
    您輸入的關鍵字: San San


    搜尋結果共 138 筆, 頁數 1 / 3

    Coloniality of Diasporas: Rethinking Intra-Colonial Migrations in a Pan-Caribbean Context. by Yolanda Mart-Nez-San

    Coloniality of Diasporas: Rethinking Intra-Colonial Migrations in a Pan-Caribbean Context. by Yolanda Mart-Nez-San

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Focusing on piracy in the seventeenth century, filibustering in the nineteenth century, intracolonia... more

    Coloniality of Diasporas: Rethinking Intra-Colonial Migrations in a Pan-Caribbean Context. by Yolanda Mart-Nez-San

    Coloniality of Diasporas: Rethinking Intra-Colonial Migrations in a Pan-Caribbean Context. by Yolanda Mart-Nez-San

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Focusing on piracy in the seventeenth century, filibustering in the nineteenth century, intracolonia... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    歷史不等於背誦,更重要的是──思考。 當「網路上找到的事物」被偽裝成知識, 該如何從龐雜且真偽難辨的訊息中抽絲剝繭,找出事實的脈絡? 本書以真實歷史事件為本並佐以史料,引領讀者批判性地重新... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 237

    ► 角 落 迷 必 收!◄ 煩惱疑惑時,就讓角落小夥伴來為你解答吧! 光是望著可愛的角落小夥伴們, 身心就會在不知不覺間逐漸放鬆♪ 當心中有疑惑,想獲得一些指引時, 就可以拿起這本... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 50

    跟著超可愛的角落小夥伴一起環遊世界!清楚表示世界行政區域劃分,讓孩子認識世界各國國名、首都位置及名稱。 本書特色 .認識世界各國地理位置 .認識五大洋地理位置 .超可愛的角落小夥伴插圖... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 240

    ★深受孩子喜愛的《時鐘國王》、《形狀國王》作者立本倫子的數學暢遊橋梁書來嘍! ★精采童話故事+趣味數學謎題+找一找遊戲+熱情有勁主題曲=體驗全新的閱讀模式 ★閱讀力UP!數學力UP!解決問題能力UP!... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 240

    ★深受孩子喜愛的《時鐘國王》、《形狀國王》作者立本倫子的數學暢遊橋梁書來嘍! ★精采童話故事+趣味數學謎題+找一找遊戲+活力十足主題曲=體驗全新的閱讀模式 ★閱讀力UP!數學力UP!解決問題能力UP!... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 234

    中文字的世界千變萬化,許多的字既可以單獨存在,當兩個或更多字拼在一起之後,還能出現更多的文字。「穿上『披風』,爬上『山坡』,山頂的蘆葦像『波浪』」。你發現了嗎?只要將「皮」和不同部首拼在一起,就會出現... more

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 7

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 7

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    收錄2020新繪插圖的貼紙335張以上與2張明信片。 內含7個主題:角落小夥伴咖啡店的草莓季、炸物小夥伴的派對、角落小夥伴與水獺的露營、粉圓主題樂園、鼴鼠的家、角落小夥伴大福、角落小小夥伴包子。 ... more

    「第一次王國」全套3冊: 1.走音國王的演唱會+2.超多草莓的盛宴+3.一日動物園驚魂(立本倫子的數學唱遊橋梁書)

    「第一次王國」全套3冊: 1.走音國王的演唱會+2.超多草莓的盛宴+3.一日動物園驚魂(立本倫子的數學唱遊橋梁書)

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 633

    讀童話故事X解數學謎題X唱歡樂主題曲 體驗全新的閱讀模式,提升孩子的數理認知! ★暢銷繪本《時鐘國王》、《形狀國王》作者立本倫子最新力作數學唱遊橋梁書! ★精采童話故事+趣味數學謎題+找一找遊... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 450

    讓角落小夥伴陪你一起查字典吧!可愛又療癒的角落小夥伴就躲在字典的字裡行間,讓查字典這件事更添樂趣。 本辭典收錄近六千字,字形、字音以教育部公布的「國字標準字體」、「國語一字多音審訂表」及「常用國字... more

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 6

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 6

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    收錄新繪插圖的貼紙335張以上的貼紙書。 內含四個主題:遇見貓咪兄弟、角落小夥伴與海洋朋友、角落小夥伴的烘培教室、角落小夥伴的睡衣派對。 最受歡迎的角落小夥伴化身貼紙書陪粉絲一起玩! .全世... more

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 2

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 2

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    大受好評的貼紙書第2彈! 收錄大量新繪插圖。盡情使用角落小夥伴貼紙吧! 最受歡迎的角落小夥伴化身貼紙書陪粉絲一起玩! .全世界都愛的角落小夥伴,吸引粉絲創作發想。 .啟發粉絲新的構思能力、... more

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 1

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 1

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    角落小夥伴第1本貼紙書! 內含335張大量可愛貼紙與兩枚明信片。 最受歡迎的角落小夥伴化身貼紙書陪粉絲一起玩! .全世界都愛的角落小夥伴,吸引粉絲創作發想。 .啟發粉絲新的構思能力、自發性... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    ★深受孩子喜愛的《時鐘國王》、《形狀國王》作者立本倫子最新力作! ★數學唱遊橋梁書「第一次王國」系列第3彈又來嘍! ★精采童話故事+趣味數學謎題+找一找遊戲+動物知識補給站+舞力全開主題曲=體... more

    角落小夥伴 解謎BOOK

    角落小夥伴 解謎BOOK

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    這本書有很多和角落小夥伴 相關知識的選擇題♪ 例如:角落小夥伴的個性是? 特技是?喜歡什麼? 做完整本100道選擇題後, 保證會更加深入了解充滿個性的角落小夥伴哦! Q:角落小... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    一起來認識溫暖又療癒的角落小夥伴吧!先看看每個角色的介紹,再拿出專用的刮畫筆沿著線條刮出可愛的角落小夥伴,還可以在空白處自由創作。再來看看角落小夥伴們和樂融融的家居生活,不用擔心自己對刮畫不上手,只要... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    讓角落小夥伴陪你一起查字典吧!可愛又療癒的角落小夥伴就躲在字典的字裡行間,讓查字典這件事更添樂趣。本辭典收錄近六千字,字形、字音以教育部公布的「國字標準字體」、「國語一字多音審訂表」及「常用國字標準字... more

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 3

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 3

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    角落小夥伴貼紙書第3彈! 本次是新的主題,與角落小夥伴們同樂吧! 最受歡迎的角落小夥伴化身貼紙書陪粉絲一起玩! .全世界都愛的角落小夥伴,吸引粉絲創作發想。 .啟發粉絲新的構思能力、自發性... more

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 5

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 5

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    以炸蝦尾和白熊為主題! 同樣附有大量可愛貼紙的角落小夥伴貼紙書第5彈。 收錄新繪插圖的貼紙共335張以上。 最受歡迎的角落小夥伴化身貼紙書陪粉絲一起玩! .全世界都愛的角落小夥伴,吸引粉絲創... more

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 4

    角落小夥伴 可愛又好玩貼紙BOOK 4

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    角落小夥伴貼紙書第4彈! 內含新的主題與以四季為題的貼紙,收錄大量新圖! 最受歡迎的角落小夥伴化身貼紙書陪粉絲一起玩! .全世界都愛的角落小夥伴,吸引粉絲創作發想。 .啟發粉絲新的構思能... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 135

    可愛又療癒的角落小夥伴陪孩子一起玩拼圖!ㄅㄆㄇ三層多功能學習拼圖,共有三種圖形,是為孩子而研發的趣味拼圖,更是世一的獨家專利商品,不僅可以增強孩子對於圖形部分與整體的概念,還能在拼圖的過程中培養孩子的... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    快來和溫暖又療癒的角落小夥伴一起野餐吧!拿出專用的刮畫筆沿著線條刮出可愛的角落小夥伴,還可以在空白處自由創作。再來看看角落小夥伴們輕鬆自在的野餐時光,不用擔心自己對刮畫不上手,只要照著線條刮就大功告成... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 135

    覺得3X3魔術方塊太難了?沒關係,讓可愛又療癒的角落小夥伴2X2魔術方塊帶給孩子不同的體驗,降低了複雜度,趣味性卻不減少!孩子在腦力激盪的過程中,可以培養記憶力、空間能力、邏輯思維,更能增進耐心與手眼... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 135

    可愛又療癒的角落小夥伴陪孩子一起玩拼圖!ABC三層多功能學習拼圖,共有三 層圖形,是為孩子而研發的趣味拼圖,也是世一的獨家專利商品,不僅可以增強孩子對於圖形部分與整體的概念,還能在拼圖的過程中培養孩子... more

    蓬鬆又可愛 角落小夥伴羊毛氈 PART 1 白熊・裹布・企鵝?

    蓬鬆又可愛 角落小夥伴羊毛氈 PART 1 白熊・裹布・企鵝?

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 675

    超簡單! 即使是第一次嘗試羊毛氈也沒問題! 只要刺一刺、戳一戳, 就能製作可愛的角落小夥伴。 書中除了正面,還有側面和後面的實物大小型紙, 製作時只要對齊型紙 也能把形狀戳刺... more

    蓬鬆又可愛 角落小夥伴羊毛氈 PART 2 蜥蜴・炸豬排・貓

    蓬鬆又可愛 角落小夥伴羊毛氈 PART 2 蜥蜴・炸豬排・貓

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 765

    超簡單! 即使是第一次嘗試羊毛氈也沒問題! 只要刺一刺、戳一戳, 就能製作可愛的角落小夥伴。 書中除了正面,還有側面和後面的實物大小型紙, 製作時只要對齊型紙 也能把形狀戳刺... more

    角落小夥伴糖霜點心BOOK 豪華版

    角落小夥伴糖霜點心BOOK 豪華版

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 522

    ★「角落小夥伴點心壓花模組」: 「白熊+裹布」壓花模+切模1組 「企鵝?+粉圓」壓花模+切模1組 「炸豬排+炸蝦尾」壓花模+切模1組 「貓+雜草」壓花模+切模1組 「蜥蜴+偽蝸牛」... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 135

    可愛又療癒的角落小夥伴陪孩子一起玩拼圖!本產品為三層式的拼圖,具有多種功能,是世一的獨家專利商品。不僅可增強孩子對於圖形部分與整體的概念,還能在拼圖的過程中培養孩子的耐心及專注力。透過圖像的聯想、記憶... more

    Facing the calamity: a step through hurts and hardship and look beyond for generations to come

    Facing the calamity: a step through hurts and hardship and look beyond for generations to come

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 285

    陳欽生(1949-),生於馬來西亞 1967年以僑生身分來臺,就讀國立成功大學化學工程系。 1971年因台南美國新聞處爆炸案被捕,卻以叛亂案獲判12年刑期。 1983年出獄,但被禁止返回馬... more

    State, Political Power and Criminality in Civil War

    State, Political Power and Criminality in Civil War

    • 優惠價: 7150

    This book revisits and reframes the old, but active, debate on the relationship between criminality ... more

    Ethics of Charitable Food: Dilemmas for Policy and Practice

    Ethics of Charitable Food: Dilemmas for Policy and Practice

    • 優惠價: 7799

    This book provides an in-depth analysis of different dimensions of contemporary food charity. It doe... more

    Humble Confidence: A Model for Interfaith Apologetics

    Humble Confidence: A Model for Interfaith Apologetics

    • 優惠價: 1920

    interreligious dialogue. We must listen and speak with both humility and confidence. Benno van den Toren and Kang-San Tan provide a...... more

    Made-To-Measure Future(s) for Democracy?: Views from the Basque Atalaia

    Made-To-Measure Future(s) for Democracy?: Views from the Basque Atalaia

    • 優惠價: 2999

    This open access volume analyses the development of democracy at different levels of governance (fro... more

    Made-To-Measure Future(s) for Democracy?: Views from the Basque Atalaia

    Made-To-Measure Future(s) for Democracy?: Views from the Basque Atalaia

    • 優惠價: 3599

    This open access volume analyses the development of democracy at different levels of governance (fro... more

    Nennius und Gildas: Herausg

    Nennius und Gildas: Herausg

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Nennius und Gildas: Herausg

    Nennius und Gildas: Herausg

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Drugs and human trafficking

    Drugs and human trafficking

    • 優惠價: 2365

    The work deals with transnational organized crime with its corollaries but especially its magnitude;... more

    The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin America and the Caribbean (1492-1898)

    The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin America and the Caribbean (1492-1898)

    • 優惠價: 2364

    The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin America and the Caribbean (1492-1898) bri... more

    Fundamental Rights Challenges: Horizontal Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Margin of National Appreciation

    Fundamental Rights Challenges: Horizontal Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Margin of National Appreciation

    • 優惠價: 7799

    System by Cristina Izquierdo-Sans.- A Silent Revolution. Property and Free Enterprise Before the Spanish Constitutional Court...... more

    Ethics of Charitable Food: Dilemmas for Policy and Practice

    Ethics of Charitable Food: Dilemmas for Policy and Practice

    • 優惠價: 7799

    This book provides an in-depth analysis of different dimensions of contemporary food charity. It doe... more

    角落小夥伴 解謎BOOK (電子書)

    角落小夥伴 解謎BOOK (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 210

    這本書有很多和角落小夥伴 相關知識的選擇題♪ 例如:角落小夥伴的個性是? 特技是?喜歡什麼? 做完整本100道選擇題後, 保證會更加深入了解充滿個性的角落小夥伴哦! Q:角落小... more

    Fundamental Rights Challenges: Horizontal Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Margin of National Appreciation

    Fundamental Rights Challenges: Horizontal Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Margin of National Appreciation

    • 優惠價: 9599

    System by Cristina Izquierdo-Sans.- A Silent Revolution. Property and Free Enterprise Before the Spanish Constitutional Court...... more

    Handbook on Ethics in Finance

    Handbook on Ethics in Finance

    • 優惠價: 26999

    This handbook examines ethics in finance responses to the main challenges in finance, accounting and... more

    Medical Statistics: A Practical Approach

    Medical Statistics: A Practical Approach

    • 優惠價: 3480

    This book is suitable to be used as a textbook for all levels of students in medical school. It is a... more

    Medical Statistics: A Practical Approach

    Medical Statistics: A Practical Approach

    • 優惠價: 7080

    This book is suitable to be used as a textbook for all levels of students in medical school. It is a... more

    The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin America and the Caribbean (1492-1898)

    The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin America and the Caribbean (1492-1898)

    • 優惠價: 11000

    The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin America and the Caribbean (1492-1898) bri... more

    Die Sagen von Merlin

    Die Sagen von Merlin

    • 優惠價: 2470
    The McGonagall Zone: Unproducible Plays, Doggerel Poetry, Absurd Tales, and Nonsense Drawings, mostly unfinished and incompleat

    The McGonagall Zone: Unproducible Plays, Doggerel Poetry, Absurd Tales, and Nonsense Drawings, mostly unfinished and incompleat

    • 優惠價: 547
    Problems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry

    Problems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry

    • 優惠價: 7200

    This book consists of over 422 problems and their acceptable answers on structural inorganic chemist... more

    Problems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry

    Problems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry

    • 優惠價: 3720

    This book consists of over 422 problems and their acceptable answers on structural inorganic chemist... more

    Colloquial Burmese: The Complete Course for Beginners

    Colloquial Burmese: The Complete Course for Beginners

    • 優惠價: 7425

    Colloquial Burmese provides a step-by-step course in Burmese as it is written and spoken today. Comb... more

    Critical Terms in Caribbean and Latin American Thought: Historical and Institutional Trajectories

    Critical Terms in Caribbean and Latin American Thought: Historical and Institutional Trajectories

    • 優惠價: 2279

    Through a collection of critical essays, this work explores twelve keywords central in Latin America... more

    Reflections: Poems from a Regular Dude!

    Reflections: Poems from a Regular Dude!

    • 優惠價: 1140
    Reflections: Poems from a Regular Dude!

    Reflections: Poems from a Regular Dude!

    • 優惠價: 760
    Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses Part B

    Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses Part B

    • 優惠價: 11940

    Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses, Part B presents a collection of methods for the ... more

    Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses

    Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses

    • 優惠價: 11940

    Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses, Part A, presents a collection of methods for the... more

    States in Disguise: Causes of State Support for Rebel Groups

    States in Disguise: Causes of State Support for Rebel Groups

    • 優惠價: 3180

    San-Akca builds a rigorous theoretical framework within which to study the complex and fluid network of relationships between...... more

    Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing 2016: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing (Qlsc2016) Held a

    Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing 2016: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing (Qlsc2016) Held a

    • 優惠價: 13199

    This book is the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Quantitative Logic and Soft C... more

    Gambling Dynamism: The Macao Miracle

    Gambling Dynamism: The Macao Miracle

    • 優惠價: 6599


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