

    您輸入的關鍵字: William Christie


    搜尋結果共 38 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    The American Indian Frontier

    The American Indian Frontier

    • 優惠價: 3462

    The American Indian Frontier by William Christie Macleod is a comprehensive historical account of the interactions...... more

    Richard Wright and the Library Card

    Richard Wright and the Library Card

    • 優惠價: 416

    writers, the author of Native Son and Black Boy. This book is the third in a series of biographies by William Miller...... more

    Stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell: Astraea Redux; Annus Mirabilis; Absalom and Achitophel; Rel

    Stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell: Astraea Redux; Annus Mirabilis; Absalom and Achitophel; Rel

    • 優惠價: 1372

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell: Astraea Redux; Annus Mirabilis; Absalom and Achitophel; Rel

    Stanzas on the Death of Oliver Cromwell: Astraea Redux; Annus Mirabilis; Absalom and Achitophel; Rel

    • 優惠價: 2032

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Valentine’s Day Coloring Book: Valentine’s Day Gifts (Happy Valentine’s Day Coloring Book) 100 Pages

    Valentine’s Day Coloring Book: Valentine’s Day Gifts (Happy Valentine’s Day Coloring Book) 100 Pages

    • 優惠價: 425
    Cooking On The Ranch The Ultimate Outdoor Cookbook

    Cooking On The Ranch The Ultimate Outdoor Cookbook

    • 優惠價: 1374

    Outdoor cooking can seem like such a chore, if you are camping or home, dragging all the necessary e... more

    The American Indian Frontier

    The American Indian Frontier

    • 優惠價: 1746
    Bouzignac: Te Deum; Motets / Les Arts Florissants,William Christie(布齊尼亞克 : 感恩讚歌;經文歌)

    Bouzignac: Te Deum; Motets / Les Arts Florissants,William Christie(布齊尼亞克 : 感恩讚歌;經文歌)

    • 優惠價: 359

    《曲目》 1. Ecce Festivitas Amoris 2. Ecce Homo 3. Heu! Unus ex vobis 4. In pace in idipsum 5. Ha! Plang... more

    Lully: Petits Motets / William Christie&Les Arts Florissants(盧利:小經文歌 / 威廉克利斯帝(指揮)繁盛藝術古樂團)

    Lully: Petits Motets / William Christie&Les Arts Florissants(盧利:小經文歌 / 威廉克利斯帝(指揮)繁盛藝術古樂團)

    • 優惠價: 359

    《曲目》 1. Omnes Gentes 2. Regina Coeli 3. O Sapientia 4. Laudate Pueri 5. Salve Regina 6. Exaudi Deus 7. Anima Christi 8...... more

    Richard Wright Y El Carne De Biblioteca / Richard Wright and the Library Card

    Richard Wright Y El Carne De Biblioteca / Richard Wright and the Library Card

    • 優惠價: 644
    William Christie(威廉‧克里斯)

    William Christie(威廉‧克里斯)

    • 優惠價: 309

    指揮「繁榮藝術」樂團 詮釋法、英、義大利17、18世紀音樂。「威廉‧克里斯的天才…讓音樂總能以其表情力量直達人心。」 華納古典新的「音樂家彩繪」系列,擷選了旗下最耀眼古典音樂明星的舊作,多數為這些... more

    Richard Wright and the Library Card

    Richard Wright and the Library Card

    • 優惠價: 954

    As boy in the segregated South, young Richard Wright--now a noted American author--was determined to... more

    Richard Wright y El Carne de

    Richard Wright y El Carne de

    • 優惠價: 493

    This is the true story of the renowned African American author Richard Wright and his determination ... more

    Richard Wright and the Library Card

    Richard Wright and the Library Card

    • 優惠價: 644
    American Indian Frontier

    American Indian Frontier

    • 優惠價: 23500

    Originally published between 1920-1970, The History of Civilization was a landmark in early twentiet... more

    Mozart : Requiem , Ave verum corpus / William Christie / Les Arts Florissant(莫札特:安魂曲、聖體頌 / 克利斯帝(指揮) 繁盛藝術古樂團)

    Mozart : Requiem , Ave verum corpus / William Christie / Les Arts Florissant(莫札特:安魂曲、聖體頌 / 克利斯帝(指揮) 繁盛藝術古樂團)

    • 優惠價: 559

    Nathalie Stutzmann Christoph Pregardien Nathan Berg William Christie / Les Arts Florissants 【得獎榮譽】...... more

    Henry Desmarest : Grands Motets Lorrains / William Christie / Les Arts Florissants(亨利‧德斯馬雷:洛林時期三首大經文歌 / 克利斯帝(指揮)繁盛藝術古樂團)

    Henry Desmarest : Grands Motets Lorrains / William Christie / Les Arts Florissants(亨利‧德斯馬雷:洛林時期三首大經文歌 / 克利斯帝(指揮)繁盛藝術古樂團)

    • 優惠價: 568

    Ockenden Paul Agnew Laurent Slaars Arnaud Marzorati William Christie / Les Arts Florissants 【得獎榮譽】...... more

    William Christie(大鍵琴) / Rameau:Two Harpsichord Suites

    William Christie(大鍵琴) / Rameau:Two Harpsichord Suites

    • 優惠價: 420
    Shakespearean Gothic

    Shakespearean Gothic

    • 優惠價: 480

    This book explores the paradox that the Gothic (today’s werewolves, vampires, and horror movies) owe... more

    Shakespearean Gothic

    Shakespearean Gothic

    • 優惠價: 2100

    As evidenced by the vampires, werewolves, and other frights overrunning the best-seller lists, the G... more

    What Baby Needs

    What Baby Needs

    • 優惠價: 684

    authorities on parenting and childcare, William Sears, M.D., and Martha Sears, R.N., this book clearly explains baby’s needs. The...... more

    Handel : Alcina / Fleming / Graham / Dessay / Christie(韓德爾:歌劇「阿爾奇納」全曲 / 弗萊明(女高音)/ 葛拉罕(次女高音)/ 德賽(女高音)/ 克利斯帝(指揮)繁盛藝術古樂團)

    Handel : Alcina / Fleming / Graham / Dessay / Christie(韓德爾:歌劇「阿爾奇納」全曲 / 弗萊明(女高音)/ 葛拉罕(次女高音)/ 德賽(女高音)/ 克利斯帝(指揮)繁盛藝術古樂團)

    • 優惠價: 959

    所有粉絲必須珍藏的一套錄音!(文 / 井底蛙) Handel - Alcina Renee Fleming Susan Graham Natalie Dessay Kathleen Kuhlmann William Christie...... more

    Charpentier:Le reniement de Saint-Pierre, H.424 / Meditations pour le Careme, H.380-389

    Charpentier:Le reniement de Saint-Pierre, H.424 / Meditations pour le Careme, H.380-389

    • 優惠價: 420
    Purcell:Music for a While、O Solitude

    Purcell:Music for a While、O Solitude

    • 優惠價: 449
    Handel:Concerti Op.6

    Handel:Concerti Op.6

    • 優惠價: 420
    Rameau:Castor & Pollux

    Rameau:Castor & Pollux

    • 優惠價: 420
    Campra:Idomenee (Highlights)

    Campra:Idomenee (Highlights)

    • 優惠價: 420
    Bouzignac:Motets、Te Deum

    Bouzignac:Motets、Te Deum

    • 優惠價: 420
    Dauvergne:Les Troqueurs、Concert de simphonies(達威涅:歌劇《交換伴侶》)

    Dauvergne:Les Troqueurs、Concert de simphonies(達威涅:歌劇《交換伴侶》)

    • 優惠價: 420

    自十七世紀歌劇發展開始,此種融合器樂與聲樂的演出型態一直廣受世人的喜愛,直到十八世紀,音樂史上爆發了著名的「歌劇論戰」,人們疲乏於取材自古希臘神話的「嚴肅歌劇」,而有另一種型態的「詼諧歌劇」出現,內容... more

    Rameau:Castor & Pollux(3CD)

    Rameau:Castor & Pollux(3CD)

    • 優惠價: 1260


    • 優惠價: 1260
    Clerambault:Four Solo Cantatas

    Clerambault:Four Solo Cantatas

    • 優惠價: 420
    Andre Campra:Idomenee(3CD)(安德列亞.康普拉:伊多美尼)

    Andre Campra:Idomenee(3CD)(安德列亞.康普拉:伊多美尼)

    • 優惠價: 1260

    依據古典悲劇故事演變而來:伊達曼德是克里特國王伊多美尼奧斯之子,他深愛著特洛埃公主麗亞,但是卻得依照父王的旨意迎娶意勒克特娜,而國王本人則追求麗亞。再海上遇到危險風暴的時候,伊多美尼奧斯發誓倘若幸運上... more

    C.P.E.Bach:Die Israeliten in der Wuste, Wq 238

    C.P.E.Bach:Die Israeliten in der Wuste, Wq 238

    • 優惠價: 420
    Campra:Cantatas Francaises

    Campra:Cantatas Francaises

    • 優惠價: 420
    Monteclair:Cantatas、La Mort de Didon

    Monteclair:Cantatas、La Mort de Didon

    • 優惠價: 420
    Lully:Atys (Complete Opera)(巴普提斯特.盧利:《阿提斯》(3CD))

    Lully:Atys (Complete Opera)(巴普提斯特.盧利:《阿提斯》(3CD))

    • 優惠價: 1260

    奧維在他的「變形記」中說,女神奇芭雷(Kybale)愛上了俊美、不可親近的少年阿提斯。她讓他永生不死,成為她的祭司。但是當阿提斯遇見美麗的仙女桑佳麗德(Sangaride),慶祝二人結婚的時候,他違背... more

    Charpentier:Deux Oratorios (Caecilia Virgo et Martyr · Filius Prodigus)

    Charpentier:Deux Oratorios (Caecilia Virgo et Martyr · Filius Prodigus)

    • 優惠價: 420



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