected Journalistic Writings (1

    • 優惠價: 986

    mundo est en el coraz n de la obra del premio Nobel colombiano. Con edici n a cargo de Crist bal Pera y pr logo de Jon Lee...... more

    Hubert De Givenchy

    Hubert De Givenchy

    • 優惠價: 3230
    Electrochemical Components

    Electrochemical Components

    • 優惠價: 10677

    This book focuses on the methods of storage commonly used in hybrid systems. After an introductory c... more

    Stem Cells in Reproductive Medicine: Basic Science and Therapeutic Potential

    Stem Cells in Reproductive Medicine: Basic Science and Therapeutic Potential

    • 優惠價: 5434

    Stem cell science has the potential to impact human reproductive medicine significantly - cutting ed... more

    Por Una Cabeza: Grade Level: 4 (Medium Difficult)

    Por Una Cabeza: Grade Level: 4 (Medium Difficult)

    • 優惠價: 722

    This arrangement is based on the version from The Tango Project. It was originally written for three... more

    Columbus Bridge Protocol: Surgical and Prosthetic Guidelines for an Immediately Loaded, Implant-supported Prosthesis in the Eden

    Columbus Bridge Protocol: Surgical and Prosthetic Guidelines for an Immediately Loaded, Implant-supported Prosthesis in the Eden

    • 優惠價: 16800

    Founded on the same principles as the Novum Protocol, the Columbus Bridge Protocol provides for the ... more

    Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?: Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder

    Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?: Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder

    • 優惠價: 1140

    in a mentally restless state. Meticulously researched by award-winning journalist Gina Pera, Is It You, Me, or Adult...... more

    Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?: Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder, Library Editi

    Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?: Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder, Library Editi

    • 優惠價: 3648
    Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?: Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder

    Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?: Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder

    • 優惠價: 1710

    in a mentally restless state. Meticulously researched by award-winning journalist Gina Pera, Is It You, Me, or Adult...... more

    Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians: The Religious Roots of Free Societies

    Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians: The Religious Roots of Free Societies

    • 優惠價: 910

    the best antidote to the crisis and decline of the West. Pera proposes that we should call ourselves Christians if we want...... more

    Waldeyer Anatomie Des Menschen

    Waldeyer Anatomie Des Menschen

    • 優惠價: 4256
    Life As We Show It: Writing on Film

    Life As We Show It: Writing on Film

    • 優惠價: 720

    Feminist critic and award-winning fiction writer Masha Tupitsyn and filmmaker/writer Brian Pera edit this dynamic collection of...... more

    Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?: Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder

    Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?: Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder

    • 優惠價: 834
    Medizinischer Wortschatz: Terminologie Kompakt

    Medizinischer Wortschatz: Terminologie Kompakt

    • 優惠價: 570



    • 4.17-4.30愛媽折學 寵愛美好生活|母親節獨家商品3折起